Author Archives: A Weblog for Our Mother God

Hail to the Light of the Glorious morning

We used to have a movie of the beautiful carol "Hail to the Princess" at the Chapel, but Google Video unceremoniously shut down everyones videos a while back and foolishly, we had no backup. We still don't have the movie, but we do now have another recording of this lovely Nativity carol being sung in its entirety. Do please go hear it! You'll be glad you did. A joyous advent to you all.

A Bedtime Prayer

Here is a Deanic bedtime prayer that has been in use for a long time: Seven Angels round my bed:
Two at foot and two at head
One beside on either part
And one within my very heart.
Two to watch and two to pray
And three to guide my soul away.
There has been some discussion over this, but I believe the usual interpretation accords with the traditional 3/4 division of the Seven Janyati: The Guides of the Soul are Sai Raya, Sai Candre and Sai Rhave, who reflect the Holy Trinity. The One within my very heart is, of course, Sai Raya. The Two Watchers are Sai Vikhe, the Protectress and Sai Tham, the Law. The Two Prayers are Sai Sushuri the Love-devotee (bhakti) and Sai Mati the Contemplative (jnana).

The Wheel of the Year in Glorious Technicolor

When started our long overdue Wheel of the Year series (we really need definitive guide to the Deanic year), we got out of the proverbial mothballs a chart of the Sacred Year that has been going around Deanic circles for easily two decades. In those days Deanic and Filianic material usually circulated as black and white photocopied pages. Someone suggested that with the resources now at our disposal, a color version should be produced. She knew not what she asked. This turned into a rather mammoth task, but one we believe was well worth the effort. the structure of the year is made much clearer with this new version. We do hope you will find it useful. As before, just click the wheel to see it enlarged so that you can examine all details. Thanks to Heartbook for providing the server space for the expanded version - our provider does not allow graphics over 100 KB and the full-sized Wheel of the Year is much bigger than that.

The New Feminine Universe

We are delighted to announce the first new edition of The Feminine Universe since its publication back in 1997. This classic of feminine philosophy is an absolute must-read for anyone interested in the worship of Our Mother God or in true feminine spirituality. The new edition has a full-color cover, a completely re-written last chapter, covering events that have taken place in the years since the book was written and other additions and amendations. If you have never read The Feminine Universe, there has never been a better time to buy a copy.

Samhain and Soul Cake – Old Irish Traditions

Bram Brack or Soul Cake is a traditional Hallowe'en food from Ireland and the British Isles. During the Medieval era, children would go from house to house singing songs and asking for Soul Cakes. For each cake gathered, they would then say a prayer for a deceased loved one from the family who gave the cake. These prayers were meant to help lost souls or those in purgatory into Heaven. Many historians believe this may have been the beginning of our modern day trick'or'treaters. Ancient Celtic traditions would couple this with the Samhain bonfire. Children would collect a piece of wood for the communal bonfire from each house, along with any treats. After the bonfire was lit, people would douse the fires in their hearths at home to be relit with an ember from the sacred Samhain fire. It is believed that this was meant to symbolize the Spark of Life found in all living things that connects us all, as well as our connection to our ancestors long passed and our children not yet born. The Samhain embers were carried home in carved "lanterns" that were made, apparently, from turnips, which is believed to be the first jack'o'lantern. Rev. Mother Georgia Cobb Among Filianists, it is customary for each maid to throw a stick into the bonfire sending with it some fault or negative trait that she wishes to cast away from herself. The custom of extinguishing the hearth fire and re-lighting it from a sacred flame, however, belongs among Filyani to the Day of Herthe - the hearth-fire festival - which falls on the secular new year's eve (the Filianic New Year is of course on Culverine 1st/March 21st). Samhain actually means "Summer's End" - though "Summer" here means the bright half of the year, rather than the season of Summer.

Thought for the day

A written poem can be explained entirely in terms of the poet's finger-movements. A mother can be explained in chemical terms - so much carbon, so much calcium etc. etc., and such explanations can have a certain utility on a certain level. But if you say that you now know all there is to know about the poet and the mother, what do you have? The mind of the modern Western world.

