Gaia Arising book! Be a bestselling author & TV Show guest: get your message global, boost your credibility, expand your audience, and promote your business!
Gaia Arising book! Be a bestselling author & TV Show guest: get your message global, boost your credibility, expand your audience, and promote your business!
The three-day fire festival of Tamala brings to an end the Mysteries of Life season, celebrating the most mysterious of those mysteries: the mystery of death.
Reminders of death – memento mori – are seen in carved lanterns, sugar skull candy, and dangling skeletons and ghosts, though the atmosphere of the festival is notably upbeat and even exciting.
Read about the inner meaning of Tamala
The three-day fire festival of Tamala brings to an end the Mysteries of Life season, celebrating the most mysterious of those mysteries: the mystery of death.
Reminders of death – memento mori – are seen in carved lanterns, sugar skull candy, and dangling skeletons and ghosts, though the atmosphere of the festival is notably upbeat and even exciting.
Read about the inner meaning of Tamala
Cuivanya, the Autumn Equinox festival, celebrates our Mother God as the Ground of All Being and the Creatrix of the World. As a Harvest Festival, it celebrates abundance of life — life as it comes to fruition and completion. One of its particular symbols is the apple.
Read about the inner meaning of the Feast of Divine Life
Cuivanya, the Autumn Equinox festival, celebrates our Mother God as the Ground of All Being and the Creatrix of the World. As a Harvest Festival, it celebrates abundance of life — life as it comes to fruition and completion. One of its particular symbols is the apple.
Read about the inner meaning of the Feast of Divine Life
VIP Bust the Blocks entrepreneurs programme... especially for entrepreneurs, professionals, executives, coaches, healers, and heart-centered business and career people...
VIP Bust the Blocks entrepreneurs programme... especially for entrepreneurs, professionals, executives, coaches, healers, and heart-centered business and career people...
erin Dragonsong interview (audio) on NCKaballah Radio, discussing Wicca, the Goddess, & the Modern World, Nature Religions, Mother Earth as Teacher, Why i got out of Christianity...
erin Dragonsong interview (audio) on NCKaballah Radio, discussing Wicca, the Goddess, & the Modern World, Nature Religions, Mother Earth as Teacher, Why i got out of Christianity...
The festival of high summer, Chelanya, is the festival of regeneration, symbolized by the grain harvest. Golden sunlight is poured into life-giving crops, the first fruit of Our Mother's bounty for the first feast of the Mysteries of Life.
The image here shows Chicomecoatl, the Aztec Corn Mother.
Read more about Chelanya, the Golden Festival
The festival of high summer, Chelanya, is the festival of regeneration, symbolized by the grain harvest. Golden sunlight is poured into life-giving crops, the first fruit of Our Mother's bounty for the first feast of the Mysteries of Life.
The image here shows Chicomecoatl, the Aztec Corn Mother.
Read more about Chelanya, the Golden Festival
Rosa Mundi is the Summer Solstice Festival of Our Mother God.
The festival celebrates the ascent of maid to Heaven. Since Heaven is not only "upward" but "inward", the journey prefigured in the Rosa Mundi festival is also into "the innermost temple of your heart, whose form is the form of a rose".
Read more about Rosa Mundi
Rosa Mundi is the Summer Solstice Festival of Our Mother God.
The festival celebrates the ascent of maid to Heaven. Since Heaven is not only "upward" but "inward", the journey prefigured in the Rosa Mundi festival is also into "the innermost temple of your heart, whose form is the form of a rose".
Read more about Rosa Mundi
May Day is the Festival of the Queen of Heaven, celebrated with flowers and dancing and the coronation of the Queen of the May.
Queen of Heaven is an ancient title reflecting an archetypal reality that the human heart readily responds to. The image here is the Chinese Queen of Heaven, Mazu, who has statues and temples all over the world.
Read all about May Day
May Day is the Festival of the Queen of Heaven, celebrated with flowers and dancing and the coronation of the Queen of the May.
Queen of Heaven is an ancient title reflecting an archetypal reality that the human heart readily responds to. The image here is the Chinese Queen of Heaven, Mazu, who has statues and temples all over the world.
Read all about May Day
The Easter season covers the end of the year and the beginning of the new year – death and life, loss and restoration, sorrow and joy.
The Divine Maid dies on the Pillar of the World and the world she sustains begins to die too. This is expressed in a poignant Easter Hymn.
She is restored to life by the tears of Her Mother and Her return brings all nature back to life and restores the world.
Read All about Easter.
The Easter season covers the end of the year and the beginning of the new year – death and life, loss and restoration, sorrow and joy.
The Divine Maid dies on the Pillar of the World and the world she sustains begins to die too. This is expressed in a poignant Easter Hymn.
She is restored to life by the tears of Her Mother and Her return brings all nature back to life and restores the world.
Read All about Easter.
Your positive affirmations, magickal intentions & incantations, will manifest MUCH faster when you charge them up with spiritual juice and creational power...
Your positive affirmations, magickal intentions & incantations, will manifest MUCH faster when you charge them up with spiritual juice and creational power...