Category Archives: yoga

How womens workshops can connect you to your feminine power


I have been lucky enough to facilitate womens workshops all over the world. And have witnessed profound transformations.

I am witnessing women collectively waking up to their feminine power as well as the power of sisterhood.

So why are womens workshops so powerful? and why are more and more women finding themselves drawn to them?

shakti activation

Mainstream education, and even much modern yoga training, has failed to offer us the all-important guidance that we need to tap into the mystery and power within our feminine bodies.

Without the support, guidance and the space to nurture this inner connection so many women report that they experience a profound disconnect from their feminine power.

How do you know if you have lost connection to your feminine power??

*If your attention is continually directed to the critical voice in your head

*If your time and energy is consumed in behaviours ,habits and relationships that are not nourishing, for example; over or under eating, comparing yourself to others constantly and worrying about what might happen.

*If you give your power away through looking to others for approval or to fulfill your needs

* if you apologise for who you are and shame your body

*if you feel numb , stuck and constantly tired.

What i am witnessing is that women are realising that there must be something more than this kind of reality, where we judge ourselves, we judge our bodies and we judge each other.

We are collectively waking up to our deep desire to be unashamedly sensual and feminine

We want to FEEL feminine AND we want to feel empowered,

We want to feel free AND we want to feel safe to be truly ourselves

We want to feel met, and expressed and sexually vibrant.

In other words , we want to be in our feminine power

And we are realise that to do this we need to be supported by our sisters…

So how do we reconnect to our feminine power?

Through working with hundreds of women,and through engaging passionately with my own life long study of feminine power. I would suggest that our feminine power is activated when we activate the feminine life force energy in our bodies- our ‘Shakti’.

Shakti is an ancient sanskrit word for the feminine principle, it is feminine energy, it is also translated as power.

As women we are embodiments of Shakti, our Shakti is our power. Due to a culture that has trained us to be stuck in our heads, most of us have lost connection to this primal feminine power within us.


Obviously it is time to re embrace, redefine and remember.

Hence the surge of Sacred Feminine workshops, retreats and womens circles..

We are remembering !!!

And we are finding that we have to do it together.

I have held Shakti Activation workshops and rituals all over the world and i have been blown away by the transformations i have witnessed. 


 So what do women get to experience in womens workshops

*Parts of us that have become deadened/blocked/ignored/wounded can be healed , with love. in this process the energy that has often become dormant inside of us wakes up.

 *We learn practices that awaken us to life force, to aliveness, to sensation, to feeling…to the power and passion and presence of woman.

*In the collective field of sisters our Shakti begins to flow, it nourishes us from the inside. it makes us shine, it connects us to our purpose, our passion, our natural sexual expression.

*We remember how it is to FLOW and TRUST and feel safe to feel sensual and sexual.

 This is often experienced as a ‘a-HA!’ in the entire being, it is a coming home, it is a wake up call, it is a blessing, it is a deep and sweet OH YES!


 Women have ALWAYS gathered to sing, dance and pray together….

For good reason, together we are powerful. Sisterhood and our sensual feminine wisdom that we have been hungering for.


Here are 3 reasons why womens workshops connect you to your feminine power..


1. Together we reconnect to our power centres

The power centres within the female energetic anatomy are doorways to activation of the whole body and mind and spirit. The heart, the belly center, the third eye and the womb space can all be portals to awakening.

In my workshops we use the super simple tantric tools of breath, sound and movement to activate the power centers back to their natural free flowing state.

Then these power centers literally breathe us back into an experience of feeling juicy, connected, grounded and vibrant.

 This is a simple process that gets turbo boosted as part of a collective exercise, a group of women practicing this together creates an incredible activation to everyone in the circle.



2.We free ourselves from our baggage from the past

I am going to have to have to highlight this next bit…


Did you get that?

All wise cultures provide spaces for collective out pouring of emotions, simply because this makes for a healthy culture.

It is hard to ‘go it alone’ and it is potentially dangerous to simply ignore the pain that we hold deep inside from past experiences. Our deep pain does not go away by itself; instead it eats away at our vital energy and prevents us from living fully ( it de-activates us….).

