Category Archives: Prayer to Isis

A Meditation within the Heart of Isis

The spring equinox approaches. Okay, I’m anticipating…just a tad. But winter is ending. And we continue both our work in the world and our Great Work within.

Today I’d like to share a meditation from Isis Magic, slightly modified, which I hope may offer some hope and strength. You may, as I do, find it a little challenging right now—because it opens up space for gratitude, yes, even in this terrible time.

Where to do the meditation is up to you. In front of your altar is always good or, if the weather is clement enough, outside might be even better—for we can sometimes sense Isis’ heartbeat more easily in nature.

We start with the Wings and Breath of Isis. We invoke and connect with Her as we sense Isis’ mighty heart. With our own hearts opening, opening to Her, we give voice to things for which we are grateful—anything from the warm scent of cat fur to the beauty of the day to the love of our friends and activities of our communities. And try to actually speak these gratitudes out loud if you can. The power of heka, magic, is in the word—and this is intensified when spoken.

I hope you will join me in this meditation as we begin to welcome the light of coming spring.

The Wings & Breath of Isis

Greeting the Goddess

Detail from Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt by Gustav Klimt

Heart Joined to Heart

“My Mother. My heart. My Mother. My heart.

“I am aware in my heart. I am in power in my heart. I am aware and in power in my heart, which is the heart given to me by my human mother—and by my Great Mother Isis.

“My Mother. My heart. My Mother. My heart.

A Klimt-inspired Isis work by Brightstone

“I am intelligent in my heart. I am compassionate in my heart. I am intelligent and compassionate in my heart, which is the heart which drums in rhythm with the heart of Isis, the Radiant One.

“My Mother. My heart. My Mother. My heart.

“I am alive in my heart. I am full in my heart. I am alive and full in my heart, the center of all Being, the beginning of all Becoming. I am alive and full in my heart, and my heart knows all the joys of my life.

“In the fullness of my Being, I am Becoming joy-full. The Star of Isis arises—all will be well. Isis comes—peace returns to me. I am sitting in the Throne of Abundance bathed in Her Light. Once again, I attune my human heart to Her Divine heart.”


“I am grateful for (naming as many things as you can).”

“My Mother. My heart. My Mother. My heart. I am aware in my heart and I am grateful in my heart. You have blessed me, Isis, and I am thankful, Great Goddess, in return. Amma, Iset. Grant that it ever be so.”

Egyptian heart amulet, made of carnelian; “My Mother, My Heart”

A Prayer to Isis in a Time of Deep Pain

“In the center is a Sanctuary and I am calling you to come inside,” the Beautiful One said in a voice soft as thought.

Outside, pale prophets spoke words of doom, contagious fear spreading from their cold lips.

“Pay it no heed,” says She. “In the Sanctuary, an Incandescent Fire resides. The helpless heart is strong.”

Her words penetrate so close to my shuttered heart that I am afraid to hope. And yet I do hope.

“Enter into Sanctuary, enter into Peace,” She says. “Pain and fear cannot exist within; they are Other. Come now, you are not abandoned.”

Fear begins to fall away into pools of light, white as lightning.

“Look,” says She, “I have woven for you a Chrysalis.”

“I know,”  I say, “of Incandescent Fire, and Sanctuary is the entering within.”

The Beautiful One smiles, “Yes.”

Frankly, I do not know how we get through the Horrors with our sanity intact.

I do know that we cannot give up and we cannot give in. We must resist. And we must rest—within the wings of Our Lady Isis and in the presence of all our Divine Ones.

It is a time to take care of ourselves, both our individual selves and our community selves; to ignite and grow an inner reservoir of hope, and even joy. It is not frivolous to dance, to laugh with friends; it is soul-saving. It is powerful to make art. It is powerful to make magic. It is powerful to be in Nature, breathing the breath of the earth and the skies and the waters. It is powerful to reach out to each other, to help and to hold.

To fuel such acts of power, we stay connected—not only with ourselves and our communities, but also with the Divine. We envelop ourselves in that chrysalis of incandescent fire that She has woven from Her own wing feathers for us. It is made of transformations and miracles and strength.

And yes, we must take action. Join groups. Give money if we can. Write letters and call. Nagging can be powerful, too.

