Author Archives: Sistah C

Sistah Goddess 2010-09-10 22:14:00

Sistahs, I want to give big thanks for the many of you that have reached out to me lately. I DO have many changes happening in my life. The funny part is that unlike my usual self- worried, fightin', lamenting change - I am actually IN THE FLOW...For the last 26 days I have been on a juice fast/feast. I have watched myself and my life during this time in 'overview' mode. All of this process has been about the bigger picture- the details don't seem to be important right now. I see so many parts of my life healing or dissolving just as the toxins leave the body. It is funny how Zen it all becomes - what once was important - non-negotiable or what was once even desired seems to be transforming before my very eyes.

So many of us live from a space and time that is ALREADY GONE yet we are still there in our minds - trying to re-live it. It is as if that past moment is ALL that there is when in in reality the GRANDEST parts of our lives are still waiting for us to be present and recognize the moment.

I see inside of me a NEW Wombyn being born - she is none like no other. She is no longer thinks like she use to... nor does she sleep or eat like she use to...She has placed many of her past experiences in their rightful place in order to be her true self. She no longer uses her energy in efforts that continue to render her invisible or less than. She is the GREAT I AM! And in my awareness of her inside of me, I am no longer able to bend, crotch down low or get small to make others comfortable. I stand and let what is BE and what will BE COME. If others have judgments then I let them wallow in those opinions while I move forward, UP and OVER.

Sistah, what a beautiful time it is for those ready to SEE it. The days of self-doubt are gently put to rest so that what is Divine within us can step forward. I give thanks for the guidance of Spirit leading the way...

Peace and Hugs,

What Is Stopping You From Ruling Your World?

Sistahs, I woke up this morning with Leadership Thoughts on my mind...I visualized how a great powerful Queen would wake up and from her window access her Queendom. She would smile in gratitude and with a sense of accomplishment. All of her hard work paid off and now she has the utmost pleasure in witnessing everything she has built! How powerful and free she was in my visualization.

So what is stopping you from ruling your world? This was the question that came to me as I came back to waking reality. Nothing, I said simply. A friend in the Yoruba tradition read me an Odu that spoke of sacrifice, meaning that anything good that can be obtained in this life requires effort and perseverance. I had always remembered this because it has rang true for me. I noticed that when I set out to achieve a goal it was always clear what needed to be sacrificed to move forward yet for many people they can not imagine "giving up" such a thing...

Often, the Queendom is really right around the corner but for some reason many women take the off-road path or they are following someone else's path because a tradition has told them too or societal expectation is that they "should" do this...Again, the question is clear "What is stopping you from ruling your world?" If the Creator who made us wanted us to assume the role of dutiful assistant then why are we capable of GREAT THOUGHTS?! Why not have had us born with the mind that is feeble and only worthy of being told what to do? So many people want you to believe you were never made for a Queendom - that your place is honorably behind if you will attain your purpose assisting them with their purpose. Sistahs, I will tell you a secret - which really is no longer a secret except to us - the Liberation of your consciousness will set the healing of this world in a powerful motion! The minute YOU decided to seek your own DIVINITY the world will rapidly RISE to meet YOU!

The beautiful part of your world is that it will include ALL that you desire. You can reshape it to fit your needs. Nothing is impossible - you are the Creatrix! If you don't know where to begin ask the Creator to sit before you the truth of your life - in this truth you will see what has brought you forth and what has hindered you from there the brave steps of moving forward will begin...I hold the space from my part in the universe and I too am in the process of creating my Queendom. Give thanks.

Sis. C

Sistah Goddess 2010-08-13 02:35:00

Love yourself, Love yourself, Love yourself
cause who is going to love you if
you don't love yourself?

Be who you want to be RIGHT NOW!
Stop waiting for tomorrow
Stop worrying about who you use to be.

Everyday do a little to towards your dream
make a vision board and place it within eye's sight of your bed,
gaze, unwavering at your dream vision each day, each moment...
chant "I Love Myself" two thousand times each day until you have no
choice but to believe it!

Stop telling lies about yourself,
stop saying your fat, your broke, your not this or that...
if you can't see yourself right now as a Goddess then
be WILLING to one day see yourself as a Goddess

Drop the dead people,
the people that have stopped living a long time ago,
surround yourself with people who are alive,
who dream and share their dreams,
who respect you enough to not weigh you down constantly
with stagnation and reasons why something can't happen...

Stop worrying about what others will think,
they going to always think what they are going think
AND you are always going to GROW and EXPAND

If your head hurts and your back is aching then
maybe just have been trying to fit yourself
into that box again - you know the one that is too small,
so crowded and worthless...
the world can't benefit at all from you playing small...

I wish I could say Money doesn't matter, but I would be lying...
I wish I could say Money TOTALLY matters but I would be lying...
Don't settle for less than what you deserve AND
be generous.


Remember how you said you wouldn't do that again,
but you did?
It's ok, you just had to learn that lesson again.
Stop beating yourself up,
even a Goddess has her most human times...

Some of the most fiercest warriors I have ever met
were kind and loving people...
You can be serious and like laughing and smiling...

Pleasure principle:
Wombyn on top,
Wombyn completely satisfied,
Wombyn vibrating with the Light of Spirit!

Create, create, create...
Wombyn are creative beings,
visionaries, dreamers
Bring your dream into our reality,
help us all with your vision...
again, You Are Needed...

Peace and Hugs
Sis. Camara

The Vision of 10 Billion Goddess Bring Forth 10 Billion Fruits!!!

Sistahs, I was on the phone with a good Sistah friend the other night AND we started
talking about Sistah-hood. I mean Sistahs supporting one another, not just buying their stuff or pumping them up but collaborating with them! I really don't bring up the topic often but it is worth a short conversation...There is really no need for the feeling that someone is competing against you or can possibly TAKE anything that has divinely come from you. You are so unique in your creative capacity that out of all the people on the planet your finger prints are unique to you AND only you - so this means AIN'T NOBODY LIKE YOU ON THE EARTH.

As my friend and I spoke I got the message, "There is enough room on the planet for 10 Billion Goddess bringing forth 10 Billion fruits from their wombs! AND from there - THERE IS STILL MORE ROOM!!!" Sistahs, I don't think it is enough to create in silos anymore - we got to start collaborating to put forth even larger fruits of our success. The ole' saying "where two or more are gathered..." is true. Something powerful comes from collaboration.

I know for many of us it is hard to trust...we are suspicious more often than not. I talk to many talented folks that have trouble with their businesses and services - the reason I often see is they have a lack of trust and are closed to collaboration. Maybe this is with good reason but will one incident forever hold you in a pattern of stagnation? Failure often results in learning. I have had a few failed partnerships and often it came down to communication. Here are some of my tips from my own experience:

1. Access if it is the right time for you to collaborate with a partner.

2. Have several conversations with a potential partner. In fact work on a small volunteer project with them to see how you both work together. Volunteer projects are great for this because a good partners will work on any worthwhile project - money related or not with the same amount of zeal and drive for success.

3. What talents are each partner bringing to the table AND are they compatible and somewhat equal? You don't want to get saddled with the bulk of a project while someone is just adding stamps to letters. Plan out what the partnership will look like and see if it is satisfactory for all involved.

4. Be clear about your own personal goals and work ethic. Are you like a "dog-on-a-pant-leg" strictly "A" type who comes to meetings prepared, on-time and ready go, then you probably don't want to partner with someone who is not timely and shows up with more excuses than a plan OR partner with someone who is soooo busy that your project is just one of many on their plate. You don't have to be alike but make sure in the basics you are compatible.

