Category Archives: divine-connection

A Prayer to Isis in a Time of Deep Pain

“In the center is a Sanctuary and I am calling you to come inside,” the Beautiful One said in a voice soft as thought.

Outside, pale prophets spoke words of doom, contagious fear spreading from their cold lips.

“Pay it no heed,” says She. “In the Sanctuary, an Incandescent Fire resides. The helpless heart is strong.”

Her words penetrate so close to my shuttered heart that I am afraid to hope. And yet I do hope.

“Enter into Sanctuary, enter into Peace,” She says. “Pain and fear cannot exist within; they are Other. Come now, you are not abandoned.”

Fear begins to fall away into pools of light, white as lightning.

“Look,” says She, “I have woven for you a Chrysalis.”

“I know,”  I say, “of Incandescent Fire, and Sanctuary is the entering within.”

The Beautiful One smiles, “Yes.”

Frankly, I do not know how we get through the Horrors with our sanity intact.

I do know that we cannot give up and we cannot give in. We must resist. And we must rest—within the wings of Our Lady Isis and in the presence of all our Divine Ones.

It is a time to take care of ourselves, both our individual selves and our community selves; to ignite and grow an inner reservoir of hope, and even joy. It is not frivolous to dance, to laugh with friends; it is soul-saving. It is powerful to make art. It is powerful to make magic. It is powerful to be in Nature, breathing the breath of the earth and the skies and the waters. It is powerful to reach out to each other, to help and to hold.

To fuel such acts of power, we stay connected—not only with ourselves and our communities, but also with the Divine. We envelop ourselves in that chrysalis of incandescent fire that She has woven from Her own wing feathers for us. It is made of transformations and miracles and strength.

And yes, we must take action. Join groups. Give money if we can. Write letters and call. Nagging can be powerful, too.

As those of you who have been following along with this blog know, its purpose has never been political. And it is not my intention for it to veer off in that direction.

So next time, we’ll return to our regular topics. I am always searching for information about Our Lady that I want to share with you. As well as new ways that we can open ourselves fully to Her, so that She—and we—may discover, nurture, and empower our Isis Hearts within. These are ways we stay in connection with Her.

Her wings uphold us. Her wings enfold us. Now in this time of pain in the presence of evil, and forever.