Author Archives: A Weblog for Our Mother God

The Three Eternal Truths

The Drispeal, or Three Eternal Truths is a fundamental statement of faith that every devotee of Our Mother God should know. All-Girl Worlds reprints a very old article on the Drispeal that we recommend everyone to read. The Amazon history may be conjectural, but the statement of the Three Eternal Truths and the metaphysical analysis of their inner meaning is wonderful. This article is packed with information and insight.

Meeting with Mary

I just want to let you know how much I appreciate this website especially the Mary pages. I was born a Christian (Methodist) decided in my twenties that it ws all too male for me and studied many goddess religions and found that to be very satisfying for a long time but...then Mary showed up - in dreams and my everyday life. I tried to avoid Her as She represented Christianity to me and I was having none of that male dominated religion. But Mary persisted and I gave in. I was confused at how I would fit Mary into my life but I knew I had to since I finally felt the Divine connection I had been yearning for all of my life and found this year at age 52. Your website answered all of my questions. I remade Mary to fit my way of thinking with some of your Mary prayers and Christian Mary prayers reworked as well as inventing my own and changing some of yours. I realized that Mary is the Feminine Force of the Universe and doesn't care how we adore Her just as long as we do. I have a feeling She will be surprising many other people in the days to come as the planet shifts towards the positive. I also ordered and read the Gospel of Our Mother God another wonderful help to me. So thank you very much and may Mary bless you all as She has blessed me, Donna

An Egg? Really?

Rayati honored friends. I have just visited a "super social bookmark" sort of site where they discuss other sites that have caught their attention. They were having a discussion about this Chapel of Our Mother God. It all struck my inexperienced-in-these-places mind as rather odd; they all seem to be a particular sort of person, and I am not sure how representative they are of Outlanders in general. The ambience of their site has been compared by Wikipedia to that of "a good university", and certainly many of their comments were not unintelligent - although completely locked within a particular framework. Their reaction to this Chapel was one of incredulity (sometimes expressed by a set of initials which apparently invokes the procreative act). Finally they settled on the idea that we are "roleplaying" which seemed to make it all all right in their minds. No one questioned the probity of "roleplaying" with religion. Taking religion seriously seemed to be outside the boundaries of their thinking. It made me wonder what they would make of the recent Easter Egg article. "Do these people really think the world hatched from a giant egg?? Are they completely ignorant of astro-physics or is this a roleplay based on the Eggworldverse?" One might be tempted to reply teasingly "Why a giant egg? It might have been a very small egg." The truth is, of course, that the World-Egg is neither large nor small, since size is a quality of physical objects and the World Egg precedes all physical manifestation. And while we are by no means ignorant of astro-physics and its ability to explain (provisionally) certain functions within physical manifestation, the whole point of our thinking is the belief that Intelligence, Archetypes, Symbols are not a late development (via the accidentally-evolved human mind) of matter, but are its underlying cause. That is what all humans have believed before the irrational faith of the modern West that a closed system (physical manifestation) can have its cause and explanation within itself. To which our friends, I imagine, would reply WTCC? (What The Chryselephantine Cantaloupe?). Or something of that order. Blessings to you all, Sakura

The Coming of Moura

The first of Moura (Feb 19) begins the 28-day penitential period leading up to the New Year at Eastre. This last year has been the Year of Sai Rhave, and has been an extremely difficult year for many of us. The coming year will be the year of Sai Raya, and we hope that, in keeping with the bright and warm nature of the Solar Angel it will be a year of happiness and good progress. In preparation for the New Year and the death and rebirth of God the Daughter it is customary to observe special disciplines or abstinences during the month of Moura. These are not fixed by custom but may be chosen freely by oneslf (or in consultation with one's spiritual directress if one has one). Moura should not be seen a solemn or sad period, but rather one of purification and preparation. It is traditionally also a time for cleaning and readying the house for the coming of the Daughter and the New Year. Let us remember that the house and the body are both microcosms of the world into which Our Lady is coming, so in purifying both we are enacting a profound ritual. There is one day during Moura in which disciplines are suspended, and that is Moura 14th (March 5th). This is a day traditionally associated with the honoring of mothers, spiritual mistresses and other guides and mentresses. Moura is usually seen as part of the Filianic faith, as expressed in the Filianic Creed although most worshipers of Our Mother God observe this month of purification in preparation for the New Year. Many of us like to think of sacrifices we make as gifts to Dea and perhaps as a tiny childlike "thank you" for the Great Sacrifice She makes for us. In the Faith of our Mother God a childlike attitude is not considered a bad thing. As it says in the Gospel:
Come to Me as little children in the pure simplicity of your hearts and the virgin innocence of your souls, for truly all of you are children in the eyes of your Mother.
May Our Lady bless us all in this season of purification and help us to make a good Moura.

