Category Archives: Demeter

Isis & Epona?

Epona on a horse carrying a basket of abundance

Well, this one is new to me.

And I always love, love, love it when I find out something new about Isis.

I found this ‘something new’ in an article about connections between Isis and the Celtic Horse Goddess Epona in Apuleius’ ancient tale known as The Golden Ass. (This is the one that has a fictionalized account of initiation into the Mysteries of Isis in the Greco-Roman world.) And I thought I’d share some of these possibilities with you.

A lovely Epona in ‘Lady of the Beasts’ pose in Roman garb

Now I’m going to say right up front, I think the connections are fairly tenuous. Nonetheless, a professor of Classics (Jeffrey Winkle) wrote a whole article about it, so for me, it’s decidedly interesting enough to look into. What I think it boils down to is that many of the soldiers in the Roman Cavalry had a devotion to Isis—particularly as Isis-Fortuna and Isis the Savior because they were soldiers—and to the Goddess Epona—because they were in the cavalry and horses were vital to them. Very often, as we may experience in our own devotions, Deities can come together in our minds and hearts as we worship Them.

Epona with Her many horses

Now, a note for those of you who have a devotion to Epona. I don’t know much about Her—and certainly not on an experiential level as you know Her—but I do understand that She is more than “just a horse Goddess.” All Deities are more than Their short-form definitions. More broadly, Epona the Great Mare, is a Goddess of Abundance and Her images often include cornucopias, sheaves of grain, along with newborn foals. Thus, like Isis, a couple other short-form definitions for Epona are Goddess of Fertility and Mother Goddess (She is often shown with the Matres).

Demeter with Areion

There is another fertility and motherly Goddess Who is a great mare: Demeter. One tale says that as Demeter is searching for Her daughter, Poseidon (short-form: Sea God, Earthquake God, and Horse God) becomes sexually obsessed with Her. She turns Herself into a great mare in an attempt to hide from Him, but He transforms into a great stallion and succeeds in raping the Goddess in this form. As a consequence, Demeter (now with the epithet Erinyes, “Fury”) gives birth to Areion, an immortal and heroic horse. Pausanias tells us of a sacred image of Demeter in Arcadia made with the head and hair of a horse. We already know how closely connected Isis and Demeter came to be in the Hellenic world; parts of Their myths become indistinguishable. An important Egyptian Goddess later syncretized with Isis, Hathor, is specifically called Mistress of Horses at Her temple at Denderah.

In addition to being Fertility and Mother Goddesses, Epona and Isis (as well as Hathor and Demeter for that matter) also share an underworld connection. Epona sometimes carries a Hekate-like key to the underworld and She and Her horses can serve as psychopomps leading the souls of the dead into the afterlife. If you’ve been reading this blog, I certainly don’t have to tell you about Isis’ care for, protection of, and guiding of the dead.

Isis Fortuna, with Her sistrum, and (possibly) Harpokrates riding a horse approaching

So, the slim threads of connection are there. Still, we don’t find images of Isis with a horse’s head, or in the form of a horse, or even riding a horse as we do Epona. The horse does make an appearance in Plutarch’s telling of the Isis and Osiris tale. When asked by Osiris which animal He thinks is the most useful for a soldier, Isis’ son Horus names the horse. And we do find late images of Horus, particularly as Harpokrates, riding on a horse. Isis Herself can also be broadly connected with the ass since it is one of the forms of Isis’ sibling Set. And hey, there is a modern racehorse named Isis, so there’s that.

A grown Hapokrates riding a horse and subduing a crocodile

Isis is further connected with the ass in Apuleius’ tale. And this is where the article I’m reading comes in. If you’re familiar with the story, you’ll know that the protagonist, Lucius, is accidentally turned into an ass by irresponsibly playing around with magic. Most of the story is about Lucius’ trials and tribulations as an ass. The denouement of the story is in its last book (we’d call it a chapter) when Lucius prays to the Moon Goddess for help and is answered by Queen Isis, Who is All Goddesses. She saves him from his asinine state, returning him to human form. He becomes initiated in Her Mysteries and is devoted to Her for the rest of his life.