Science, principle and weak-mindedness

We felt the following posting on the Deanic/traditionalist approach to "science" might be of interest ot our readers: While some people have imagined that we "reject science" that has never been true. What we reject is the purely arbitrary dogma that material observations and mental reflection thereon are our only source of knowledge. Only one civilization has ever believed that - the post 17th-century European culture, which by military and economic force, and also the "persuasion of success", has expanded to the point where it covers most of the globe and many people simply cannot imagine other ways of thinking. Material science, however, can and does provide valuable information. It would do a far better job if (as in the Motherland) it were allied with traditional thought instead of having staged an arrogant "revolution" against it. But even in its current ideologically compromised state it is capable of providing valuable information. Honored Kohime-chei's reply here illustrates one important point: that where spiritual or metaphysical truth conflicts with the speculations of material science, the former must take precedence. Why? Because material observations can be flawed, and so can the speculations based on them, whereas eternal principles cannot be flawed. Does this mean that any argument based on Principle instantly trumps any material-scientific hypothesis? No, for several reasons of which I adduce two: 1. In many cases the two do not overlap and each should be regarded as more proficient in its own domain. 2. While eternal Principles cannot be wrong, our application of them can be. So while we are correct to say material speculation z is incorrect if it contradicts eternal principle a, we still need to discuss whether such a contradiction actually exists. However the fact that Principle must take primacy is inalterable, and attempts to bring traditional teachings "into line with science" are contemptibly weak-minded. We recall (among countless examples) a translation of an ancient Sanskrit text in which the term used to describe the beginning of manifestation is rendered "the Big Bang". To mix up principial Truth with a currently popularized theory which may or may not outlast this century is an absurdity, and one that completely inverts the proper relation of unchanging Principle to temporal speculation.

More thoughts of the month

I have researched the names of the 8th month of the Deanic calendar and concluded the following: The 8th month begins on 03 October and ends on 30 October It is called "The Golden Month" because: The month of October is called "the Golden Month" in art, poetry and song in recognition of the fact that, in the Northern Hemisphere, Mother Nature turns the leaves on many trees to golden yellow during this season of the year. It is called "The Month of Hathor" because: The Egyptian festival dedicated to the goddess Hathor was celebrated on 03 October It is called "The Month of Vac" (or Vois pronounced Voish) a word that means "speech" or "butter". Latin "vacca", a cow (French vache) as well as to "vox", "voice" etc...because: The Hindu goddess Vac has similar attributes to the Egyptian goddess Hathor. Question: What do the goddess Hathor (Egyptian) and Vac (Hindu) have in common? Answer: 1) They are both cow goddesses (nourishing celestial mothers); 2) they are both creative goddesses (mothers of the arts, music, language); and 3) they are both "golden-skinned" goddesses (lifegiving solar mothers). My research could not discover the etymological meaning or history of the other name for the 8th month "Hadora". Reverend Mother Georgia
Additional notes by site editors: Could Hadora be a corruption of "Hathor"? Or could the "ora" part mean either or both of "gold" and/or "speech" (as in oration)? Interestingly, while Vois/Hathor is the Golden Month, the Golden Festival is Chelanya, or the Festival of Regeneration in Kerea/August. This festival begins the Mysteries of Life cycle, which is ended by Tamala, The Feast of the Dead directly after Vois ends. Vois and the following month, Werde, are the only two Deanic months to fit wholly into one Gregorian month. While the names Vois/Hathor are rich in meaning, October simply means "eighth (month)", though actually it is the tenth Gregorian month. Vois, however, is the eighth month of the Deanic calendar.

