
The Super Moon and the Year of Sai Candre

Many of you will have heard that tomorrow, Rhavedi 28th Moura (Saturday 19 Mar), is the day of the "Super Moon" - the brightest and largest-seeming full moon for eighteen years. In the Filianic calendar, this moon falls on the last day of the year 3330 - the Day of Our Lady's Sacrifice. If a "Super Moon" happens only once in 18 years, how rare is a "Super Moon" falling on Eastre Day? The "Super Moon" ends our year, and the New Year, which begins on Monday, will be a Year of Sai Candre - that is, a year ruled by Sai Candre, the Angel of the Moon. Every month of the year begins on Sai Candre's day, Monday (moon-day). Often the end-part of an old year begins to manifest the characteristics of the new, and this "Super Moon" at the very end of the Year of Sai Raya, would seem to presage a very strong Year of Sai Candre beginning on Monday. Sai Candre rules many things - Imagination, Purity, and the psychic domain. How will Sai Candre affect your coming year?