How to Worship Our Mother God

Good afternoon. My name is Miss Deena Ashworth and I found your site yesterday. I realized very quickly that my years of searching for God were at an end, that the reason I had such a hard time finding God was because God is Mother God, not father and I had been searching in all the wrong places. :) I have some questions about shrines. I would like to create an alter to Dea in my home, but even though I've read your articles, and they were very helpful, I'm basically unsure how to find the right statue for a representation of Dea or even where to start. The religious organization I was part of for many years absolutely forbade images in worship, so I don't even have a basic idea of how to properly worship Dea. Any information you can provide would be much appreciated. Sincerely,
Miss Ashworth
The "iconoclast" controversy (opposition to images representing Deity) is an old one and one that seems to have arisen mainly in the Abrahamic religions. Why is this? One reason is that perhaps a "Father God" seen as Sole Deity is, even for believers, a little too awkward and unnatural to depict graphically. Christianity depicts Mary, Jesus and saints, but very rarely "God the Father", while atheists (almost exclusively a product of Western Christian culture) regularly seize on "an old man with a beard in the sky" as a means of ridiculing believers. They rely on their hearers will perceive the inherent absurdity of the image. On the other hand, the Image of Our Mother God is not absurd. It is natural and right and even in patriarchal cultures, people have again and again gravitated back to Her Image. For this reason we do recommend an Image-oriented worship, provided that is meaningful to you. It is not in any way obligatory to use Images, but most of us find them helpful. Take some time to find which images - Mary, Kwan Yin, Mahalakshmi etc. - are most meaningful to you. Each is a form in which Our Mother has appeared to Her children. As to how to go about worshiping, there are really no rules. We are not a Church or an organization. Many devotees recite the Great Hymn to Mahalakshmi daily, or say some or all of the Daily Offices (both found in the Gospel). The most important advice of all is to talk with Our Mother about it. Ask Her what is the right way for you to serve Her. The answer may come in many ways. It may come in a sudden illumination, or most likely it will slowly grow within you.

Coming home 3

Hello! I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the information you have presented here. Finding this website was like finding an oasis in the Sahara. I was always at least somewhat unsettled by the treatment of women (among other things) in the evangelical Christian religion of my youth, and left that path shortly after I was old enough to give the issue free and serious thought. However, I still felt an unnameable longing for the Divine. I tried Wicca and various other Neo-pagan paths, but they always left me cold. I simply could not believe in such a limited, fertility- and earth-bound "Goddess". It felt neither authentic nor inspiring. After searching for a more traditional, monotheistic path to the Feminine Divine and finding nothing, I simply gave up. That is, of course, until I found this lovely website. I admit that I wondered at first whether these beliefs were "real" or not (perhaps due to some sort of ingrained, subconscious patriarchal beliefs still clinging to my psyche). However, after reading these pages, and the information of other like-minded communities (the CESB and Shakta Hindus, for example), I became more hopeful that perhaps I have at long last found my spiritual home. I have ordered both The Gospel of Our Mother God and The Feminine Universe, and eagerly await their arrival for further study. Thank you again for the wonderful wealth of resources you have provided here -- they are greatly appreciated. May Dea bless you! Casie

Coming home 2

All of your articles that I have read (and the videos that I have watched) have helped me see the Mother God in a different way. I was raised Catholic but always knew God as mother, not as father. This site has helped me in so many ways, thank you so much! Sincerely, Gabrielle

Coming home

I discovered your website this morning and just wanted to say a very heartfelt thank you and Mother God bless you!!! I feel like I've come home after a very long and dry search, even though this is so very new to me and I really have no idea where to start. I've spent hours reading through the material on your site and have ordered both books offered. I am so looking forward to receiving them! Again, Thank You and Bless you! And bless you! It is communications like this that make our work worthwhile.

