Author Archives: A Weblog for Our Mother God

Calendar for this year

A full calendar for this Filianic year that has just begun has been posted by the Daughters of Shining Harmony. The calendar contains all the High Festivals and most of the currently observed low ones, together with the Gregorian (commonly-used) date-equivalents, lunar phases and other information. The calenar is recommended to everyone who uses the Filianic five-season, thirteen-month year.

Calendar for this year

A full calendar for this Filianic year that has just begun has been posted by the Daughters of Shining Harmony. The calendar contains all the High Festivals and most of the currently observed low ones, together with the Gregorian (commonly-used) date-equivalents, lunar phases and other information. The calenar is recommended to everyone who uses the Filianic five-season, thirteen-month year.

A Chant for Hiatus

The world is ended. Readers may like to hear a traditional chant for this day that ends all days. You are free to download it for personal use. It may be loop-played on a digital musical device on this day.

A Chant for Hiatus

The world is ended. Readers may like to hear a traditional chant for this day that ends all days. You are free to download it for personal use. It may be loop-played on a digital musical device on this day.

The End of Days

As we approach the end of the year and (for Filianists) the Death of the Daughter, we also approach, symbolically, the end of the world. An article on preparing for this solemn time has been published in the Temple of Hestia blog.

The End of Days

As we approach the end of the year and (for Filianists) the Death of the Daughter, we also approach, symbolically, the end of the world. An article on preparing for this solemn time has been published in the Temple of Hestia blog.

Med Moura

Tomorrow is Med Moura, when Filianists break from the disciplines of Moura and in some cases honor mothers and spiritual leaders. There is a new Med Moura article on the Temple of Hestia blog.

Med Moura

Tomorrow is Med Moura, when Filianists break from the disciplines of Moura and in some cases honor mothers and spiritual leaders. There is a new Med Moura article on the Temple of Hestia blog.

Med Moura

Tomorrow is Med Moura, when Filianists break from the disciplines of Moura and in some cases honor mothers and spiritual leaders. There is a new Med Moura article on the Temple of Hestia blog.

Ancient Metaphysics of Kanji

Kanji Symbols – Fire, Movement and Humanity, a fascinating article on the Profoundly Kawaii Japanese site explains some of the metaphysical meanings behind modern kanji. Anyone interested in traditional metaphysics should read this article.

Ancient Metaphysics of Kanji

Kanji Symbols – Fire, Movement and Humanity, a fascinating article on the Profoundly Kawaii Japanese site explains some of the metaphysical meanings behind modern kanji. Anyone interested in traditional metaphysics should read this article.

Living a Deanic Life

Thank you for this wonderful site. I have recently accepted Mother God into my life and have found your site inspirational and useful in answering some of the questions I have. Since I am "new" to the faith there are some practical things that I have been wondering about, especially with regards to lifestyle and daily actions. The question I have today has to do with guidelines for living a life that is pleasing to our Mother. I have read some of the sections on werde, but would like to be more clear on how we go about in our daily lives doing good and doing what is "right". My second question is with regards to partnership with another person. What does the faith say about marriage and partnership? I could not find anything about this on the site, so if you could provide some answers to this I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your kind appreciation. It is important to state that this site does not represent any "church" or congregation. While we strive to give information about the Faith, it is not our place to lay down rules or anything of that kind. The Scriptures give guidance in general terms for how one should live - gently, kindly and with purity of thought and action. Specific rules on things like marriage are inherently part of the life of a community, and we do not represent any particular community. We are not in any way criticizing communities or their rules of life, but that is not the function of this site. So we would simply stay with the broad Scriptural injunctions. Be kind. Be pure. Be gentle. We believe food should be blessed or offered before eating it. You can use the blessings in the Gospel book for that, although they are not prescriptive. You may want to say one or more of the daily offices in the Gospel appendix as well. None of these are rules or prescriptions, but they are suggestions you may want to follow. Once again, I would state that this is not a New-Age anarchistic "anti-rule" approach. It is simply that rules are part of the life of a community and we do not represent a particular community.

Living a Deanic Life

Thank you for this wonderful site. I have recently accepted Mother God into my life and have found your site inspirational and useful in answering some of the questions I have. Since I am "new" to the faith there are some practical things that I have been wondering about, especially with regards to lifestyle and daily actions. The question I have today has to do with guidelines for living a life that is pleasing to our Mother. I have read some of the sections on werde, but would like to be more clear on how we go about in our daily lives doing good and doing what is "right". My second question is with regards to partnership with another person. What does the faith say about marriage and partnership? I could not find anything about this on the site, so if you could provide some answers to this I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your kind appreciation. It is important to state that this site does not represent any "church" or congregation. While we strive to give information about the Faith, it is not our place to lay down rules or anything of that kind. The Scriptures give guidance in general terms for how one should live - gently, kindly and with purity of thought and action. Specific rules on things like marriage are inherently part of the life of a community, and we do not represent any particular community. We are not in any way criticizing communities or their rules of life, but that is not the function of this site. So we would simply stay with the broad Scriptural injunctions. Be kind. Be pure. Be gentle. We believe food should be blessed or offered before eating it. You can use the blessings in the Gospel book for that, although they are not prescriptive. You may want to say one or more of the daily offices in the Gospel appendix as well. None of these are rules or prescriptions, but they are suggestions you may want to follow. Once again, I would state that this is not a New-Age anarchistic "anti-rule" approach. It is simply that rules are part of the life of a community and we do not represent a particular community.