Lucius has become an ass

It’s in all the books leading up to Lucius’ salvation by Isis that our professor looks for connections between Epona and Isis. Since Epona is protectress not only of horses, but of ponies (a small horse, not a young horse), mules (crossbreed of a horse and a donkey), donkeys (a domestic ass), and asses (a wild donkey), the ass-formed Lucius would easily come under Her purview. So what hints of Isis can we find in these other books?

Lucius transforming into an ass

In the very first line of the story, Lucius invites the reader to enjoy the tale as long as they “don’t object to reading Egyptian papyri, inscribed by a sly reed from the Nile.” As you might guess, this leads some researchers to scent a foreshadowing of Isis from the very start. Others have seen hints in the names of the Thessalian witches in one of the episodes in the story. They are Meroe and Panthia. Meroe is a Nubian city in which Isis was prominent and Panthia is close to Panthea, All Divine or All Goddess, a common epithet of Isis. But if they are supposed to hint at Isis, it must be as Her opposites, for the witches here are not the good guys.

Yet another researcher sees a prefiguration of Isis in the decorations of Lucius’ aunt’s home. The home’s atrium includes a statue of “a palm-bearing goddess, wings outspread” in each corner. Isis is indeed both winged and associated with the palm. Furthermore, we get Egyptian characters throughout the tale. In yet another episode, an Egyptian priest successfully raises a dead man to enable him to identify his murderer.

A female figure on horse between two lares; is She Isis-Epona?

We first meet Epona once Lucius has been magically turned into an ass. Her sacred image is in the stable where Lucius spends the night awaiting the roses that will restore his humanity. Then he notices that Epona’s image is adorned with garlands of roses—exactly what he needs. Just as he is trying to reach them, a stable hand comes in and stops the uppity ass from toppling Epona’s image. A moment later, robbers break into the stable, steal the animals…and so Lucius’ adventures as an ass begin.

A drawing of the same image so you can see it more clearly; I think the figure riding sidesaddle on the donkey is carrying a child in Her arms, strengthening the Isis connection

Here we do have a parallel between Epona and Isis. Both Goddesses offer salvation with the aid of magically needful roses, which can be associated with both of Them. Lucius is foiled before he can eat the roses of restoration that adorn the image of Epona. It is only after many trials that Lucius finds Isis and She succeeds in providing the roses that enable him to become human once more. But should we take this as an equation of Epona and Isis? I don’t think so; yet we can know that Goddesses or THE Goddess is the means to Lucius’ salvation. The article aptly describes Lucius’ meeting with the two Goddesses as “bookending” his experiences. Lucius finds Epona just after he is transformed into an ass and he finds Isis before he can become human once more.

We do have an ancient text that specifically connects Isis and Epona—and with asses. It is from an early Christian making fun of the Pagan religions, so the remark is offensive. But the point isn’t the snark; it’s that he mentions both Goddesses in the same breath and connects both with asses. Here’s the quote:

Who is so stupid as to worship this kind of thing? Who is even more stupid so as to believe such a thing is worshiped? Unless, of course, you consecrate and decorate all the asses in your stables along with your—or rather their own—Epona and you reverently do the same to all your asses with Isis.

Minucius Felix, in Octavius

From Pompeii, we have a couple of frescos linking Isis and Epona. One of them (shown above), from a stable, shows a female figure riding a horse or donkey between two lares, household guardian spirits. Some scholars think the figure between them is Isis-Epona. Another, now lost except for a drawing of the original, shows Isis Fortuna on one side of the fresco with a horse-riding Goddess, most likely Epona , on the other. This particular image comes from a bakery, where donkeys would have been used to turn the flour mill. So here we have both Goddesses and an ass once again.

So there you have it. I’m not quite convinced that there ever was a syncretic Isis-Epona, but we can say that these two foreign-to-Rome Goddesses met up in a few places and certainly share in the sisterhood of Goddesses.