5. Partnership don't have to be life-long. From each project you will learn and perfect your own guidelines for the next project. Don't be afraid to give things a try, just keep in mind your own personal mission - make sure your collaboration fits into that picture as well.

Look forward to seeing more Sistahs working together!

Peace and Hugs,
Sis. Camara

Next Level Thinking…


I have been working up a sweat lately...I think it is because the planets are truly aligned and now is the time to get things done! Being a single parent, I know what it is like to be tired and have a lot to do AND there is that part of you that wants to move upward and onward. The other day I thought to myself, "I appreciate where I am -what I have come through but I am ready to go to the next level!"

I realized a year ago that great deal of my time was spent trying to manage and solve problems for others when really my life needed some managing and problem solving. The golden rule then became that people will resolve their own issues when they are good and ready. The perfect way to assist is to be the model of peace, harmony, success and prosperity. If I wanted to be a money coach then I would first want to make sure that I have my prosperity in alignment with my consciousness AND make sure that I am successful myself in all areas of abundance. The truth of this can be said for anything.

I know there are many people out there that poo-poo those who choose to live their lives in wholeness - who choose happiness over mental slavery. I think folks get it backwards sometimes - you don't need to devote grueling hours of sweat to a job that you have no passion for in order to pay bills for over-priced things you buy to impress people you don't like. The stress of this passionless cycle could leave you depressed or ill. For many of us however, this is the only way of life we know...many of us have never really thought about doing something with our lives that would bring us joy and happiness...

Sistahs, I am about living my heaven here on earth not in the after-life. My Creator never told me that I needed to suffer and worry for my divinity. I now know that every time I have ended up suffering was because I made some choice at some point that I could not have what I truly desired. I chose lack instead of my divine birth rite of prosperity. Now when I desire the best for myself I go and visualize it AND I take an action towards that visualization. One year I had a big goal - to be financially stable and pay off all my debts. I visualized myself doing it and one day I said to myself, "I want to pay all my bills on time - no late fees." I then visualized all the $$ I would save because I was not paying $20 here and there for fees. I took ACTION and sat down with all my bills and looked at the due dates, wrote the checks or scheduled the payments online and then I was done. I got myself a little file box and started to file away my bills and developed a "one-touch" system - open the bill, write the check & stamp and file! Before I knew it I was on time each month with bills. I started to notice that I have a few extra dollars a month to buy a book or save. I also noticed when I paid on time - folks offered me better rates or no deposit. In the long run it worked for me not against me. Every time I opened a bill I affirmed that I was grateful to be able to pay this bill and pay it on time.

In the man-made world nothing changes, people are forced to suffer with things as they are...In the Spirit world things are changeable - new paths open before your very eyes-miracles take ask AND you receive...Try it! I knew one person who was always slammed at the first of the month with bills and rent. She called all of her accounts and asked for a later billing due dates and most of them changed the due dates on her bills to mid-month! She got so energized that she went and asked for a reduction on another bill and got it! She even asked her boss for a cost of living increase (yes, in a financial slump!) AND she got it! She was not lucky instead she ASKED and she RECEIVED! She also EXPECTED to receive. She said to me that everyday she woke up she expected GREAT and POWERFUL things to take place in her life - that everything that came in contact with her was in alignment with her greatest prosperity. Her world changed as a result.

My son's 16 year old friend said to me about his sales business, "When I get a no, I know a yes is coming soon!" I know this kid is gong to succeed because he knows that the person or situation that is saying "no" is simply not the right person that will say "yes". Learn to discern between healthy criticism and poo-poo advice AND keep going! We are all beautiful individuals living our own unique dream.

I had this song on my mind all day...especially the line "the World is Mine when I wake up!!! I don't need no body telling me the time!...." (video embedded)

Peace and Hugs,
Sis. Camara

The Unwritten Story…

Sistahs, after a long spell of pure work and rebuilding of my home environment I have set aside time again to read and research. I found this increasingly important as Wombyn Studies further develops itself. I have a long list of books to read that link to the subject of the Divine Feminine - the Great Mother. Recently, it was recommended that I read the book The Red Tent. Many people speak highly of the book - I even had people comment on the book seeing me read it in public. I found the book powerful on many levels but it never quite made it into my heart as a reader because Bilhah, the one sister of Afrikan descent was portrayed as ugly and unlovable. There was a light mention of how she was close to nature but other than that she had little to offer except to comfort others and make an attempt to have a baby for her "beautiful" sister Rachel who could not have children.

A friend who picked up the book at the same time called me furious about the same thing - why are Black women portrayed as virtually invisible - ugly and meaningless...I told her I was thinking the same as I read the story and Spirit prompted that it was because our story has not been written - we have not told the bold story of ourselves as matriarchs - as Wombyn with sisterhood practices-magic, medicine, birth rites - as Wombyn who built nations - who were consider the most beautiful and POWERFUL on the planet. Sistah, I really think it is time for us to start telling and writing the historical truths of our role in the shaping of this world past, present and future...Yes, there are many great Black female authors but in the context of historical fiction and fact concerning the Divine Feminine we need more...Mama Zogbe' laid the foundation with the books the Sibyls and Mami Wata...As we uncover the truth of the SistahGoddess we take her out of the realm of myth and return her to flesh. May some of be brave enough to tell our Mother's story.

Sis. Camara

New Moon Prayer Call

Sistahs, often we all see the problems of the world - the challenges and what needs to change. The 13 Indigenous GrandMother's Council recently made a conference call to offer up prayers for our Mother Earth. I was so inspired by this call that I wanted to continue the energy that had been put forth from our Wise Elders.

Prayer, the offering of blessing and healing touch to me are our most powerful medicine. Just to focus on the intention of healing and put your energy on it can transform the most dire situation. Our minds can consciously create a reality and can CHANGE a reality.

On July 11th at 11:40am (pst)/ 2:40pm (est) the Wombyn Studies site will sponsor a prayer conference call to offer up our prayers and blessings to heal the Earth Mother Womb. All are invited and many are needed. In my most challenging hours I have reached out to everyone I know to see if they would simply pray for me - I tell you that prayer (regardless of the faith) WORKS!!! Not only do we use our collective consciousness we also call in the help of our Spirit Guides, Angels, Animal Guides and the Most High.

A week ago I asked which Goddess would guide this process of prayer and it was Goddess Tara, Mother of compassion, wish fulfillment and assistance. The Tibetan Buddhist believed that Tara had the power to heal ALL sorrows and grant ALL wishes. The name Tara translates into English as, "she who causes one to cross...", which means the Goddess with help her devotees cross to the other side of their difficulties. Tara was believed to be a mortal woman who yearned to become the first female Buddha. One story claims that to reach this goal she prayed for the welfare of humans for over 10 million years. Then she transformed into a Goddess whose only desire was to ease the world's pain.

Tara is often depicted with differently colored skins...suggesting her realms of influence. She is most popularly seen as the White Tara and the Green Tara. As the white Tara she is renowned for her compassion. Green Tara is known to grant wishes.

The message from Tara: "Your Wish Can Be Granted If You Ask for Help."

This call is open to all. I hope you can join us and offer your special medicine.
Date: Sunday, July 11
Time: 11:40am (pst)/2:40pm (est)
Conference Call #: 712-432-0075
Code: 889727

Sis. Camara

Spirit Medicine: Your Special Blend

Sistahs for the last few days I have been getting this message or prompt from my shrine and today I felt it was time to speak about it. She said, "true friends respect your medicine..." This was repeated to me often and I knew it was something that had to be shared. Today I wrote, "true friends honor and respect the Spirit Medicine you have to offer even at times when they don't understand it...they sit with it and you through the healing..."