Sacred Space offers us the opportunity to express and release unprocessed emotional material in a safely held supportive space where this energy can be transformed.

Through releasing the stuck emotions we hold within we quite literally let go of the past, this in itself liberates so much energy., it awakens our Shakti .

Through emptying out we get a fresh start!


3.We create a personal relationship to the divine

I have found that for many women a personal relationship with the divine is most easily accessed through a intentional connection to the mother of everything( aka MA or the goddess or mother nature) rather than an impersonal god who judges us.

Why is it important to have a personal connection to the divine?

It comes down to the power of attention, when we direct our attention to that which is so much greater than our logical minds we become open to receive guidance and inspiration from that which is so much bigger and greater than our small selves.

Through activating our relationship to the Divine we become receptive and available to experience this life as sacred, to experience ourselves as sacred and our bodies as sacred temples.

Rather than worshiping an image of god that feels foreign to us, we can find a way of relating to the divine that is personal, real and meaningful and rich to us. Our relationship can be devotional , sexy, whatever opens us, whatever sings to us, whatever brings us back into deeper connection,

Womens workshops give you the time and space to explore this for yourself . To create inner foundations that sustain you in your everyday life and nourish all your relationships.

A personal connection to the sacred offers us  physical remembrance of deep support and belonging. It allows us to let go and flow and receive. An experience that every woman truly yearns for, whether she realizes it or not.

You are not here to ‘cope’ you are here to live fully; you are here to shine your light and experience profound love and a life infused with deep meaning.

This involves connecting to your Shakti, your feminine power.

 20-2If you have not experienced a transformative womens workshop I really encourage you to come to one of my workshops or to one of the other teachers holding Sacred Feminine workshops with authenticity and integrity.

Find out about Upcoming workshops and retreats HERE

Find out more about the Wild Sacred Feminine workshop or retreats




The gift of vulnerability……..Do you reveal your true face?

Feeling and revealing our vulnerability, and being TRULY SEEN…we are so scared of it yet we want it so much as well..

What is going on with that? In this article i explore this curious conundrum experienced by so many women and i give some simple tips on how to be seen and met in your true essence.

vulnerable me

I have certainly been one of those women who have ‘held it all together’ and put on a brave face to hide deep feelings within myself.

Yet the more I have journeyed deep into my feminine power, the more I have found the courage to NOT hold it all together and to reveal my tender parts, my vulnerable self, to the world.

And yes! What a relief! I have discovered that I love admitting that I am not perfect! It is soooo liberating!!!



I love it when I let go of pretending to be strong, wise, attractive or just plain ‘enough’.

I love putting all my cards out on the table. I love it when habitual masks I have used to hide behind CRACK, and tender vulnerable realness seeps out.

Masks are tiring…

The effort it takes to put on a brave face and intricately design a front to put on that looks acceptable and appealing is friggin exhausting! Masks are a form of armour, and the thing about armour is that you have to carry it around with you, you need to uphold it and worst of all, it puts a barrier between the true you and others, and the true you, and your own intimate experience.

So why do we bother?

First of all I would point out that most of us are often not even aware that we are putting on a front, our armour has become such a part of our lives and the way that we interact with the world, that we forget that it does not serve us, and is entirely optional…

Please note- armour is indeed optional..

I would suggest that the reason why we consciously and unconsciously choose to guard our true face has probably got something to do with a deep fear or being rejected.

And why do we equate rejection with ‘the end of the world’?

I imagine it is because the experience of being ‘rejected’ by another person rubs up against where we are rejecting ourselves on a deep fundamental level.

We show our best face to the world so at least others will believe we are worthy….so that we can believe that ourselves.

I know, because I have studied this mechanism in myself.

And I observe that this wound of not feeling ‘enough’ is huge in women. It might show up in different disguises, and yet, if we peel back the layers and different disguises then whoop! There it is!

A sad vulnerable girl who is scared that she is not enough and that if she reveals her true vulnerable self she will be rejected and exposed as not enough…

Bless us! ~Bless HER!