Orange County Temple

Hello, my name is Jamie and I am the development director of the Goddess Temple of Orange County. You have a beautifully rich site of great information. Our Temple is located in Orange County, California in Irvine. I would like to get more information regarding your organization. I love the idea of the virtual shrines also and showing women about the home shrines. Excellent Excellent. We have shrines dedicated to durga, kali and we have a quan yin meditation room. Where are you located? I would love to speak with you more about your wonderful work. Thank you for what you are doing! Blessings, Jamie Actually we are not an organization. The site is here to provide information to all devotees of Our Mother God as well as making available the Holy Gospel and other vital resources. We say that we are not an organization because we are continually asked such things as "can men join?". There is really nothing to "join" - we are simply here to provide information, advice and resources. If you have any questions we shall be happy to answer them to the best of our ability.

The Amazon Empress’s Speech

This breathtaking video presents a piece of historical fiction dating from the late bronze age - a reconstruction of the speech which launched the great Amazon Campaign that ended in the liberation of Atlantis according to both Greek and Egyptian historians. The video is likely to be of interest to readers of the Chapel Chronicle, since, while not primarily religious, it comes from a world in which the worship of Our Mother God is taken as axiomatic and forms the basis of the Empress's appeal to her followers.

Today is the Feast of Lights

Today (11th Brighe/2nd February) is the Feast of Lights - the day of the Daughter's Taking on of Fate Remember (if it if possible and if you are stable enough in one place in this strange, uncertain year) to bless candles you are going to use for devotional service in the next year or if you are attending Aristasian Virtual Service or have them ready at Rhavedi's (Saturday's) Rite. The liturgical color for the Feast of Lights is white and its traditional emblematic flower is the snowdrop.

Discussion on "The Cursing Ape"

Some time ago we drew attention to an illuminating article entitled "The Cursing Ape", which made some important points about the use of foul language and the inadequacy of Christian sin-based morality to deal with the real issue, which is clearly understood by the Deanic law of Thame and by the Scriptures of Our Mother God. This article has since attracted considerable interest and sparked some detailed and valuable discussion. So we thought we should let you know - you will find the link to the discussion of the article below.

My Faith

I want to thank you so much for your help during my conversion and even more for your wonderful site. As the days pass, the idea of a masculine god fades more and more into the distance as the Goddess fills my heart and mind. I can no longer perceive of any but a Female Dea and more and more of my thoughts and feelings strengthen my Faith. She is my God. Thank you so much. Our Holy Mother God Be Praised, Eve Thank you honored Miss Eve. It is communications like this that make it all worth while! May Dea bless you always.

Giving his due

Nothing can be "sicker" than modern patriarchy. This "Simpsons" comment of theirs is just more evidence of same. The ONLY redeeming feature of the Simpsons is that one of its creators, Mr. Sam Simon, took the tremendous amount of money he earned in consequence and used it to establish the Sam Simon Foundation, which rescues dogs from shelters and trains them to assist the hearing-impaired. (I do feel this fact should be known; also, we acquired our little dog from the Foundation!) Barbara J. Thompson

