Category Archives: Star ritual

Touching Your Isis Star

It’s hot here, as it is in so much of the US and across the middle latitudes. But in the often-cloudy pacific northwest, there is a benefit. It’s the night. O, in the night, the sky is clear and we can finally see the brightly shining stars. And so today, whether you can see the stars at night or not, I offer you this meditation on your own unique star, the Star of Your Soul, the Star of Your Self. If you want to know more about the background of this star, have a look at this post.

The Rite of Touching Your Star

Continuing to face east, be seated comfortably, close your eyes, and breathe deeply and slowly for several minutes. When you are ready, visualize the following:

Imagine that you stand before the great pylon gates of an ancient Egyptian temple of Isis. It is late evening. The sky is a luminous indigo color and the stars are beginning to show themselves. As you stand there, the doors of the temple swing open and you enter. It is quiet and no one else seems to be here, though someone has clearly lit the torches that illuminate the interior of the temple.

If you look to your right, you see that stone stairs have been carved into the wall of the temple and a torch burns near the first step. You approach the steps and begin to climb. If you look at the walls beside you, you will see many Egyptian five-pointed stars carved into the walls, with hieroglyphs in neat columns beside them.

Continue climbing and you will soon emerge on the roof of the temple. Here, it is completely dark. No torches illuminate this place—only the light of the millions and millions of stars that fill the night sky above you. Walk to the very center of the roof and you will find that someone has made a place for you. Soft rugs and cushions have been placed there for you. Take your seat there and make yourself comfortable.

Let one star catch your attention.

The voice of the Goddess speaks in your mind and says, “Gaze at the beautiful belly of My Mother, Nuet. Narrow your eyes slightly and scan the sky, to the right, to the left, above, below, and behind you. Continue to scan the sky until one star catches your attention.”

Ritualist: I greet You, O Star of my Soul. I welcome You. Come to me, come to me, O Star of my Self. Come to me that I may be joined to your light.

And indeed, the Beautiful Star does come. It moves gently through the sky until it is just before and above you in the night.

As you watch, the star flashes and a beam of starlight extends from the star to touch the top of your head. You feel a tingling and a warmth there. You will now draw the light of your star into the shenu, or energy centers, of your body.

Ritualist: I thank You, O Star of my Soul. I thank you. May your light continue to guide me until I come to you again. In the name of my mother Isis, may it be so. Amma, Iset.

Watch as your star withdraws and returns to its normal place in the beautiful night belly of Nuet. Kiss your hand and extend it toward the star in thanks. When you are ready, walk back down the steps and out the temple doors.

This meditative rite should be done many, many times over the course of your lifetime. Different things will happen at different points in your life and you will discover new things each time. The more you do it, the more you will weave the connection between yourself and your star, a connection that can serve as a guide in this world…and the next.

NASA says this is a nebula. It looks to me like the astral hand of the soul reaching for its star.