The thing is that hiding your vulnerability just keeps that hurt and misguided little girl from the light of day. But if we accept her enough to let her be seen… then deep healing usually occurs.

A suggestion…

Instead of hiding her, what about taking her out for a dance? What about putting her right there on the table with the rest of your cards? Your masks, fears and pretences, what if you just said ‘fuck it’ I hurt, this is how much I hurt, this is my truth right now, and do what you like with it, I am still going to stand by myself whatever your reactions and perceptions are….

The truth will indeed set you free…

The truth is that we are, you are, full of deep hurt from deep woundings and the fears that these old wounds trigger. The truth is that you are also just so much deeper and wider than your wounds and your negative self-beliefs.

And If you deny them you deny your true essence and the opportunity to go beyond your past and be completely alive and naked and real and exposed to life in its fullness.

Somewhere within the true expression of your vulnerability is a precious spark of aliveness, whereas masks and armour are static, vulnerability is a living thing, it moves and evolves and transforms. True vulnerability is healing in action, it is life energy seeking recognition, once given and received with unconditional love, it dissolves into something else….back to pure life force.

Your vulnerable self is desperately asking for you to be present with her  so you can be free to be completely, unashamedly…YOU!.

She is asking you to accept every single part of you.

So that you may drop the masks and be truly available to the mystery of life unfolding within you, no holds barred….

Yet because so many of us have been raised to hide our true feelings, it can feel a bit intense and on some level actually dangerous to reveal our vulnerable self to the world….therefore to reclaim your true vulnerability you need to find a way to feel open and yet incredible strong and safe and contained, at the same time.

How to do that? Here is what works for me;

1.Get grounded.


Yep, this is key, cultivate your relationship to the ground, feel your feet on the earth. Allow your body to feel supported by the earth and your vulnerability will feel like it stands on firm ground.

2.Be discerning.

Your vulnerability is precious; reveal it to people who are able to receive that as a gift. Seek out safe containers (workshops, rituals, loving relationships) that can hold you and support you as you explore what it is like to let your true face be seen.

-Do not throw pearls before swine…

3.Give it space and time

At the end of the day, all your vulnerability and the wounds beneath it, want, is the space and time to actually feel what it feels. Resist the tendency to distract, brush over, and/or put your attention on others rather than your self.

4.Receive with respect and gratitude10276437_10152265629454830_1003072028_n

The ability to feel is a blessing, it shows you are truly alive rather than guarded and numb, so even if it feels sticky and yukky, be grateful for the opportunity to engage with your emotional landscape.


Compassion, compassion, compassion, it is KEY. Have compassion for humanity, as it is expressed in you and others. Welcome and rejoice displays of true vulnerability, open your heart to receive and accept, without any need to hide or ‘fix’.

And remember…

Noone is really judging you but your self….

If someone else is judging you, then that is really his or her problem not yours…

Every single time I have witnessed a woman as she has let go and allowed her mask to crumple, and her tears to flow, I have been shocked by the level of beauty she has embodied in that softness.

Women are beautiful when they are vulnerable because they become truly alive, soft and real.

DSC02941Anyone who would still prefer you as a masked Barbie doll you are better off without in your life. You deserve people in your life who say YES to every part of the vast and wondrous living terrain which is you.

And if all this feels like a bit much and you do not know how or where to start…I really encourage you to seek out workshops where you can ‘practice being seen’ in a really safe and supportive space. Most Tantra workshops and women’s circles ( if held in a space of authenticity and integrity) are ideal, check out my own workshops and retreats or work with me one on one.

And in the meantime, practice by being real with yourself, you can begin by making this pledge to your self.

I……herby declare that I am dedicated to living life naked and real, rather than perfect and armoured. I am MORE than enough just as i am!

floating surrender shakti


Do you need some extra support as you explore who you really are? Let me be the one who holds the space for you to dive deep and find a nourishing and empowering way to live. My Womens Coaching programs offer you the time and space for deep transformation.

Contact me to sign up for a FREE 20 minute Skype call now.
