Hello! I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the information you have presented here. Finding this website was like finding an oasis in the Sahara. I was always at least somewhat unsettled by the treatment of women (among other things) in the evangelical Christian religion of my youth, and left that path shortly after I was old enough to give the issue free and serious thought. However, I still felt an unnameable longing for the Divine.
I tried Wicca and various other Neo-pagan paths, but they always left me cold. I simply could not believe in such a limited, fertility- and earth-bound "Goddess". It felt neither authentic nor inspiring. After searching for a more traditional, monotheistic path to the Feminine Divine and finding nothing, I simply gave up.
That is, of course, until I found this lovely website. I admit that I wondered at first whether these beliefs were "real" or not (perhaps due to some sort of ingrained, subconscious patriarchal beliefs still clinging to my psyche).
However, after reading these pages, and the information of other like-minded communities (the CESB and Shakta Hindus, for example), I became more hopeful that perhaps I have at long last found my spiritual home. I have ordered both The Gospel of Our Mother God and The Feminine Universe, and eagerly await their arrival for further study.
Thank you again for the wonderful wealth of resources you have provided here -- they are greatly appreciated.
May Dea bless you!