
The Golden Month

This current month was called Hathor by some early Madrians and Vois by Aristasians and some other Filianists. On the first name. Revd. Mother Georgia writes: The following is an article which indicates how Dea, in her manifestation as Hathor is connected to both the upper word of light and life and the nether world of darkness and death. Hathor (Greek) Het-Hert (Egyptian) [from het-hert the house above] One of the oldest known Egyptian deities. Het-Hert refers to the sky or heaven, known by the Greeks as Hathor. Originally, Hathor was a cosmic goddess, mother of light -- the production of which was considered the opening act in cosmogony, producer of the twin deities Shu and Tefnut (the sky and the moisture of the sky). Later she was regarded as the great Mother, bringing forth all the other deities -- Mother Nature personified. She has been associated with all the goddesses of Egypt, partaking of all their attributes; but her principal title was Lady of Amentet (the Holy Land or underworld). The Greeks identified Hathor with Aphrodite, for she was the patron deity of beauty and joy in life, of artists and their creative work as was the celestial and earthly Venus. Her chief position, however, was goddess of the Underworld, providing the deceased with food and drink. Astronomically she was associated with the star Sept (Sothis or Sirius), which rose heliacally on the first day of the Egyptian New Year. Hathor was closely connected with Neith (at Sais), and in Ptolemaic times with Nekhebet, Uatchet, and Bast. "Hathor is the infernal Isis, the goddess pre-eminently of the West or the nether world" (SD 1:400). Yet this was but the lower aspect of Hathor, Neith, and Isis. Neith, or the celestial Hathor, was one of the most spiritual, recondite, and abstract of all the deities of the Egyptian pantheon, in this sense the celestial womb of light, out of which came in hierarchical procession the world or the cosmos and all in and of it. October is a month known for its "bright blue weather" when the skies are clear and the sun shines brightly. By the end of October the weather is turning very cold. In the Celtic Calendar, the season of light, Summer aka Samon is coming to and end and the season of darkness, Winter aka Gamon is about to begin. The Feast of the Dead is held on October 31 aka Samhein (Summer's End). At this time, the walls between the upper world and the lower world are thin, and the spirits of the living and the dead may communicate. Reverend Mother Georgia