My belief and the teachings that are coming from my Spirit Guides tell me that true friends respect the uniqueness you bring into the world -you gifts which are your Spirit Medicine. Imagine yourself for a moment the beautiful Goddess that you are carrying a intricate basket woven by your experiences and colored by your viewpoint AND inside are the herbs of the lessons you have learned, mix with your Ancestors special blend of cosmic flowers, roots, shells and other secret stuff. The contents of this powerful basket you carry you sprinkle around you - healing yourself and healing others - it is your special Spirit Medicine and it is needed.

No matter how powerful, experienced, dynamic the teacher is - the true teacher knows all pupils will be the MASTER of their OWN LIVES if taught the true teachings. A true teacher does not want you to remain at her feet but at the feet of the Goddess. If you understand this you will not create obstacles for your growth. You know when it is time to receive teachings and when it is time to forge your own path AND know you WILL forge your own path.

Often Sistahs we experiences challenges in life because we are not using our OWN Spirit Medicine. Our baskets are not being tended to cause we are placing our sacred ingredients in the baskets of others. It is in companionship that we all share our Spirit Medicine not in obligation or debt. Understand this Sistahs that the Great Mother is calling forth her Priestesses - it is her whispers you hear and it is her milk you hunger for - no earthly being can feed you, only the Great Mother's Breast.

Sistahs gather your baskets, weave together any holes, work with your Ancestors to know the ingredients and stir your Medicine.

Much Love To You!
Peace and Hugs,
Sis. Camara

Divine Work

Hey Sistahs!
I feel lately like I am the mother of a new baby - in that space where she is trying to keep a balance between her other children and this new baby that needs a lot of her attention in the beginning. Well, I don't have a baby but a new project - a new mission called Wombyn Studies. She is sooo beautiful and powerful - and she has me fascinated. The Goddess Mother truly gifted me with a service to her - a portal that uplifts her name and all Sistahs. I am proud to say that over 100 Wombyn have joined the site and it continues to grow.

Last week, I was up in the Redwoods and sitting in nature I realized that service is a necessary part in the cycle of manifestation. Often we are praying, doing ceremony for what we desire and the thought does not enter on how to give back. The Mama is sending us strong messages that she can no longer be abused - her waters disrespected, her land littered, her skies polluted and her children subjugated...To solve the problems of today and heal the wounds of today you have to step out of the 'man-made' mind - the mind that says you rule over the womb - man or woman, these thought patterns have come close to destroying the very entity that keeps us alive.
Kola Boof said, "No one respects a person that would kill their own Mother." It is true...I don't think you can respect yourself if you do nothing to save the Divine Feminine.

Lately, I have been researching for the Wombyn Studies site and I enjoy the opportunity to focus on reading again. There is such good information out there - people doing the work to help us all re-remember and there is also those who still seek to confuse the issues and focus on hate. I decided this year that I was going to focus on those things that empower me most - the work of the Mother.

If you have not joined Wombyn Studies and you are a Wombyn (Woman) then join us! It is the first collaborative, cooperative, online university for Wombyn dedicated to the self-study, research and upliftment of the Divine Feminine. It is a site made for and by Wombyn. We are unveiling a research center soon and more great opportunities to share and collaborate.

Peace and Hugs,
Sis. Camara

Controlling Your Own Destiny…

Sistahs, for a woman it is important to fine tune your hearing to your intuition - the small voice inside. There are many people who are gifted with all types of insight however they are not ever really equipped to give you 100 percent accuracy because you are the direct link to your destiny. If you are told that outcome A, B and C will happen in your life and you disdain the thought of outcome C then you change it - immediately!

I am convinced that the human soul lives on several different energy planes at one time. We have many realities taking place at one time - a waking life (fire), a walking life (earth), a flying life (air) and a swimming life (water). In every element our lives are seeking to balance - coming together in just the right way so we can be at peace. When an element becomes too dominant then our lives out picture in a particular way...too much air and we are not grounded; too much water and we can feel depressed/moody; too much fire and we are angry/impatient; and too much earth we are too rigid/uncompromising...

If we look to nature then we see how the delicate balance works AND we also see when it does not work. Humans interfere a lot with nature because they too are a part of it. The biggest environmental problem the earth faces is the disconnection that humans have with the rest of nature - people do not think of themselves as just another element on the earth...Two weeks ago I kept getting this Shrine message..."when they first came upon you they did not see any difference between you and nature - you were that close to nature that you resembled spoke the language of the animals - you spoke with were that close - this is why...because you were nature..." I knew the Shrine was speaking about the historical past - and now...indigenous people treated just like the earth - something to use - very little respect, very little reciprocity...

It kept coming in my mind, this Shrine message because it was linking together all of what I knew from the past and was answering the question - "how did we get here?" If we come from greatness, how did we get here? Separation of self from nature. Our nature includes our sacred sexual force - the energy that connects us to the Great Mother. So, we have to come back to all those places that we have been told are primitive, dirty and unholy...

In a prayer say...

I trust the Creator, Mother,Father, Goddess, God
I honor and respect all creations of this Divine Spirit
I know that I am made by the Creator
My knowledge of self affirms my Divinity because I was created by
the Creator/Mother/Father/Goddess/God
I am no mistake
Nothing created by the Creator upon my body is a sin
I am not a sin
My true nature is holy
of all earthly riches and heavenly blessings
I commit to living the life the Creator gave me
I am at peace, I feel love, I feel calm
as the the realization of Spirit washes over me.
Ashe', AWombyn, Amen, And So It Is!

Sistahs,true awareness brings balance. After a while destiny is simply what you desire.

I am grateful.

Peace and Hugs,
Sis. Camara

Something Magical…

Do you ever in the middle of it all - the mundane everyday stuff get a spark? Your walking down the street and the way the sun peeks through the shadows makes you look up and suddenly you are aware of the sky AND from the sky you think "how beautiful" as if it was the first time you have seen something so phenomenal AND you FEEL the miracle of your life. You witness you are a being among millions AND you ARE unique - no one in the world has the same set of fingerprints you have, no one in the world has a mole in the shape of heart resting in the center of their palm. You say, "I AM" and suddenly all those worries that you had about something someone said earlier seem trivial. Instantly, you are grateful for this one moment because you SEE you truly SEE...Re-Remember, Re-Remember, Re-Remember...

A Time To Move Forward

Sistahs, I decided recently to work with the idea of stretching beyond what I have conceptualized for my life at the present moment. Yes, I am happy however, I know this is not my resting place - this is not the place where I prop up my feet and say my work is done. I was thinking the other day that I want to move forward into uncharted territory as a Wombyn of Afrikan descent. I no longer wish to collude with the small boxes that have been conveniently made for me - for I am a Goddess - a SistahGoddess and it is with great pride and honor that I continue to work.

I find lately with the creation of Wombyn Studies that people are curious as to why I do the work I do - they may not see the worth of Wombyn's work. Some people are even scared to participate because of the "because"...The other day a Brotha wrote me and thanked me for the work on this blog and said that he has pass this blog on to the Wombyn in his life. I thought this was really the first time a Brotha has verbalized this to me. It meant a lot because he understood where my energy comes from...It is not to separate but to bring together. As long as Wombyn are afraid or tentative about their true Creator Given Power then communities remain torn and we are on a treadmill going nowhere. All Wombyn (not just a token few) have the ability to provide insights, intuition, knowledge and wisdom. I will continue my work until all Wombyn NATURALLY, organically feel that it is ok to be interested in themselves and to think HIGHLY of themselves.

