Category Archives: Greater Mysteries

Join Me at Spirit Northwest

Hello, all!

This is for those of you in the greater Pacific Northwest.

I’m excited to be one of the presenters at Spirit Northwest, a new conference for “Paganism, witchcraft, and natural magic” being held in Portland, Oregon. The conference is May day weekend: May 1-4, 2025.

One of the things I am loving about SPW is that they’re scheduling longer presentations—not just 45 minutes. That means we can really get into some depth with the topics. So you better believe I applied for one of those 2-hour spots asap.

Nefertari making offering to Isis

I’ll be there on Saturday, but the event goes from Thursday evening through Sunday afternoon. Check out the website here. And the whole schedule here. Rituals! Learning! Meeting new folks!

Since we have the time, for my presentation, we’ll be both talking together AND a doing a ritual. It’s called “Under the Wings of Isis: the Greater Mysteries of Making Offering.”

So first, we’ll talk about the traditions and techniques of ancient Egyptian offering rites—going into some depth about how offering really works—then we’ll participate together as we “Open the Ways” to Isis and make offering to Her, receiving Her magic and protection in return.

We’ll be doing the talk part “Hermetic Society” style, meaning that you can ask questions and make comments during the talk. It’s a bit more chaotic, but it’s also more fun, too, for me and for you. And yes, this will be a presentation with pretty pictures, because who doesn’t like to look at pictures?

A couple making offering

I wanted to let you know about this a bit early so there’s time for budgeting 🙂

And here’s some more good news: the second edition of Offering to Isis, Knowing the Goddess through Her Sacred Symbols should be/will be out by the time. It’s available for pre-order now here or click on the book cover in the sidebar.

In fact, it’s being printed even as we speak and I hope to have some books with me (fingers crossed) for the conference.

Your hosts for the conference are the creators of That Witch Life podcast, so do have a listen.

If you’re in the area, I hope you’ll come join us!