As those of you who have been following along with this blog know, its purpose has never been political. And it is not my intention for it to veer off in that direction.

So next time, we’ll return to our regular topics. I am always searching for information about Our Lady that I want to share with you. As well as new ways that we can open ourselves fully to Her, so that She—and we—may discover, nurture, and empower our Isis Hearts within. These are ways we stay in connection with Her.

Her wings uphold us. Her wings enfold us. Now in this time of pain in the presence of evil, and forever.

Syncretism & Isis

A Roman Isis

The worship of Isis is one of the most important examples of religious syncretism in the world. Whenever the topic of syncretism arises, you will inevitably find a discussion of Isis included.

When it comes to religion, talking about syncretism often centers on whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

But maybe, syncretism just is—unless a culture or religion is completely isolated. Because anytime peoples and cultures and religions encounter each other, there has always been—among at least some of those peoples and cultures and religions—some form of syncretism.

The Isis keystone on the Egyptian Museum in Cairo

And yes, of course, you’re right; it’s time for a definition. So, what is syncretism?

When we look at the various definitions, we see that it is usually said to be the combining, attempting to unify, assimilating, blending, fusing, reconciling, harmonizing, mixing, and other similar terms, the various aspects of two or more religions or Deities. Sometimes, religious syncretism is called theocrasia, Greek for “God-mixing.”

At the time of the rise in the popularity of the worship of Isis, interchanges between Egyptian, Greek, and Roman cultures— trade, technologies, philosophies, and yes, spiritualities—were also flourishing.

The influence of those cultures upon each other is often given as a primary example of syncretism on a broader scale. The ancient Egyptian city of Alexandria is an example of a highly syncretic—or we might say, multicultural or diverse—city. Christianity, also developing at about the same time as the spread of Isis’ worship, is another example of a syncretic worship, both in its origins and in its much later expressions, as it absorbed and transformed many of the Pagan traditions it encountered, forcibly or not.

Anubis in Roman garb

Those who consider religious syncretism bad generally point to a “watering down” of the original tradition; there is also a legitimate concern with appropriation. Those who say religious syncretism is good generally associate it with positive innovation in religion rather than corruption. Others suggest that we retire the term entirely, because this kind of mixing is simply inevitable. Yet others prefer to retain the term since studying how it happens is valuable in researching the development of many of the world’s religions.

Interestingly, it may have been the Greek priest Plutarch—who wrote down a Greek narrative version of the Egyptian myth of Isis and Osiris—who coined the term syncretism. He used it to describe how the various Cretan tribes came together as one when faced with external threats. So, for him, it was positive mixing toward a greater good for Crete.

Isis of Coptos, wearing the Horns & Disk crown associated with Hathor

Syncretism was one of the ways Isis gained many of Her 10,000 names. Yet this all started within Egypt itself.

Those of you who have been following along with this blog already know how the Egyptian Deities are liable, at most any time, to morph into each other, to combine with each other, or to appear as each other. It is—as I have said so many times that you’re tired of reading it—one of my favorite things about the ancient Egyptian conception of the Divine. It is fluid. It can change. It can show Itself to us in myriad forms. For me, this fluidity is a genuine reflection of the Divine nature.

Egyptian combinations of Deities could demonstrate similarity: Isis-Hathor. Another might enable a Deity to express power in a specific way: Isis-Sakhmet. Mostly, in Egypt, Goddesses could flow only into other Goddesses, Gods into other Gods. Isis is unusual in that She could combine with Gods as well. We find an Isis-Anubis in the later mythological texts, as well as an Isis-Horus.

An image of Demeter, but with the tiny horns of Isis-Io upon Her forehead

In this way, Isis could be almost any other Egyptian Goddess as well as some Gods. We discover many of Her names in the Oxyrhynchus hymn, which gives us Her names and epithets, first within Egypt, then throughout the Mediterranean.

Outside of Egypt, one of the first important Deities Isis is syncretized with is the Greek Great Goddess Demeter. This went as far back as the 5th century BCE when the historian Herodotus declared that Isis IS Demeter and that Isis and Osiris were the only Deities worshiped throughout all of Egypt. (This wasn’t strictly true, but that was his impression.)

The Isis myth, as recorded and interpreted by Plutarch, gives us the perfect example of a syncretic myth.