In reference to the picture above:
I was commenting on bread a few week ago and wanted to know who invented it. Max Dashu who is a BRILLIANT Wombyn's Historian commented that it was Wombyn. She went on to say (paraphrase) that Wombyn where known to be early expert scientists because of the use of yeast as a leavening agent. Wombyn also invented canning, pickling and fermented foods and beverages such as beer. Other books I am reading lately speak of Wombyn being experts at growing crops through the use of their menstrual cycles/blood -when Wombyn were free to use the information of their bodies towards food science their communities never starved. (Her Blood Is Gold by Laura Owen).

I give thanks.

Peace and Hugs,
Sis. Camara

Our Work: Stepping Into Place

This morning I woke up early - it was still dark outside AND the Great Mother was speaking to me. I think she speaks at this time because I have no resistance in my mind after being in the dream world. I heard her say, "BE THE GODDESS..." be that thing you were meant to be. Why take less than what you deserve unless you believe you deserve that...or think you can't get anything better.

Her wisdom is very direct and I knew I had to go within and take it up a notch. In 2007 I started this blog from hearing her small whisper, "You are a Goddess...You ALL are Goddesses..." From here I had to open myself up to this truth. So much in my life -my painful experiences - society - culture was telling me the opposite. Who was I to believe and promote the Divine status of Sistahs? I kept going and every where I looked and investigated, either within or without, I found evidence of our Divinity. Sistahs, do you ever have this feeling that everyone is waiting - they are waiting on a miracle to change the vibration of their lives. They are looking towards everyone and everything BUT the SISTAH! Even Sistahs are looking for everything sometimes except themselves...

Right now, in the present moment can you possibly benefit from the same ole' game of smallness? Every day the same ole' expectation of going along with the 'man-made' thought that you can't possibly be the SOURCE. Sistahs, now is our time to make some decisions. We either decide that the smallness is too much to lose OR that our Divine Destiny is worth every seeming hurdle or temporary obstacle.

Sistahs, Goddess-hood is not going to given by those who suppress it. It may not be a popular place as you begin to take a stand and ask that Wombyn be put the conversation, in the lecture, in the book, in the sermon, in the position of oracle...At times you could feel alone but know that at least 146 people follow this site and over 100 have joined Wombyn Studies and we have not spoke of the silent supporters - that could be enough for you to know that you are not alone in this WORK.

Step into your place - no one else will fit - the place is for YOU.

Sis. Camara

The Goddess Effect

The Goddess Effect - a process when a Sistah decides to return to her most powerful, peaceful, prosperous and loving state AND in doing that a Sistah on the other side of her world begins to open up to the discovery of her own divinity.

Sistahs, I was listening to an interview posted on youtube about three years ago with Kola Boof. SistahGoddess Kola is a Womanist Sudanese writer who known to be outspoken on the plights of Black Wombyn and the African community. In the last part of her interview she says that in this coming century we are going to see the re-emergence of the African Wombyn - that she will once again rise to her proper place after years of oppression and suppression.

I share these same feelings because I see in the SistahWombyn I know a spark - a throwing off of tired dramas and oppressions that have kept us only in chaos. I believe that I am part of this awakening and I am excited to witness this new moment for SistahGoddesses. Really, the Womb Warriors are awakening from all over the globe AND me being a woman of Afrikan descent I am visualizing a true shift for Wombyn of my community.

The thought of the "Goddess Effect" came to me the other morning when I wrote to a Sistah on Wombyn Studies. Spirit told me as I sat in my morning prayers that we SistahGoddess are sooooo interconnected, so woven in our destinies that each time one of us breaks free from the consciousness of a man-made reality and re-remember who we are - we ignite the same for another Sistah in some part of the world.

Kola Boof explains that any community that kills its Mother (kills the image of its Mother) can not ever become prosperous or respected- nor will it ever experience peace. Sistahs, men are not only guilty of this crime but so are women - women who do not know and love themselves - who can't see with their Ancient Memory. Sistahs, WE ARE BC - our whole her-story is before any of the major religions that exists today.

It is only through a re-remembering process that we will rest comfortably in our power. We use our power everyday and many people around us benefit from our power however it is the Wombyn that seldom gets to reap the reward of her power. I witness Wombyn giving a lot of energy to projects, organizations, spiritual institutions, relationships AND most of the time there is not a reciprocity of that energy. The Womb is an high energy center - it brings prosperity and power to any one who controls it...Many people have been aware of this fact for some time and have kept this 'secret' away from those who are best served from this information...Sistahs.

On Wombyn Studies I am witnessing the "Goddess Effect" - we are sharing our stories, learning from each other and in these sacred places we finding a healing. We are moving forward. I give thanks.

Peace and Hugs,
Sis. Camara

Before I Fix Breakfast: Motherhood & Sistahood

Hugs Sistahs, Mother's Day is coming up tomorrow - well for me it is everyday. I honor my Great Mother constantly and all beings that come from her. I woke this morning and sometimes I oversleep - cause I like to wake up early and meditate/pray with my Spirit Guides - today it did not matter cause the Mother Spirit woke with me anyway and she re-reminded me of many things - she even gave me messages for specific people and parts of it she said to share with everyone...

She reminded me of the time I was in Zanzibar and how twice a day she (the beautiful Ocean) would leave past the reef line and stay gone for a few hours then come back. She told me that when she was gone she would go to feed her other children. She explained that she was the Mother of Many Breasts AND she fed ALL her children. I finally understood a picture of one of the Goddess I had seen recently - so I share her picture with you...

She then said to me, "...many people think they know God but they have hate in their heart and anger...they force people to do as they do, be as they be but they don't know the nature of Spirit...don't let their tyranny scare you - don't let it take you away from what it is you need to do. If all their Priests (even their most holiest) told you "you don't know God" then YOU KNOW ME! If others choose to walk with them (even those you know intimately) let them go, I WILL WALK WITH YOU!

She spoke to me more about Motherhood...she reminded me of all that I had been through and showed me how it had only made me strong. She told me to tell the young Mothers I know to keep strong - even if you sometimes feel alone she (the GREAT MOTHER) is with you. She also said for the younger Mothers to learn from your Big Sistahs and keep them around you-Sistahood is good medicine.

We all come from the Mother of Many Breasts - she feeds and nurtures us when all else can seem chaotic. Keep strong my Sistah Mamas - Honor Yourself tomorrow and ALL days.

Sis. Camara

Sistah Goddess 2010-05-04 04:19:00

Hey Sistahs! I want to say thank you for the beautiful response I have got for the Wombyn Studies site. I am happy to see and hear from powerful Sistahs who see the value in us coming together to study, share and uplift the Divine Feminine.

I wanted to re-post a kind of mission statement I made in regards to Wombyn Studies.

Wombyn Studies mission is to provide Sistahs with a Sacred and Free place to share and participate in the study of our Divine Feminine for the sole purpose of our healing and upliftment. This space is reserved for Wombyn only so that we can feel free to discuss and learn in an open environment.

I don't think I could accurately define what Wombyn Studies will transition into because it is meant to forge new ground while giving reverence and honor to where we all come from - the Womb. The primary focus of this space is learning, practicing and honoring who WE ARE! The vibration is positive and wombyn centered - so the assumption is that there is no need for a debate on whether the Divine Feminine is worthy of our time, study and practice. I ask that we all use the practice of Maat in our interactions with each other -honesty is valued as is respect.

My personal philosophy is that we all have something GREAT to contribute to the healing of our world - no one is above or below - we are constantly learning, expanding and in transition - this is the nature of who we are...My hope is that Sistahs will take this space as an opportunity to share their Wisdom - this is our "school" of higher learning.