The Vatican Newspaper and the Bankruptcy of Patriarchy

While researching something else we came across a story widely reported some time ago. The official Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano praised a television program called The Simpsons. We have never seen this program, but have it on good authority that it is coarse and unsuitable for a pure maiden. The Vatican paper itself refers to the "excessively crude language, the violence of certain episodes [and] some extreme choices by the scriptwriters." However it goes on to praise the program and uses these rather extraordinary words: "Rigid censors turn off the television but the more serious analysts praise the realism and intelligence of its scripts". What is horrifying about this is that an official voice of the Vatican itself is siding with the degenerate forces of the nastier elements of Western "pop culture" in mocking and undermining those who would keep their sacred hestia and hearthfire pure and free from ugliness and coarseness. They are "rigid censors" we are told, merely because they have the temerity to turn off the television - unlike the intelligent people, the "more serious analysts". Where will patriarchal Westerners turn for support in protecting their homes from coarseness? It seems only the more extreme fundamentalists with their inverted-lasciviousness provide any real support for mental cleanliness. Are we wrong in thinking modern patriarchy is very sick indeed? Christianity - sin-based though its theology is - seems to have failed badly in not understanding that foul language and coarseness are a moral and spiritual question. As we are told in The Gospel of Our Mother God:
5. But harsh thoughts harden the soul; coarse thoughts coarsen the soul; thoughts bound only to the things of clay burden the soul with heavy chains. 6. My children, I speak not in pictures, for truly these things are; and to be seen by all whose eyes may pierce the veil of illusion. 7. What maiden, receiving of her mother a fine and well-made house of well-wrought oak and stone and furnished by the skilful hand of love, will break the walls and furnishings, pour filthy waters into every place and bring swine to dwell in the most splendid chambers? 8. Will she not rather bring new things of beauty and precious works of love to add to those that lie already there? 9. Will she not keep away all dirt and defilement and protect it from all harm? 10. Knows she not that the thoughts of her mind pass not away, nor vanish into air?

A Survey for Collyridians

The Collyridian Episcopate is conducting a re-envisioning survey for 2010. This new and developing denomination which worships Our Mother God as sole supreme Deity is working to position itself as an ecclesiastical body in the new decade. If you wish to take the survey, follow the link below.

Ave Janua Coeli

In regard to your discussion of the feminine gate of heaven, I would like to point out that "Gate of Heaven" is one of the titles of the Blessed Virgin in Roman Catholic Mariology. Thus St. Bonaventure: "No one can enter Paradise unless [s]he passes through Mary, who is the gate" Yours in Dea St John Kelliher Like most iconic Roman Catholic Marian (crypto-Deanic) formulations, the notion of Mary as Janua Coeli (Gate of Heaven) goes back far beyond Christianity and has a profound metaphysical significance. The picture that heads our Gates of Heaven Article is a traditional image of Mary as Janua Coeli.

The Gates of a Feminine Heaven

First of all, sorry for my poor english. I read your post about Janua Coeli: Heaven's Gates and I must say that not mentioning at all god Janus is a mistake, moreover when you try to explain where January gets its name from. I understand your point of view, it's necessary, but I think you should not negate the existence of 'the other', otherwise you are not doing any better than the 'patriarchal' point of view. Yin + Yang, feminine + masculine, addition instead of substraction, at least that is what think. One more time, my english is not good enough to express my ideas, but I hope the meaning is clear. Thanks for all! Thank you for your interest. The god Janus is named for the Gate of Heaven (specifically the northern gate). Our article was examining the fundamental ideas behind this - not one particular Western patriarchal tradition. To say that we are "not doing any better than the patriarchal point of view" is not really to the point. Patriarchal points of view are valid within their own "oeconomy". We have never said that patriarchal traditions are inherently wrong. Masculinizing the divine was a historical necessity for the patriarchal world. We do not follow that way, but we certainly do not say that Christians and others who follow patriarchal traditions are wrong. Yin and yang, within a feminine tradition are both feminine: the "blonde and brunette" or chelanic and melinic tendencies of the cosmos. This is the way we look at things as a purely feminine tradition, and we have the right spiritually to do so. We do not demand that others follow the same way, but this is our perspective.

A Nativity Story

A beautiful Nativity story is being serialized on a new website in the last few days leading up to the Holy Nativity of Our Lady. It is not a religious story (although we have been told that there may be a minor religious theme) but it is a story of people who celebrate the True Nativity and a lovely Disneyesque story everyone will love. Click below to see "The Dream Key".

