Author Archives: A Weblog for Our Mother God

The Day of Sai Herthe

The Day of Sai Herthe is the festival of the home and the hearth-fire. The fiery center of the cozy fireside not only represents the heart of the home but is also symbolic of the Supernal Sun. The Sun in the Cosmos is incarnated by the hearth within the microcosm of the house just as it is by the heart within the microcosm of the body. As many of us do not have hearth-fires in our modern homes, we may choose a shrine as a focal point, and light a candle to stand for the fire. Read more about the Day of Sai Herthe

The Day of Sai Herthe

The Day of Sai Herthe is the festival of the home and the hearth-fire. The fiery center of the cozy fireside not only represents the heart of the home but is also symbolic of the Supernal Sun. The Sun in the Cosmos is incarnated by the hearth within the microcosm of the house just as it is by the heart within the microcosm of the body. As many of us do not have hearth-fires in our modern homes, we may choose a shrine as a focal point, and light a candle to stand for the fire. Read more about the Day of Sai Herthe

Kala, the Last Day

The last day of Moura, which is the last day of the year and the first day of the Easter festival, is known as Kala. This is also the name of that aspect of Werde associated with cutting the thread of being. It is the day when the Daughter passes through the seven gates of the Nether World and is slain by the Dark Queen. The following time is known as Hiatus, when all things are desolate. See this Easter hymn and the Marianna Maria chant. For more about this festival, which this year begins on March 18, read All About Easter.

Kala, the Last Day

The last day of Moura, which is the last day of the year and the first day of the Easter festival, is known as Kala. This is also the name of that aspect of Werde associated with cutting the thread of being. It is the day when the Daughter passes through the seven gates of the Nether World and is slain by the Dark Queen. The following time is known as Hiatus, when all things are desolate. See this Easter hymn and the Marianna Maria chant. For more about this festival, which this year begins on March 18, read All About Easter.

About Moura

At Luciad, the Daughter vows to take the Divine Light into the darkest places of existence. During Moura, She journeys to the heart of the Nether World. For Filianists, it is a time of discipline and purification, being mindful of the Daughter's purpose and preparing for the renewal of the world at the New Year. Continue reading "All about Moura"

About Moura

At Luciad, the Daughter vows to take the Divine Light into the darkest places of existence. During Moura, She journeys to the heart of the Nether World. For Filianists, it is a time of discipline and purification, being mindful of the Daughter's purpose and preparing for the renewal of the world at the New Year. Continue reading "All about Moura"

The High Feast of Nativity

And a cry issued out of the cave, saying: The holy Child is born from the most holy Mother; Light has come forth from Light, Perfection from Perfection. And at once the air was filled with the daughters of heaven, and the sky was ablaze with the radiance of their joy. The joyous festival of the Nativity of the Daughter celebrates the birth of Light in the Cave of the World, the great Event that sustains the life of the cosmos. A blessed Nativity to you all.

The High Feast of Nativity

And a cry issued out of the cave, saying: The holy Child is born from the most holy Mother; Light has come forth from Light, Perfection from Perfection. And at once the air was filled with the daughters of heaven, and the sky was ablaze with the radiance of their joy. The joyous festival of the Nativity of the Daughter celebrates the birth of Light in the Cave of the World, the great Event that sustains the life of the cosmos. A blessed Nativity to you all.

Cuivanya, the Feast of Divine Life

Cuivanya, the Autumn Equinox festival, celebrates our Mother God as the Ground of All Being and the Creatrix of the World. Its central symbol is the apple. The whole universe is but the manifestation of the Spirit of Dea. All things, from the vast galaxies to a blade of grass, are Divine Ideas in the Mind of Our Lady infused into material substance. Traditionally "the World" refers both to the particular world we inhabit (the ground beneath our feet and all that stands thereon or flies above it) and the entire cosmos, both physical and non-physical.

Cuivanya, the Feast of Divine Life

Cuivanya, the Autumn Equinox festival, celebrates our Mother God as the Ground of All Being and the Creatrix of the World. Its central symbol is the apple. The whole universe is but the manifestation of the Spirit of Dea. All things, from the vast galaxies to a blade of grass, are Divine Ideas in the Mind of Our Lady infused into material substance. Traditionally "the World" refers both to the particular world we inhabit (the ground beneath our feet and all that stands thereon or flies above it) and the entire cosmos, both physical and non-physical.

The Day of Werde

The Day of Werde on 16th Vaskaras, 23rd August, celebrates the Janya of destiny, who spins and weaves the thread of our lives.

It provides an occasion for contemplating our personal fate, which is not fixed but influenced by our choices, and making resolutions for the future.

The Day of Werde

The Day of Werde on 16th Vaskaras, 23rd August, celebrates the Janya of destiny, who spins and weaves the thread of our lives.

It provides an occasion for contemplating our personal fate, which is not fixed but influenced by our choices, and making resolutions for the future.