Isis-Fortuna on the left with typical headdress and sistrum (on the altar) with Epona riding a horse and carrying a torch on the right

Iset Mystikê?

An early Greek Kore, looking very Egyptian, complete with braided wig
An early Greek Kore, looking very Egyptian, complete with braided wig

I’m going to be talking with Janus Sunaj and Domonic of the Magician and the Fool podcast next week about the Mysteries of Isis…and probably some other things, too. I’ll let you know when the podcast is available. In the meantime, here are some speculations about Isis, Egypt, Greece, and the Mysteries…

Most modern scholars now accept the influence of ancient Egypt on ancient Greece. We are finally able to take ancient Greek writers a bit more seriously when they tell us that—well, yes—the fractious city-states of Greece were indeed impressed and influenced by the ancient-even-then, ever magical, amazingly unified, and seemingly peaceful land of Egypt.

Hey, nobody operates in a cultural vacuum and the ancients didn’t either.

Writing in the 5th century BCE, the Greek historian Herodotus told his readers flatly that in the Egyptian language Demeter is Isis. In fact, he seems convinced that most of the names of the Greek Deities and many of the Greek religious rites came to the aboriginal Greeks, the Pelasgians, by way of Egypt. Among these rites are the famous Greek women’s rites of Demeter called Thesmophoria.

In his essay On Isis and Osiris, the Greek priest Plutarch remarks that “Among the Greeks also many things are done which are similar to the Egyptian ceremonies in the shrines of Isis, and they do them at about the same time.”

One of the Eleusinian priests, the Dadouchos
One of the Eleusinian priests, the Dadouchos

Diodorus Siculus, a Sicilian historian, records that Erechtheus, the mythical king of Athens, was himself Egyptian and it was he who instituted the Eleusinian rites after obtaining grain from Egypt during a Greek famine. He also said that the Eumolpids, the family that traditionally ran the Eleusinian Mysteries, were of Egyptian priestly stock.

How seriously should we take this? Could there be an Egyptian seed at the center of the defining Mysteries of ancient Greece, the Eleusinian Mysteries of Demeter and Kore?

It is quite true that we have no incontrovertible proof of an Egyptian origin of the important Eleusinian Mysteries. We do, however, have interesting footprints to follow up. We know for certain that either Egyptians were at Eleusis or that Greeks brought Egyptian talismans to Eleusis for Egyptian scarabs and a symbol of Isis, which date to the ninth or eighth century BCE, have been discovered there. The eighth century is the time to which the Eleusinian rites are usually dated, though it is likely that their true origins go back further, even if the rites were not in the form they eventually took.

Greek Bee what looks like an Egyptian nemyss
Greek Bee Goddess…in what looks like an Egyptian nemyss.

The correspondences between the Eleusinian myth and the Isis and Osiris myth as related in Plutarch are notable: the search for a missing Divine Beloved, the mournful aspect of the searching Goddess, the connection of the Beloved with the Underworld, and the (possible in the case of Eleusinian myth) birth of a Divine Child. Plutarch’s 2nd century CE rendition of the story is usually seen as Demetrian influence on Greco-Egyptian Isis and Her Greco-Roman Mysteries. But what if it was the other way around?

There are scholars who have traced magical formulae from Egypt to Greece, then followed them as they returned from Greece—changed—to be re-adopted in Egypt at a later period. Perhaps something like that happened with the Eleusinian/Isis-Osiris myth. While the basis of the myth—missing Beloved, searching, mourning, finding—may have its roots in Egypt, by the time it came back to Egypt, it had been changed. For instance, the “weeping at the well” incident in both the Demeterian myth and Plutarchian Isis myth is not found in any Egyptian rendition of the Isis and Osiris tale. It would indeed seem that this revised piece of the story was adopted from Demeter’s myth into that of Isis.