As Plutarch tells it, the wanderings of Isis include episodes similar to those in Demeter’s story of wandering in search of Persephone. Like Demeter, Isis (in disguise as a human woman) weeps at a spring (in Demeter’s case, a well) and is invited into the royal house to be the nurse of a royal infant. At night, She tempers the child in a fire, making him immortal.

Demeter immortalizing Demophon

One night, the queen sees this process and, quite understandably, screams bloody murder, thus interrupting the magic and prohibiting her child from gaining immortality.

But let’s go one step further into this particular syncretism. Some Egyptologists believe that this “burning baby” episode may actually have originated in Egypt—with what they call the “burning Horus” formula—and from there it was imported into Demeter’s myth. So, in this case, both cultures were inspired by the other and each added a detail from the other Great Goddess’ myth to their own story.


There are numerous images that show Isis combined with Goddesses other than Demeter from throughout the Mediterranean region. We find Isis-Aphrodite, Isis-Astarte, Isis-Selene, Isis-Sophia, Isis-Artemis, Isis-Rhea, Isis-Fortuna, and many more. Just as She had within Egypt, now Isis flowed into Goddesses far beyond Egypt. So much so that She eventually became THE Goddess to many people, both within and without Her native land.

The human pathos of Isis’ story, Her fierceness in defending both Her husband and Her child, Her powers of resurrection and rebirth, and the magic that always clings to Isis like a potent perfume—all contributed to the spread of Her religion in the Greco-Roman world. People saw Her in their own Goddesses and they saw their own Goddesses in Her, eventually adopting Her as their own. Syncretism.

For today, I’d like to leave you with a syncretic hymn to Isis. It is one of four written in Greek and carved on the temple of Isis-Hermouthis (Hermouthis is a Hellenized form of the Cobra Goddess Renenutet) in the Egyptian Faiyum, where She was paired with the Crocodile God Sobek. The hymn was written by a man named Isidorus; judging by his name, he was at least a devotee. He may have been a native Egyptian who was either given or adopted a Greek name. Some researchers even think he could have been a priest of Isis, but we just don’t know.

Here is one of his four Faiyum hymns to Isis:


O wealth-giver, Queen of the Gods, Hermouthis, Lady,
Omnipotent Agathē Tychē
[“Good Fortune”], greatly renowned Isis,
Dēo, highest Discoverer [generally, this means “creator”] of All Life,
Manifold miracles were Your care that You might bring livelihood to mankind and morality to all.

You taught customs that justice might in some measure prevail;
You gave skills that men’s life might be comfortable,
And You discovered the blossoms that produce edible vegetation.
Because of You, heaven and the whole earth have their being; and the gusts of the winds and the sun with its sweet light.

By Your power the channels of Nile are filled, every one,
At the harvest season and its most turbulent water is poured
On the whole land that produce may be unfailing.
All mortals who live on the boundless earth,
Thracians, Greeks, and Barbarians,
Express Your fair Name, a Name greatly honored among all, but
Each speaks in his own language, in his own land.


The Syrians call You: Astarte, Artemis, Nanaia [Mesopotamian Love Goddess closely associated with Inanna];
The Lycian tribes call You: Leto, the Lady;
The Thracians also name You as Mother of the Gods;
And the Greeks call You Hera of the Great Throne, Aphrodite,
Hestia the Goodly, Rheia and Demeter.
But the Egyptians call You Thiouis
[from Egyptian Ta Uaet, “the Only One”] because they know that You, being One, are all other Goddesses Invoked by the races of men.

Mighty One, I shall not cease to sing of Your great Power.
Deathless Savior, many-named, mightiest Isis,
Saving from war cities and all their citizens: men, their wives, possessions, and children.
As many as are bound fast in prison, in the power of death;
As many as are in pain through long, anguished, sleepless nights,
All who are wanderers in a foreign land,
And as many as sail on the Great Sea in winter
When men may be destroyed and their ships wrecked and sunk,
All these are saved if they pray that You be present to help.

Hear my prayers, O One whose Name has great Power; prove Yourself merciful to me and free me from all distress. Isidorus wrote it*

*Translation from Vera Vanderlip, The Four Greek Hymns of Isidorus & the Cult of Isis.