Some thoughts (not at all in the order of importance):
*We have the Divine Right to live as Free Beings in every aspect of our lives.
*Many of our stories are untold, re-written and/or suppressed.
*We are the experts on our own lives.
*Until Wombyn are restored to their rightful Divine place of reverence, global healing and peace will not take place.
*Our intuition is informed by our Wombs/Vulvas/Vaginas.
*Our dreams, thoughts, feelings, deja vu, stories, her-stories are critical and essential to our research.
*We are individuals responsible for our own feelings, happiness and learning - our choices are based on who we are, what we have experienced and how we want to live.
*We are worthy of love, respect, prosperity, truth and joy!

More to come...

Peace and Hugs,
Sis. Camara

It is going to be very exciting to see where Wombyn Studies goes. I truly believe that it is a unique opportunity for Wombyn to take the lead on the scholarship and worship of the Divine Feminine. So much work has already been done and IS being done to restore the Great Mother back to her rightful place - a place where the Creator is not only thought of as the Father, a place where Wombyn and their Divine Gifts are honored, respected and revered.

Sis Camara

Wombyn Studies Launches!!!

Greetings Sistahs,
I woke up the other day and the Great Mother was sitting with me. She has this way of making suggestions while I am meditating and before I know it I am following her lead. For some time now I had been thinking of my own personal education - I have been here and there searching for knowledge - it was like I had this invisible drive to find something...

I realize from the beginning I was a different child - so different that it cause waves with my relationship with my mother. She was always saying, "why do you have to be so different?" I fell into a relationship with her where I was always trying to "tone it down" to fit in but in the end my wildwombyn self would just bust out! I have put myself in a lot of predicaments because people wanted me to be this little sweet obedient gurl AND my Spirit was not even trying to have it - you see I am a POWERFUL and VERY FREE WOMBYN - it is in my blood. It is like the Alice Walker title, 'You Can't Keep A Good Woman Down'.

Now with an even greater taste of Freedom on my tongue - I followed the direction of Spirit and spent the last three days creating a sacred space - a space for SistahGoddesses to contribute to and learn more about the Divine Feminine. The hope is that we come together in openness AND that we make the information accessible to every Sistah who needs it. I know some people make their living from their scholarship and this is not to negate that but I feel that the time has come to open the gates of wisdom so that we can usher in a new day.

I hope all SistahGoddesses will join and contribute to Wombyn Studies. This is just phase 1 of the site so more is to come...Check it out and become a member

I appreciate your support and wisdom!

For Brothas who wish to know more about the Divine Feminine and how she is informing your life (cause she is...) you can check out Bro. Majadi Baruti at the Rooftop Garden and

Sis. Camara

If the Goddess Ain’t Happy, then what is there???

Hey SiSTARS! I am just checkin' in to see how you are doing. I am feeling good, livin the life AND I got to say that it just clicked to me the other day that life can be very simple. Do you ever find yourself confronted with some drama and in the middle of it just wave it off like, "Whatever!!!"? Well, I tell you life can be like that some time - the simplest and most efficient option is to just "drop it!" I think we walk around in life carrying other people's stuff. You can be feeling real good and here comes somebody with some stuff and you know how humans are - they are trying to unload it on somebody - anger, rage, depression, lack - whew! Sistahs, when they try to hand it to you - just drop it!

I use to be one of those people who thought that I could help everyone. I gave a lot of my precious energy to people who weren't even thinking of trying to heal themselves- they were just addicted to drama in their lives. After a while I would be resentful cause when I had a problem they were too busy with their dramatic lives. I also had some notion that being a healer meant excusing selfish behavior cause folks were suffering or hurt - dang!!! - one day I looked up and I was juggling everybody's stuff and my life was in deep need of my attention.

I think many wombyn suffering from what I call the 'mule' complex - we have a lot of other peoples lives strapped to our back and we are walking up a steep hill and the carrot - oh yes, the carrot is - not wanting to disappoint others or wanting to feel wanted/needed...Funny, how that carrot is always just out there, far away enough where you can't really reach it. Why? Cause the all that wanting and all those desires need to be fulfilled on the inside. I am sorry to say this but you can't make anyone happy except yourself. You can spread goodwill and do kind things that uplift people but you don't have the power to make them happy - happiness is an inside job.

When the Goddess is Happy then Everyone IS Happy! When you are in a good mood and feeling on top of your world it is funny how you can spread the wealth of that feeling. Sistahs, I am a true believer that we are walking powerhouses and we ATTRACT all kinds of stuff, all kinds of people and energy...So your energy is very precious and it is sacred just like the rest of you...Devote your time, your essence and energy to efforts that serve your highest good and see how everything and everyone around you benefits naturally, organically...

I love the Tao that is translated by Stephen Mitchell cause he interchanges the feminine and the masculine when referring to the Master. This book is what I believe to be a good foundation for working with the present. For me, I felt it was truth because it referred to the Tao as the Great Mother... Here is a verse I feel compliments this post:

"Empty your mind of all thoughts.
Let your heart be at peace.
Watch the turmoil of beings,
but contemplate their return.

Each separate being in the universe
returns to the common source.
Returning to the source is serenity.

If you don't realize the source,
you stumble in confusion and sorrow.
When you realize where you come from,
you naturally become tolerant,
disinterested, amused,
kindhearted as a grandmother,
dignified as a king.
Immersed in the wonder of the Tao,
you can deal with whatever life brings you,
and when death comes, you are ready."

Have a beautiful week - LOVE YOURSELF and shape your world to be a garden in which you can grow.

Sis. Camara

The Great Mother: Growing the Learning Circle

Hey Sistahs! I have been listening to blogtalk again and LUV'ing the wisdom teachings that I am receiving. I have decided to continue my education in the realm of the Goddess. I want to know even more about my beautiful Great Mother. I have decided to stop getting myself in debt and uplifting so called educational institutions that really do not teach the truth or the wholeness of truth. For years I have home-schooled my child either full time or part time for all of his life and now I think I am ready to claim such a educational path for myself. The upper roads of knowledge are available to us all. I believe we can share our wisdom to re-remember and heal to our rightful place in society.

Information is interesting - there is great information, good information and bad information. I think a good student of life is open to all teachings and is able use her intuition - inner self- to decide what is worth taking in as knowledge that will lead to wisdom. I like learning from my peers - I think this is why I like being in conversation with Sistahs - I feel so much gratitude when we share our wisdom.

Sistahs, tonite I realize that we are the ones that could stop the cycle of abuse and disrespect to Wombyn. Many of you responded in private to my last post AND I thank you. Right after I wrote that post I sat on it and did not publish it - then I got a message to post. I realize that we all at some point have had to feel around in the dark - to find our way to freedom - to find a way to heal and honor ourselves as Divine. It is time that we share what we know - we are a wealth of wisdom - I saw that in the 40-day Love Fest.

Sistahs, this blog is and will continue to be a place for our wisdom, our learning, our sharing our laughter and our love.

Thank you for your continued upliftment!

PS. Please check out The Woman is the First Teacher on Black Wombniverse. The man they feature on the clips had asked to be my FB friend and I did not even check him out!! Wow, after I heard his comments I was in shock - I was wondering why I even had this person in my realm!! Needless to say he has been deleted.

Thanks to the Sistahs for mentioning this poem in the show...Before the Men Came, Pearl Cleage

Sis. Camara

The Price of Freedom

Sistahs, I had a moment today where I realized that sometimes there is a price for Freedom. By freedom, I mean the opportunity and divine right to think, live, walk and dream as individual with her OWN MIND. In my life I have had to pay the price for making decisions that were not in my best interest. Even as I look back on the day I was going to get married I could see that moment where I could have changed my mind - but that girl I was then did not want to disappoint people or look foolish but the woman now - years later has to pay for that girl who didn't speak up for herself.