Our Lady of Femininity

Dear Madam, Two nights ago, I dreamt of our Mother Mary, who was floating in the sky. She was a real person in my dream. She was wearing an ivory colored long gown with a little gold and brown accent. The gown is pleated in front, just like her other gowns. I was standing on the ground, looking at her. She smiled at me and nodded at me and handed me a burgundy red ladies' leather handbag. I stretched out my hands to receive it from her. After she has handed me the bag, she disappeared. Can you please tell me the meaning of my dream ? Is there anywhere in the world where Mother Mary appeared wearing the gown I described ? Will await your kind answer. Truly yours, Mrs. E. K. Honored Mrs. K., there are indeed many images of Our dear Mother dressed in ivory or white in the manner you describe (we reproduce one here). This is especially an image of purity and salvation. The meaning of the red leather purse or handbag may depend somewhat on your relation to such a purse. Do you use one, or did you formerly? Such a purse is associated with traditional femininity in Western countries, and many women no longer use them, preferring more casual and "unisex" containers. It is possible that Our Lady is here assuring you of her love, and empowering you to embrace the simple, pure and elegant femininity that so many have left behind and yet which has a spiritual meaning far deeper than its everyday appearance may lead us to guess. The world needs to regain femininity and we believe Our Lady was giving this message to you as it may have some special relevance to your life right now.

The Golden Month 2

The Heart Wire (an Aristasian announcement blog) introduces the month as follows: We have just begun a new month the month of Voiś (pronounced Voish). It aligns very closely with the Tellurian month of October. I think it is the closest alignment between any two Telluri/Aristasian months. The name means literally butter, but also speech. The connexion between these two concepts is found very anciently in Telluria too in Vac, the early Vedic and pre-Vedic cow-Janya (or goddess) who also rules the sacred power of speech. See The Angelic Hymn to Dea in The Gospel of Our Mother God the sixth verse and its commentary for more on this. Most comely is this Speech, a heavenly Cow, yielding food and all desires. Voiś is unusual in having no great festivals within it, though The Feast of the Dead comes immediately upon its ending. The term Goldener Oktober would certainly be understood by Motherland Aristasians, who see Voiś as the month of golden, flowing butter. Note: the connection between the two names is apparent when we consider that Hathor was considered a Cow-Goddess"

The Golden Month

This current month was called Hathor by some early Madrians and Vois by Aristasians and some other Filianists. On the first name. Revd. Mother Georgia writes: The following is an article which indicates how Dea, in her manifestation as Hathor is connected to both the upper word of light and life and the nether world of darkness and death. Hathor (Greek) Het-Hert (Egyptian) [from het-hert the house above] One of the oldest known Egyptian deities. Het-Hert refers to the sky or heaven, known by the Greeks as Hathor. Originally, Hathor was a cosmic goddess, mother of light -- the production of which was considered the opening act in cosmogony, producer of the twin deities Shu and Tefnut (the sky and the moisture of the sky). Later she was regarded as the great Mother, bringing forth all the other deities -- Mother Nature personified. She has been associated with all the goddesses of Egypt, partaking of all their attributes; but her principal title was Lady of Amentet (the Holy Land or underworld). The Greeks identified Hathor with Aphrodite, for she was the patron deity of beauty and joy in life, of artists and their creative work as was the celestial and earthly Venus. Her chief position, however, was goddess of the Underworld, providing the deceased with food and drink. Astronomically she was associated with the star Sept (Sothis or Sirius), which rose heliacally on the first day of the Egyptian New Year. Hathor was closely connected with Neith (at Sais), and in Ptolemaic times with Nekhebet, Uatchet, and Bast. "Hathor is the infernal Isis, the goddess pre-eminently of the West or the nether world" (SD 1:400). Yet this was but the lower aspect of Hathor, Neith, and Isis. Neith, or the celestial Hathor, was one of the most spiritual, recondite, and abstract of all the deities of the Egyptian pantheon, in this sense the celestial womb of light, out of which came in hierarchical procession the world or the cosmos and all in and of it. October is a month known for its "bright blue weather" when the skies are clear and the sun shines brightly. By the end of October the weather is turning very cold. In the Celtic Calendar, the season of light, Summer aka Samon is coming to and end and the season of darkness, Winter aka Gamon is about to begin. The Feast of the Dead is held on October 31 aka Samhein (Summer's End). At this time, the walls between the upper world and the lower world are thin, and the spirits of the living and the dead may communicate. Reverend Mother Georgia

Our Mother God is everywhere.