With or without the Daughter

I have come across a few pages where a distinction between Filianism and Deanism is made. I have a few questions about it: What are the practical (meaning, devotional) differences between the two? And can a person feel more comfortable being one or another? I know that in Aristasia Pura no distinction is made, for both would be considered only Deanic Faith (or so I understood), but I feel somehow more inclined to the simpler devotion of Dea, and I felt these were very important things to ask. Thank you and Rayati All worshipers of God in Her original feminine form, as the One, Supreme Deity, are called deanists. Only those who have the specific doctrine of both Mother and Daughter (usually in Trinitarian form) are called Filianists. Practically, devotion to the Mother (which is sometimes called Pure Deanism) is, as you say, simpler. Much of the doctrinal content of our faith is associated with Filianism. However, there is not a sharp distinction between the two. The Daughter is seen as a particular way of seeing the Salvific aspect of the Mother and many Deanists who consider themselves simple Mother devotees regard the stories and teachings of the Daughter as found in The Gospel of Our Mother God to be a valuable aid to devotion without necessarily taking up a fully doctrinal Filianist position. Probably this "soft Filianism" is the most common position among Aristasian Deanists. But one needs to be aware that this is not as illogical as it might seem from the modern Western perspective, for we understand that the formulations of religion can never be more than aids to help our human understanding grasp that which is necessarily far beyond it. So whichever form of faith is right for you, please follow that. All that is truly needful is that you should love our Mother.

Death and Justice

There is still something that bothers me (here's my Catholic background coming out). At death, will 'good' people be treated the same as murderers, rapists, and other bad people? This is where the idea of a 'just' god makes sense. Thank you,
Deanists believe in the concept of werde, which means that the actions we take in this life, good or bad, have consequences in this life and beyond. There are many passages in Scripture that speak of the perils of evil. Here are two:
They that live in discord with eternal harmony; in discord shall they perish. Let her know that no creature gains good for herself by any harmful act; for every stone returns to she that throws it in the fullness of time. And the shaft that her hand releases shall fly a thousand years until it cleave her heart.
Yet we are also told that calling on the Mother or the Daughter and loving Her can save us from all ills. We must remember that all of us are fallen beings, and all need Her salvation. From a Catholic perspective, we may ask: do Filianists believe in "Purgatory"? Now in general, we would say, yes, definitely. In fact we would say that the Purgatory doctrine in Christianity is a way of bringing that religion closer to the universal beliefs of tradition - that maid does not only have one life followed by a judgment, but that she continues her journey. This is necessary because it is quite clear that most souls do not leave this life in a condition of perfection, or purged of all sinful tendencies. What we believe is that a soul may be taken into the Paradise of the Daughter, but this is not Final Union with Dea which is the true end of the journey for every being. We believe that every being must be saved in the end "even to the last blade of grass", for all things begin in Dea and all must end in Her. Nevertheless evil has terrible consequences for the soul in the meantime. Not because Dea wishes to harm us, but because in doing evil, we cause harm to ourselves. Can we escape this harm by devotion? We believe so, but only by true repentance. Why is this? Essentially because what is happening in our hearts is what determines our fate.
Does she not know that when her mortal body is passed into the earth she will have no place wherein to dwell save in that subtle body her thoughts have so misshaped, and among the forms of her creation?
In other words, if we think evil, we do evil, and so long as we have evil in our hearts, we carry that evil, and it will harm us. Even if we escape it in this life, it will pursue us and harm us as long as it is in our hearts. That is why only true repentance can free us from it.

The All-Protecting Daughter

I have been closely following this site for almost two years. I am ready to convert to the true religion -- the worship of Dea, our Mother God. I have read The Feminine Universe and recently began rereading the Holy Gospel. The Gospel is the most wonderful description of the Creation and the Tripartite Goddess. I have a problem -- I was raised Roman Catholic and deep in me there is still a belief in Jesus and in rejecting him and his teachings I will go to hell. This fear continually places raodblocks in my devotion to Dea. Is there any thing you can tell me to help me overcome this? Dea Be Praised,
One question you might ask yourself is: Do you believe all Buddhists are going to hell? Or all Hindus or Taoists or Jews? It is not long since Roman Catholics taught that all Protestants were damned (and vice versa). Recently such ideas have been increasingly dropped, perhaps in a spirit of pulling together against the rising tide of godlessness. This is good, but it certainly shows the - shall we be gentle and say pragmatism? - of these anathemata. We are not saying followers of the Abrahamic religions do not worship the true God. We believe they do. But we also believe they have overlaid Her pure devotion with political expediency and patriarchal cruelty and that this goes hand in hand with depicting Her in masculine form. We believe in a God who loves Her children and would never torture them to punish them for seeing Her incorrectly. We believe that the concept of a torturer-god is very much a case of man remaking God in his image. Let us shelter beneath the Mantle of She who says: "I have turned no creature from Me" and "None shall call upon Me and be lost".