
Original Sin and the Concept of Origin in Japanese

We reproduce with permission this recent forum post: An interesting Japanese word/concept is 元通り motodoori. Literally it means "the path/way of origin", and thus "the way things were originally". It does not have an exact English equivalent. Its meaning is "back the way it was" usually with the implication of "back the way it should be". In Precure kinnies when the villains have ruined some realm or area characters often speak of returning it to 元通り- the way it was and should be. The expression can be used for anything from the revival of a ruined realm to a simple "Please put that back where it was (because that is where it is supposed to be)". Related is the expression 元に戻る moto ni modoru, which means "return to origin" and can also be used for a ruined realm, but is often heard in situations like when a girl switches bodies with a fluffy fairy or is turned invisible or her heart-flower is stolen (as well as more everyday situations). 元に戻る means essentially "return to the original and proper state". You will notice that the very common Japanese word 元気 genki (healthy/lively) uses the same "origin" kanji, gen, that is pronunced moto in the other expressions. Literally genki means "original-spirit". Thus being healthy and lively - and genki does not just mean health in the sense of non-sickness but implies abundant, vibrant life and energy - is seen as the original state of the spirit. Compare this to what Scripture tells us about the origin of manifest existence itself:
Before and beyond all things is the Mistress of All Things, and when nothing was, She was . . . And She was pure consciousness or energy, and therefore pure delight.
Unlike the revolutionary ideology of post 17th-century Europe - and indeed the "original sin" notion of Christianity - traditional thought sees the origins of both maid and the world as fundamentally good, and regards health and rightness in terms not of revolutionary "progress" but of return to the Origin.