The music of the Filianic Scriptures is just amazing! I didn't realize it was connected to their meaning! When I recited the Scriptures one of the first things I thought was "This isn't just text, it is music!" but I didn't understand how exact the meter actually is. Is this something that happens a lot in the Scriptures? And are there other meters too? Are the meters related to the meaning?
Yes, there are other meters in the Filianic Scriptures and Ithelic meter occurs in various places. There is also a lot of rhythm that is not so strictly metrical.
Rhythm is often closely woven in with the meaning. We hope one day to present an essay in which the way the rhythm unites musically with the meaning is more closely analyzed and demonstrated. This essay really just shows what Ithelic meter is, how it works in the scripture and how the "rhythmic prose" is somewhere between prose and angelic song.