The Demon Question

Hello dear sisters in Our Mother. I have a question that has long puzzled me and caused me issues. What is the origin of demons? One thing I have always believed is that Our Mother God created us in the beginning to be perfect and that nothing she creates is for naught. So it always puzzled me as to where demons come from. We know they exist but they can't have always been evil as Our Lady only creates good. Now I am not saying as some people might accuse me of thinking something similar to what Christians think of demons being fallen Janyati. This is not true as we know that the Janyati can not fall as they are Dea herself. However this is a question I have yet to answer. Maybe you maids can help me?
____ The demon question is a complex one. A lot of the problem comes from the Western mentality of taking individuality very literally. From angels to demons to incarnate Axial beings like ourselves, Western culture tends to regard the individual as something fixed and absolute, perhaps the center of all absoluteness (which of course is the fundamental heresy of the West). Even the Persons of Dea in the Christian rendition are often seen as something absurdly akin to "individual people" as opposed to manifestations of the Absolute. Now manifestation itself (or Creation if one prefers that term) is, by definition, deployment (or apparent deployment) of the All-Possibility outside the One. Since the One, or Dea is Good Itself there must be a degree to which deployment "outside" Her must be non-good. That will range from the mixture of good and non-good that each of us finds in herself to "beings" that personify or symbolize the non-good. To what extent demons are beings in the same sense that we are (and indeed to what extent we are really totally atomized individuals) is a subtle matter and one that is hugely distorted by the Western individualism that has grown up since the 6th century BC and become hugely exaggerated since the so-called "enlightenment" and again since the pseudomythos era of the late 19th century. In other words, demons are first of all a cosmological phenomenon that necessarily takes place in a universe that is not Pure Good (and if it were, it would be the One and not manifest at all). On the more everyday level, of course, we may and should simply see them as the Enemy that we are here to overcome both inside and outside ourselves.

The Demon Question

Hello dear sisters in Our Mother. I have a question that has long puzzled me and caused me issues. What is the origin of demons? One thing I have always believed is that Our Mother God created us in the beginning to be perfect and that nothing she creates is for naught. So it always puzzled me as to where demons come from. We know they exist but they can't have always been evil as Our Lady only creates good. Now I am not saying as some people might accuse me of thinking something similar to what Christians think of demons being fallen Janyati. This is not true as we know that the Janyati can not fall as they are Dea herself. However this is a question I have yet to answer. Maybe you maids can help me?
____ The demon question is a complex one. A lot of the problem comes from the Western mentality of taking individuality very literally. From angels to demons to incarnate Axial beings like ourselves, Western culture tends to regard the individual as something fixed and absolute, perhaps the center of all absoluteness (which of course is the fundamental heresy of the West). Even the Persons of Dea in the Christian rendition are often seen as something absurdly akin to "individual people" as opposed to manifestations of the Absolute. Now manifestation itself (or Creation if one prefers that term) is, by definition, deployment (or apparent deployment) of the All-Possibility outside the One. Since the One, or Dea is Good Itself there must be a degree to which deployment "outside" Her must be non-good. That will range from the mixture of good and non-good that each of us finds in herself to "beings" that personify or symbolize the non-good. To what extent demons are beings in the same sense that we are (and indeed to what extent we are really totally atomized individuals) is a subtle matter and one that is hugely distorted by the Western individualism that has grown up since the 6th century BC and become hugely exaggerated since the so-called "enlightenment" and again since the pseudomythos era of the late 19th century. In other words, demons are first of all a cosmological phenomenon that necessarily takes place in a universe that is not Pure Good (and if it were, it would be the One and not manifest at all). On the more everyday level, of course, we may and should simply see them as the Enemy that we are here to overcome both inside and outside ourselves.

The Demon Planets

The three outer planets, Uranus, Pluto and Neptune have become the darlings of many modern astrologers, but the traditional view of the cosmos had no place for them (even though some ancients were aware of their existence). Are they in fact bodies of no particular importance? Fly-specks on the cosmic map? Or are they something darker and more sinister? A new article argues for a fundamental connection between the three Outer Demons and the Three Poisons of the modern world described in The Feminine Universe.

The Demon Planets

The three outer planets, Uranus, Pluto and Neptune have become the darlings of many modern astrologers, but the traditional view of the cosmos had no place for them (even though some ancients were aware of their existence). Are they in fact bodies of no particular importance? Fly-specks on the cosmic map? Or are they something darker and more sinister? A new article argues for a fundamental connection between the three Outer Demons and the Three Poisons of the modern world described in The Feminine Universe.