The words on the scroll held by the guardian angel (Teresa, Guardian of Mothers) are an apt description of Our Mother God. God made a wonderful Mother who never grows old.
Her smile of sunshine and her heart of gold. This angel statuary is accompanied by the statement "God could not be everywhere, so [She] made mothers." However, we know that Our Mother God is everywhere. Furthermore, we know that She is the Mother of the whole world, as the following Mother's Day poem declares. "Hundreds of dew drops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the wide world over." Reverend Mother Georgia

Cuivanya, the Feast of Divine Life

Vikhedi the 17th of Abolan (Tuesday the 21st of September) is Cuivanya, the Feast of Divine Life. This is the true Earth Festival of the Filianic year, being the central feast of the Autumnal season which corresponds to the element of earth and the golden west. This feast celebrates the harvest, both for its abundance and also as a symbol of renewal, just as the previous Festival, Cuivanya - the Golden Festival - is the feast of Regeneration. these great Mother Festivals in some ways mirror the Daughter festivals of the other half of the year in their themes of death and rebirth. Earth, while viewed in a foolish and materialistic way by some people, does indeed have its place in religion. It signifies the abundance of Dea, who grants "both worldly enjoyment and Liberation", but also on a deeper level, it signifies the Mother as Ground of All Being. As the Scripture says: "Let her not trust the ground her feet are set upon and doubt the Ground upon which that ground stands". That Ground is, of course, the Mother, and ultimately the Dark Mother "Who was before the beginning and will be when all the worlds are ended" and is the Ground upon which all things stand.

The Needlessness of God

It appears that Professor Hawking has recently declared that the universe can exist without the need of God. A discussion of this on the Aristasia Forums has raised several interesting points, including this one commenting on the fact that the great mathematician Laplace said much the same thing about God being an "unnecessary hypothesis" some two centuries ago. An interesting point about this is that when Laplace made his famous statement, he thought that "science" was almost ready to understand the universe in its entirety. A few loose ends needed tying up, but in its essentials, the whole thing was understood. Such problems as how to reconcile quantum physics with Newtonian physics were not problems at all, because no one would even hear of quantum physics for another hundred years. The Secret of the Universe (he believed) had been unlocked on a purely Newtonian model (which, for the most part, is what ordinary Tellurians still mean today when they speak of science). Now physicists say that they are only a few steps away from a GUT or a TOE (a Grand Unified Theory, or a Theory of Everything - that is what they call them!) - just as Laplace did two centuries ago. Assuming that the west-Tellurian purely-material science model lasts that long, I wonder what they will think two centuries from now. Perhaps they will again be on the verge of the Final Breakthrough, having long ago realized that Hawking was as far from the full truth as Laplace. The link below leads to the full discussion.

Two Angels

In recent months, I have felt especially discouraged by the worldly ways of the place where I am currently employed and the lack of like-minded friends in the housing development where I live. I have been longing for a position and a home in a spiritual community. This morning, I received a note of encouragement and love from a friend of mine named Maria. She included the picture of two angels, whom I immediately realized were Sai Vikhe (Holy Courage) and Sai Sushuri (Holy Compassion). I accepted this message as words of encouragement and love to me from Dea (Our Mother Maria). So, I am passing on this picture to other Devotees of Dea that they may also be assured or Our Mothers Courage and Compassion. Reverend Mother Georgia And importantly also, we feel - it shows how Divine courage (Sai Vikhe) protects Divine love (Sai Sushuri)