Sistahs, marriage and relationships are all very good things when they are in your best interest - when you can still be yourself and have your compliment to live with you at your side who truly loves and respects you, however when you marry or commit yourself to someone and you have doubts and questions - then take your time and feel very OK to change your mind. I believe now that it is your DIVINE RIGHT to always seek the best path for your life if at the risk of betraying other people. I don't care if the dress is brought, the invitations are sent, the money has been put down for the food and the hall, the President is coming -if it ain't right -change it! Trust me the price you pay now will be much less than the price you pay later. And there will be a price.

Even in my marriage, I could have just stayed. I could have just kept taking the stuff like I see so many people do -like I was advised by some ill-fated women to do. It is funny how we can create our own prison. Trust me I could have still been there - a life in hell and lost.

It is moments like this where I KNOW I have learned my difficult and necessary lesson. I rejoice in the fact that somewhere inside of me I believed I was worth it. Each day I give thanks for my freedom - that I am able to care for my son. I am still cleaning up the chaos of that past but it feels good to be emerging on the other side of it. This morning I pulled an Osho Zen Tarot card and it was the BREAKTHROUGH card, it said,

"...Your chaos is very ancient - for many, many lives you have been in chaos. It is thick and dense. It is almost a universe in itself. So when you enter into it with your small capacity, of course there is danger. But without facing this danger nobody has ever become integrated, nobody has ever become an individual, indivisible."

This is so true, if I didn't leave that prison how would have know the type of woman I could be? Would I know that self worth starts from within and can not be given by someone else? Would I have realized that many of my relationships where based on my own feelings of low self worth? Yes, the chaos of who I was and am IS the catalyst for healing. By going there and standing in it (the muck and dirt of it) I was able to integrate all of who I am.

I know some Sistahs who are married who are FREE - I see the genuine love and respect their husbands have for them AND I know it is possible. Some of us pick out our car more carefully than we do a mate - we make sure it works, suits our needs, compliments our style and we compare it to make sure we are getting the right deal. Well, the same and additional rigorous care needs to be exercised when considering a life mate...Do you match or rather do your vibration/energy level match? Does he compliment you? Doe someone need to change radically for this relationship to work? Does he fit in your life or are your friends and family slowly moving away and out of your life? How does he treat his mother (even if she is crazy)? How does he talk about women he doesn't like? Do you wince at the descriptions he uses to describe his former lovers? How does he treat the waitstaff when you go out to eat or any service provider? Now lets bring it to the womb area...What does your womb say? Are you happy and healthy? Yes, there are more questions but it is really the answer to just the few that gives you a clue...

I have come to understand that I am precious, unique and divinely qualified to have exactly what I desire in the way I desire it. I no longer feel as if I need to take the second best option or the lesser of two evils. I am not running out of time nor do I need someone to take care of me. My contributions to my community are just fine whether I am married or not. With that out of the way, I set a standard for myself and I feel a peaceful calm in manifesting the right mate for myself.

Sistahs, we are the shrine - the path of the divine is in us. Let only what is sacred and holy be accepted by our divine being.

Sis. Camara

New Moon…

Hey Sistahs,

I am writing a quick note to say I am re-scheduling my New Moon Visionaries Radio Show for the next new moon. In the end I felt a little rushed and for me this show is about the vibration of Spirit, Wisdom and Divine Peace - so I want to be a little more settled from my hectic work schedule. My guest Liaya agrees that the alignment of the planets is also saying wait - Mercury is going into retrograde so communications will be a challenge for some. I have learned that everything has its right moment.

I have a couple of geese out side my apartment that have decided to build their nest near the entrance of my building. The challenge has been that they are very protective of the entire space surrounding the entrance of my building. I have been taking it in stride the little ones should make their appearance soon. The wild turkeys and my neighbors have not been as patient, lol. Turkeys and Geese fighting is an interesting scene - my neighbor saying she was in a fetal position on the grass because of one of the geese was a bit funny. The neighbor said she complained but what could be done? I thought that some people are so weird when it comes to nature - they want to spray and kill everything as if it does not have a purpose. It is a sad way of looking at life.

Today is the new moon and it is a perfect time to examine the hidden parts of ourselves. It is also a great time to honor the mystery of the unknown that will soon reveal itself - like tiny baby geese from their shells. That which is just born is considered in many ways innocent and in need of protection. This new moon is asking me to nurture and protect the new self I am birthing - to appreciate the shadowy parts of my future and not be afraid of what I can not see in this moment...It is also giving me a nudge to step out on faith and go for a dream that will emerge just as the moon light emerges after this new moon.

Sistahs, continue to live in your light and honor those shadows from which your greatness blooms.

Sis. Camara


artist, SithLordLisa

Sistahs, I have been away on business and just couldn't break away to write during this time. Now I am at the airport and I am finally feeling like I have catch up with you all and just go over the beauty of this BEAUTIFUL process we have called the LOVE FEST!

First, I have to say that in this process I have realized that Love- true love is really an INWARD process. I feel as if some transformation has happened for me and it was not the way I visioned it...I actually think it turned out even better. I have a peace that has taken me some years to develop. My mind is not consumed with or racing with thoughts of how to be perfect in the eyes of someone else - instead I am so content with who I AM. I have know for a while that true love needs to be cultivated on the inside but I think I now know this on all levels.

In all ways I see how this LOVE FEST has allowed me to re-shape situations that I have found challenging in the past. Now I feel that I can truly change parts of my life that need to change. I have found the alchemist inside and she is working to bring light and well being to all parts of my life. I also have seen how many of relationships belong to the old me - a person who was not too confident or sure of herself - so now I am stepping out to follow my own path and just be. It takes that inward LOVE to do this - I can say I no longer need approval to live my life to the fullest. I feel very FREE - very liberated - it is like the last shackle has been released from around my ankles - self imposed...

Sistahs, we all have our own lives to live. We all have things to contribute to the world and we all have our own paths. I continue to learn more about this powerful wombyn that I AM. I know I have 10,000 Ancestors who back me AND want me to succeed in any endeavor I choose to take on...this is true power. No one can give this to you and they certainly do not have the power to take it away from you. Sistahs, your LOVE heals the world.

Lets keep loving and unfolding to our true self - this is our divine right.

I have been working on a new project Sistahs - just in time for the blooming of this LOVE FEST! I am now going to have a monthly radio show called New Moon Visionaries on blogtalk radio. Yes, it will be on or around the new moon of each moon. The mission of the show is the same as this blog - to uplift and heal the SistahGoddesses of the world. My goal is to make this a forum to sharing all aspect of ourselves to help each other grow and develop.

My first guest will be SistahGoddess Liaya Aneb Nua, Bliss Activist, Teacher, Healer. She recently provided me with my very own vulva chart reading. It was very illuminating. She will be providing mini-consultations on the radio show. We will be talking about the how the vulva is the wombyn's wisdom center and it informs our lives daily. See her bio below.

The New Moon Visionaries show will take place on the 14th - times will be announced this week!

Liaya's Bio
I’ve been practicing yoga for over 23 years, 10 of which have been as a Tantra and Taoist yoga teacher. My love of the stars lead me to become an astrologer over 25 years ago. I work with Tantric astrology as well as Western sidereal and seasonal, Kemetic, and Mayan astrological systems. My own personal journey also guided me to reclaim ancient Mother worship where I first heard of Tantra, Kama Sutra, Nubian Kemetic spiritual culture, and sacred sexuality. Learning to build sacred relationship is part of my mission. I’ve allowed myself to become a channel for healing energies using my gift of intuition and oracular abilities as well as my training with yoga traditions and direct lineage aboriginal healers. I’ve also worked as a rape crisis counselor and chemical dependency counselor. I’m a licensed minister and currently hold shrines for Bast, Sekhmet, Nit, Het Heru and Tripursundari. Lastly, my creative energies are currently focused on finishing my book “ Living Sacredly The Yogini Way, A Guide To Healing, Peace, Prosperity & Sacred Sexuality”, also an initiation workbook for young women and a CD “Restoring Feminine Balance.”