Egyptian death rites as Mysteries
Egyptian death rites as Mysteries

While this is speculative, it’s not just me speculating. There are actual scholars thinking along these lines. One of them is the highly controversial Martin Bernal (author of Black Athena, which traces African origins for a great deal of Greek culture). The much less controversial Walter Burkert has something to say about eastern influence, too, in his The Orientalizing Revolution: Near Eastern Influence on Greek Culture in the Early Archaic Age. Even scholars of a more classical bent admit the influence of Egypt on early Greece, especially in matters of religion.

Bernal’s work as a whole should not be dismissed just because he goes too far in some cases. In my opinion, overall he’s right: Egypt particularly, as well as other long-established near eastern nations, exerted a huge influence on early Greece in its formative stages. Once Greece became established, of course, it developed its unique culture. But again, no culture exists in a vacuum. We are all influenced by each other.

The entrance to the Eleusinian sanctuary today
The entrance to the Eleusinian sanctuary today

Bernal spends a lot of time making etymological connections (etymology is the study of word origins) which are, at the very least, interesting. For instance, there are a number of Eleusinian terms that have no Indo-European cognates, yet can be explained in terms of ancient Egyptian or West Semitic. I won’t go into all the details because, if you’re not an etymologist, you might start to snore. One of these terms is the word “mysteries” itself. While it is usually explained as coming from an Indo-European root that refers to “closing the mouth” or staying silent, Bernal suggests that it might be better and more directly explained by an Egyptian root that refers to secrecy.

In this scenario, “mysteries” is derived from ancient Egyptian em sesheta (you can see the “m” and “s” sound there), meaning “in secret.” Sesheta, “secret,” was a word often used in relation to the Isis-Osiris rites, as well as other Egyptian rites.

Bernal also make connections between Greek words associated with the Mysteries and other Egyptian words, but frankly, I don’t have enough etymological background to judge. For instance, Bernal offers a connection between the Greek root of telete (initiation), which also means “completion” with the Egyptian djer, meaning “limit, end, or entire.” (You may recall this word from our discussion of Nephthys as the Lady of the Limit during the last few weeks.)

The Hierophant from the Thoth tarot deck; the Hierophant is the High Priest at Eleusis, and of the Eumolpid family
The Hierophant from the Thoth tarot deck; the Hierophant is the High Priest at Eleusis, and of the Eumolpid family

As I mentioned earlier, Diodorus Siculus recorded the tradition that the Eleusinian priestly family, the Eumolpids, were originally Egyptian. The ancient Greek scholar Apollodorus said that the Eumolpids were from Eithiopia. Apparently the Eumolpids themselves believed they had Egyptian origins, while others said they were from Thrace. Bernal suggests that the name Eumolpid, as well as the name of the second Eleusinian priestly family, the Keryxes, who served as Sacred Heralds, have  plausible Afroasiatic origins. In fact, he thinks that Greek keryx comes from Egyptian qa kheru, “high or loud of voice.” And that, if true, is extremely cool.

Of course, the big thing that may have come to the Greeks from Egypt is the idea of a blessed life after death. In the work of early Greek poets like Homer, the afterlife is a place of wan grey ghosts and no joy. Where did the idea of a joyful afterlife—for initiates, anyway—come from? Surely, surely it was influenced by Greece’s neighbors to the south, where they were well-versed in the ways of the afterlife and its joys, assuming one knew the proper passwords and pathways. It seems likely that this knowledge, which would have been sesheta until Books of the Dead became more widely available for everyone in Egypt, could have been turned into a Mystery cult at Eleusis, where a Goddess searched for a missing Beloved, eventually found Her, though She was forever changed having become the Queen of the Dead, and then bestowed the Mystery of a blessed life after death on Her initiates.

And we haven’t even gotten to the harmonies between Isis and Demeter, which are much more interesting than just Their “Mother Goddess” connection. Perhaps we’ll go there next time.

The monumental head of Isis-Sothis-Demeter from Hadians Villa, now in the Vatican Museum
The monumental head of Isis-Sothis-Demeter from the Roman Emperor Hadian’s Villa, now in the Vatican Museum; I have seen Her in person and She is wow.