More on Professor Gimbutas

In further response to your correspondent who gangs up with the boys in sneering at Professor Gimbutas, may I suggest this article. It is very materialistic (which is the only way you get to be "respectable" in patriarchal academia) but it makes it very clear how the hatchet job on Prof. Gimbutas was done, how little basis it had in fact, and how much it rested on the boys' club applying very different standards to a female archaeologist (especially one who dared to challenge patriarchal orthodoxy) than those applied to male archeologists. It also makes it quite clear that the supposed "discrediting of matriarchy" was nothing more than a reshuffling of concepts and a change in academic fashion, and that the facts of the almost total dominance of female images in pre-historic societies remain unchanged. Thank you for this. We would also add that the frequent claims that the huge preponderance of female figurines "were not divine" shows an incredible degree of parochialism. No civilisation other than the modern west (and to a lesser extent its predecessor the "classical" world) has ever been a "secular society". What possible warrant can there be for modern Westerners projecting this particular historical oddity of their own onto every ancient society with a preponderance of feminine imagery - which amounts to thousands of cultures over many times the duration of the entire history of patriarchy? The arrogance, and the sheer small-town ignorance of the rest of humanity, is astonishing.
UPDATE: We wish to make it clear that when we said that we do not accept the Kurgan hypothesis, we were not simply dismissing Prof. Gimbutas's very erudite findings. We leave that particular debate to (unprejudiced) specialists in the field. What we meant was that we do not accept the popular projection of her theory that attributes patriarchy in general to the mad, bad Kurgan invaders. Clearly this cannot be true as patriarchal revolutions are documented to have taken place all over the world. Nor do we believe that the ancient Indo Europeans were inherently patriarchal. As with all humans, their patriarchy was a late development and the Indo-European tradition, like all others, is originally Deanic.

Patriarchy Forever?

I read your stuff. It looks to me that you're basing your beliefs on discredited hypothesis of James Mellart and infamous Kurgan "hypothesis" of Marija Gimbutas. No respectable anthropologists or archaeologists today buy their romanticist garbage. There is no "traditionalist" feminism. All evidences point to a history of men dominating and oppressing wimmin first with their primitive worship, then with more "civilized" religions of Ahura Mazda, Yahweh, Jesus and Allah. So it is in my opinion more honest to tell wimmin that you are here to deconstruct patriarchal religions, instead of disguising all this with trappings of old worn-out Christianity and Hinduism. The notion that the vast evidence for the original feminine orientation of all civilization across the globe has somehow been "discredited" is thoroughly dealt with in The Myth of the Myth of Matriarchy. We suggest you read it. We are unsure why someone who dismisses the whole of patriarchal civilization as a tale of oppression should suddenly have such daddy-complex awe for "respectable" archeologists and anthropologists who are very decidedly a part of the patriarchal hierarchy and perform outlandish contortions in order to deny the evidence and perpetuate the myth of the inevitability of patriarchy. On the other hand, we do not support the Kurgan hypothesis (that patriarchy was brought about by a race of Indo-European barbarians). As The Feminine Universe makes clear, feminine civilization was displaced by patriarchy all over the world. It is not an historical accident caused by one particular tribe but appears to be a part of the inevitable decline of the Kali Yuga. To that extent patriarchy does have a certain inevitability. But it is very clear that it has not always existed. Quite why you suppose the religions of Christianity and Hinduism to be "worn out", we have no idea. We do not ourselves espouse them but they are traditions that have brought salvation to countless thousands during the patriarchal era, and have even provided ways for Our Mother God to be worshiped in Her true Form. They certainly cannot be dismissed with a supercilious malediction. We have no interest in feminism, traditionalist or otherwise. But we do certainly uphold the feminine tradition in faith. You seem anxious to prove, along with daddy patriarch, that the feminine tradition does not exist. And that history has been nothing but a dreary tale of male triumphalism. Bear in mind that those who have no past have no future. But however that may be, we are not here to tell women (correctly or incorrectly spelled) anything of a political nature. Our only mission is to spread the love of Dea Who was, is and ever will be the sole Creatrix, Mother, and Redemptrix of each and every one of us.

