
The Faith of the Faithless

The following interchange took place between two Deanists on Heartbook, the Aristasian Social Network. We reprint it here as it may be helpful to others who have had similar experiences: Still recovering from my last crisis and having the opportunity to talk to more people about matters of impermanence and faith, I am being left speechless. Why? I found out that most people - including those most dear to me - are absolutely faithless and they find solace and meaning to their lives in those "scientific" things they were taught in school. I can't blame them, though. But seems that they are becoming agents of the Fs of D as they seem to try to comfort me using their scientific evidences and studies and the like. I feel like laughing but I can't. Because it feels like it's opening a hole in my heart. They ask me "why can't you accept this? It's science!" and I can't even gather the courage to tell them why. My only weapon is my faith in Dea. But, honestly, the last thing I would be able to bear is to see them laugh at my love for God. That I could not take. _____ How eerie and how cold that is! To find solace in this strange abstraction called "science" which really means nothing at all. Do they not realize that the whole point about science is that it is an experimental method? It makes and tests theories which, by their very nature, must always be provisional. A scientist who is not prepared to discard old theories when evidence suggests a new one is a bad scientist. Everyone knows that. And what that means is that the "facts of science" are merely a group of provisional theories, any or all of which can be discarded tomorrow. Many of the "certainties" of the popular scientific world-view are already discarded by real scientists who are specialists in the fields concerned. To place one's faith in this - to seek comfort in this shifting, provisional collection of merely-human observations and guesses, as if they were certain and eternal, is a pitiful reflection of the human need for what is real and changeless, even when the cultural ideology has denied it to them. They need bread and they are given stones. Certainty and absolute Truth lies only in Dea. Human activity can produce fine machines, but it can never produce pure Truth.