
Isis Magic Not Available on Amazon. But it IS Available from the Publisher

If you’ve been trying to purchase Isis Magic from Amazon and run up against the message that the book is unavailable, please purchase it from the publisher, Abiegnus House. We are currently having some issues with Amazon that may not be resolvable. (Amazon is engaging in some practices that seem to be designed to push out small publishers. Sigh.)

However, the book IS available from the publisher—and at the same price as it was on Amazon.

Just click on the book on the right and the link will take you to the publisher’s site where you can purchase the book.

Thank you and so sorry for the inconvenience.

Oh…and if you wouldn’t mind, would you please let your friends and folks in your social circles know that the book is still available from the publisher? Thank you so much!

By the way…if you’re in the Portland, Oregon area. I plan to do some Isis classes starting in March that will go until Fall Equinox. To be made available soon. So be thinking on that. I’ll let you all know when I’ve got the details worked out. This will be the first classes in quite a few years. I’m a bit nervous. And excited!

A priestess making offering; photo by Victor Keppler

Under Her Wings,