More thoughts on the religion of "science"

I can certainly relate to the conversations that faithful devotees of Dea have had with their acquaintances, friends and relations who are faithless secular scientists. I have been a part of similar conversations as well. Yes, I too find it very strange when I encounter people who find comfort in a world view without a Comforter. And in my experience, there is nothing one can say to someone who insists on following this theoretical perspective. I also do not feel inclined to share my precious faith in Dea with those who would have no appreciation for such a personal relationship with the Divine. It is best, I find, simply to be kind to these people and extend to them the Love of Dea that they seem to think they do not need. Reverend Mother Georgia ______ What I would like to question in general, is the idea that there is a thing called science that has certain concepts and conclusions. That is a popular belief in Telluria, but is it really true? Science is not one thing it is a collection of different things that all have a certain thing in common (that they restrict themselves to material phenomena and use the experimental method). When Tellurians talk about science and say that it says this or denies that - they are treating it like a kind of Church with truths and doctrines. That may be what they want and even need - but it isnt what science is. To say, for example science denies God makes no more sense than saying pottery denies God or "cookery denies God"..

The Faith of the Faithless

The following interchange took place between two Deanists on Heartbook, the Aristasian Social Network. We reprint it here as it may be helpful to others who have had similar experiences: Still recovering from my last crisis and having the opportunity to talk to more people about matters of impermanence and faith, I am being left speechless. Why? I found out that most people - including those most dear to me - are absolutely faithless and they find solace and meaning to their lives in those "scientific" things they were taught in school. I can't blame them, though. But seems that they are becoming agents of the Fs of D as they seem to try to comfort me using their scientific evidences and studies and the like. I feel like laughing but I can't. Because it feels like it's opening a hole in my heart. They ask me "why can't you accept this? It's science!" and I can't even gather the courage to tell them why. My only weapon is my faith in Dea. But, honestly, the last thing I would be able to bear is to see them laugh at my love for God. That I could not take. _____ How eerie and how cold that is! To find solace in this strange abstraction called "science" which really means nothing at all. Do they not realize that the whole point about science is that it is an experimental method? It makes and tests theories which, by their very nature, must always be provisional. A scientist who is not prepared to discard old theories when evidence suggests a new one is a bad scientist. Everyone knows that. And what that means is that the "facts of science" are merely a group of provisional theories, any or all of which can be discarded tomorrow. Many of the "certainties" of the popular scientific world-view are already discarded by real scientists who are specialists in the fields concerned. To place one's faith in this - to seek comfort in this shifting, provisional collection of merely-human observations and guesses, as if they were certain and eternal, is a pitiful reflection of the human need for what is real and changeless, even when the cultural ideology has denied it to them. They need bread and they are given stones. Certainty and absolute Truth lies only in Dea. Human activity can produce fine machines, but it can never produce pure Truth.

Two Letters on Demons

Thank you for posting the excellent article on Demonology. It is so very important for Maids to remember who the real enemy is and where the real battleground is fought. It is not between nations or cultures or tribes or religions or social classes or political ideas or genders. It is a battle between the forces of righteousness, harmony, justice and mercy on the one hand and the forces of wickedness, discord, partiality and cruelty on the other hand. All Maids have a common enemy and should band together with one accord keeping in mind the axiom "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". Reverend Mother Georgia
Rayati! Thank you for the wonderful article on demonology. What can a lady do to help battle demons and keep her spirits high during the fight? Rayati and thank you again, Miss Eliza Abonwood
On keeping one's spirits high and fighting the good fight, you may find some of the posts on this blog/thread helpful (Fs of D stands for Forces of Darkness, in case it is confusing at first).

Two Letters on Demons

Thank you for posting the excellent article on Demonology. It is so very important for Maids to remember who the real enemy is and where the real battleground is fought. It is not between nations or cultures or tribes or religions or social classes or political ideas or genders. It is a battle between the forces of righteousness, harmony, justice and mercy on the one hand and the forces of wickedness, discord, partiality and cruelty on the other hand. All Maids have a common enemy and should band together with one accord keeping in mind the axiom "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". Reverend Mother Georgia
Rayati! Thank you for the wonderful article on demonology. What can a lady do to help battle demons and keep her spirits high during the fight? Rayati and thank you again, Miss Eliza Abonwood
On keeping one's spirits high and fighting the good fight, you may find some of the posts on this blog/thread helpful (Fs of D stands for Forces of Darkness, in case it is confusing at first).