Join us in this sacred space. More info to come shortly.

Sis. Camara

DAYS 33, 34, 35 and 36 of LOVE FEST:

Hey Sistahs,
I am sorry I have been out of touch for the last few days but life/work calls. I am happy to say that we have just four more days of this 40 day LOVE FEST. This process has opened me up - not just to LOVE but to possibility. I feel more and more that I have somehow entered the realm of the alchemist. I see how I can experience more beautiful and positive outcomes in my life simply by focusing my energy on what I desire instead of what I don't desire.

I have been so happy to go through this process with you Sistahs. It has been a loving time - a time of self exploration and healing. New ideas have emerged from me and I am feeling more and more that I have the tools to live the life I desire NOW.

I look forward to hearing how these 40 days went for you.

Peace and Love,
Sis. Camara

DAY 32: LoVe FeSt Forgiveness Fire

artist, Francis Amoah>artist, Francis Amoah

Ummm, Sistahs we have 8 more days of this 40 day LOVE FEST...And I am checking-in...
How has this journey been for you? For me it has been like a gentle flower unfolding. I think working with the Rose quartz and now combined with the Smoky Quartz there has been a gentle reflection back to me on where some of the blockage was coming from.

This morning I had a strange dream but I realized later that it was a gentle probe of the past by the Spirit World. The memories where not pleasant but this time I was able to just watch them and see how far I have come. I realized I am a woman who has had a lot of experiences - I have lived my life and continue to live my life. Each day I am excited by my journey and the newness of the day. I am curious to see what Spirit will cross my path and what will I learn from that interaction.

This morning at my altar, the Ancestors were already there...They saw the dream and they wanted me to know that I was ready to access deeper truths. It was revealed to me that all of the suffering of the past was burning away in a gentle blue flame -cool. I would begin to feel more and more new as I stepped into this process and it came to me that it was forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a tricky word - cause I use to think it was about saying, "...that's alright or forget about it..." Um, I think forgiveness is more about seeing that the root of suffering grows very deep for people. Seeing deeper into unloving acts
I realize most of the time people are trying to protect themselves - inside they are frightened and fear leads many to self destruction. Forgiveness is knowing that the illusions are simply just that - no person, no place, no condition has power over me, nor does it have power of you. This is the ultimate truth.

Sis. Camara

DAYS 30&31 LoVe FeSt: Love and Foolishness

I suspect so many people stop loving out of feeling like a Fool they had a 'bad' experience with love. Plenty of times I have been in situations where later I was like "damn! I was such a fool!" I would just feel so ashamed and wonder how I could not see it coming AND I still got up - dusted myself off and kept going. This is the story of the Fool.

The Fool is not actually a stupid or clueless person, in fact the Fool is the most enlightened. Where some people would cut-off learning after a bad experience, the Fool keeps experience coming towards her. She trusts and she trusts again, each time she learns a little bit more about herself and the path in front of her opens up to new adventures.

Sistahs, observe the Fool in she in there engaging in new experiences or is she wounded and sitting off to the side feeling ashamed? The Fool is the first card in the tarot deck and I think this is because we all need to be open to experience to begin the journey. Yes, we will learn from experiences and need not repeat certain experiences but we also welcome new, beautiful, powerful experiences.

Sis Camara


Sistahs, it is a full moon in Libra today and Libra is about balance. Is there balance in your life? Is there equal attention going to your dreams and the dreams of others? I think of it as the scales of justice as the place where everyone can be happy not just a few folks. Everything in the universe is always moving towards balance.

As we go deeper into Spring everything is transitioning to the light. We no longer need the heavy foods of winter and our bodies might be calling out for a few days of rest. I have been juice/green smoothie cleansing for the last three days. My body is releasing mucus and toxins. I also had allowed my sugar cravings to get the best of me and this cleanse has helped me get back on track. It is funny but had a dream last night that I was being chased by zombies but instead of it being a nightmare, I was fighting them - kicking them off. It was like one of those impossible action films. I was like Foxy Brown, lol. I think it was symbolizing my successful process in healing. The zombies or the illusions of life were not going to eat at me. I am strong now and I love my life. I woke this morning feeling energized!

Sistahs, I sense clearly that I am walking onto a new path. The Goddess/God had really blessed me and I am grateful. I recently got a Powerful Vulva reading (yes you heard correctly) from SistahGoddess Liaya. Here is a little more about her:

I’ve been practicing yoga for over 23 years, 10 of which have been as a Tantra and Taoist yoga teacher. My love of the stars lead me to become an astrologer over 25 years ago. I work with Tantric astrology as well as Western sidereal and seasonal, Kemetic, and Mayan astrological systems. My own personal journey also guided me to reclaim ancient Mother worship where I first heard of Tantra, Kama Sutra, Nubian Kemetic spiritual culture, and sacred sexuality. Learning to build sacred relationship is part of my mission. I’ve allowed myself to become a channel for healing energies using my gift of intuition and oracular abilities as well as my training with yoga traditions and direct lineage aboriginal healers. I’ve also worked as a rape crisis counselor and chemical dependency counselor. I’m a licensed minister and currently hold shrines for Bast, Sekhmet, Nit, Het Heru and Tripursundari. Lastly, my creative energies are currently focused on finishing my book “ Living Sacredly The Yogini Way, A Guide To Healing, Peace, Prosperity & Sacred Sexuality”, also an initiation workbook for young women and a CD “Restoring Feminine Balance.”

I have to let you all know that I got some serious insights from this reading - the Goddesses that are working with me and my vulva bliss path. Liaya said something so important to me while we were discussing my reading, "...the truth for women is in our vulva". She explained to me that so much focus is placed on the heart however it is the vulva that relays the truth to the heart. I was BLOWN AWAY! I am happy to say that she has agreed to do my first SistahGoddess BlogTalk radio interview and provide a few readings. So, I will be announcing the date of the premiere show. Sistah Liaya really uplifted me with her knowledge and I can tell she has lots of wisdom to share with us - so please join us!

In the meantime, if you wish to consult with Sistah Liaya Aneb Nua please contact her at or visit her blog

Peace and Hugs,
Sis. Camara

DAY 28: LoVe FeSt – NAKED!

Sistahs, do you ever have one of those days where when you hear the birds singing and just by their tone you know it is going to be a bright, sunny and light day? A day that folks where I live say - I think I want to go to the beach - be by the ocean, feel the sun on my face.

Sistahs, who came up with the idea of perfection? Who decided what was defined as perfect? Do you ever get up and look in the mirror and just LOVE who you are? When was the last time you walked around naked like the day you were born - being free to be who you are? Some folks haven't been naked in a while - they always seem to be rushing to 'put something on...'

Ever look at Sistahs in indigenous communities who can walk around without clothing? I always think to myself, "wow, this Sistahs's world is so safe and accepting...nothing and no one is telling her she needs to be ashamed or covered..." It is funny that those closest to nature - to the natural way they were born are labeled 'primitive' and one of the dictionary meanings of the word is "...pertaining to the beginning or origin." I am currently reading a book by Mama Zogbe' called Sibyls: The First Prophetess of Mami Wata. One of the first lines says, "African women are the only women in the world who Ancient Mothers were not born under the yoke of patriarchy. During ancient times, for the first 6,000 years, Africa was ruled by a powerful order of matriarchs." Just sit with that information and its implications...

We already know that Africa was the cradle of civilization, meaning all human being started there and migrated out...The oldest found remains of a humanoid being 4.4 million years old are of a female named Ardi, an Afar name meaning "ground floor" and the "root". Breath and sit with this... By the way Ardi is older than "Lucy" or her proper name Dinkenesh,” meaning “You are beautiful” or "you are wonderful" in Amharic, who lived some 3.2 million years ago... Both found in Africa... Just take this in...Lastly, inside each human being on this planet is a portion of the DNA inside these Ancient Mothers...

Sistahs, I say all this so you know that our history or better yet our Herstory is untold and suppressed. As we unfold and get to know and LOVE ourselves the encoded messages of our Ancient Mother SistahGoddesses will be revealed. We will be drawn towards the truth of who were are and from there I only see GREAT, POWERFUL things happening. Balance will be restored. Until that time we continue to uplift each other and chip away at the illusions.

Today, if just for a moment, be naked - look at yourself and see the truth of who you are - beautiful, Ancient, powerful and worthy.

Sis. Soraya posted this on facebook and I had to re-post...Erykah Badu's new video "Window Seat"

Peace and Hugs,
Sis. Camara

Day 26 & 27 : Lets Talk About Healing, Radio Show Today!

I am soooo glad that Sis. Marilyn introduced me to Sis. Ayida. Both are just wonderful souls. Sis. Ayida of Native Style already had me on the show talking about this blog and now she has re-invited me as a guest to speak about healing from abuse. She wants this to be a kitchen table discussion with us all. You know abusive relationships exist in many women's lives unfortunately...I have know women who where the picture of success who had do deal with this issue. It is time for us to lift the veil and share our stories...if just for our daughters and sons...

Hey Sistahs,
I am in for the weekend. I just need to chill and relax with some comfy clothes that don't match, some music and a good green smoothie. I have decided to take a break from "doing" and I am just going to BE. That being said, I am in the process of making some new dolls. I have some dolls that I am making for some Sistahs and a few for the little Sistahs & little Brothas I know.

I been thinking about LOVE lately - that relationship kinda LOVE and I feel like I have grown in the last couple of years into a different (I would like to think) and better person. I see clearly where I made some choices in men that really taught me some tough lessons about how I see myself. The healing path is so much about SELF REFLECTION. I am now in a place where I am beginning to think about exploring the option of being in a relationship again. This is BIG for me because I really can't foretell how that is going to look. Sistahs, I lurk conversations on the internet, on tv and radio where folks are talking about relationships AND I feel like I am from another planet- I just don't feel the LOVE.

I keep asking myself - can I find what I am 'looking' for or is it unrealistic? Maybe the type of relationship I desire with a man rarely exists?? I have all kinds of doubts AND then it is like I am hit over the head with the realization that I am a POWERFUL SISTAHGODDESS and that I can 'bring' into my space what ever type of union I desire. With that I leave the realm of LACK which I notice is a lot of problem with love conversations today - a lack of women who do this or a lack of men who do that...We can conjure up who ever we desire under the conditions we desire AND yes, what we think up is what we get. If I desire a man who's very tongue would not allow him to disrespect a woman then he is here. If I desire a man who is self aware, strong and comfortable with me being a self proclaimed SistahGoddess, then he is here.

Sistahs, I am going to say it - IF WE WANT IT, THEN WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN. Now some people don't want you to know that but I do. I dare add you can have it under the conditions you desire it as well...We are Co-Creators with the ONE GOD/GODDESS CREATOR and the reality is that we (human beings) are the makers of our world. Everything you see around us is the result of someone's thought pattern - the sofa you sit on to laws you obey, to tragedies that could have been avoided...This is why when we heal the Heart we are starting the process of Co-Creating the World in LOVE and SAFETY - fear no longer drives people to be unloving. The POWER is within us...

I am soooo glad that Sis. Marilyn introduced me to Sis. Ayida. Both are just wonderful souls. Sis. Ayida already had me on the show talking about this blog and now she has re-invited me as a guest to speak about healing from abuse. She wants this to be a kitchen table discussion with us all. You know abusive relationships exist in many women's lives unfortunately...I have know women who where the picture of success who had do deal with this issue. It is time for us to lift the veil and share our stories...if just for our daughters and sons...

Lets keep growin', lets keep lovin'

Sis. Camara

Days 24 & 25: ROYAL LOVE FEST!!!

Sistahs, we are a little bit more than half way through our LOVE FEST and I am feelin' good - really quite fine. This inward focus has been so healing for me - I feel balanced and cool. Last night I instead of sleeping with rose quartz and amethyst - I tried sleeping with rose quartz and smoky quartz under my pillow and wow, did I wake up from the most beautiful and interesting dream...In the dream I was in a crowd of people and I was organizing everyone for something special. I was asking people about themselves and they were asking me about myself. A couple of Sistahs walk into the group and said they were here to tell a story to the children. From there all of these beautiful Afrikan children started coming in down the path. I was telling folks we were going to break into small groups on the grass and tell our alarm went off...

I thought about this dream and what stuck with me was the importance of each one of our stories AND how it is the way in which the next generation learns. Perhaps the feeling of disconnection older people sometimes think they are experiencing with younger people is the loss of 'story time'. Do we still pass down our stories to children or do we just let them walk into life feeling their way around until they get it right. When is it ok to own-up to your past and tell the story of how you learned and how you healed? There is a certain love in telling the truth...

This Saturday, March 27 at 5pm Sis. Ayida Honor is going to host a special conversation on her Native Trade/Soul Visions radio show about healing from abuse. She has asked me to be in on the conversation AND really wants us ALL to be in on the conversation. So many of us Sistahs have healed from an abusive past and some of us are need of hearing the stories of healing...either way, we hope to just share let the time flow. You can access her show on at Soul Vision's Radio.

I also want to mention that I am thinking of a concept for a SistahGoddess blogtalk radio show. I do have a guest lined up and I think she is going to blow some minds!!! I am just working out a few details and then I will let you all know when it will take place.

Sistahs now that yall are so on the LOVING PATH don't forget to share the LOVE. Sometimes it is those random acts of kindness that let others know that folks out there STILL CARE...Try it out...LOVE IT FORWARD -meaning pass that LOVE FORWARD to someone who doesn't even expect it. Brighten someone's day!

Here is a little music...

Sis. Camara


artist, Clifford Phillips

artist, Clifford Phillips

I started taking walks the other day. The sun is shining and the air is warm and I really appreciate how nature guides us in these cycles. Just when I thought could not deal with anymore rain the Spring Equinox happens and the sun appears! I can feel how the mood of everyone shifts.

Being in this LoVe FeSt - I have this moment where I stop and really appreciate what IS. I realize I have a Beautiful and Caring Son who really likes being around me. Yes, we have our moments but our household is peaceful and loving. I live in a very quiet neighborhood which is surprising because so many people live in my complex. My little hood has wild turkeys and Canadian geese (who are just too funny with their territorial ways...). When I was walking the other day I saw a turkey hawk fly over me with dinner for her little babies. I am sooo thankful that the Creator led me to this place.

I say all of this to express how much Gratitude I am cultivating in this process. The rose quartz is really helping me to see how I can be more compassionate. I still see people's stuff and my own stuff - but the tongue is softer, the eyes are more gentle - it's like I see that we all go through stuff - its just the way it is AND eventually we heal or we don't...

I am GRATEFUL FOR ALL YOU SISTAHS! You all are a healing light!
I appreciate you and thank the Goddess/Mother/Father/God for you!

Sistah Camara

This video is to SHOW YOU that IT IS ALL IN THE MIND...We can do and be who ever we WANT to be. We all have a unique, beautiful talent and service to bring to humanity...