There is still something that bothers me (here's my Catholic background coming out). At death, will 'good' people be treated the same as murderers, rapists, and other bad people? This is where the idea of a 'just' god makes sense.
Thank you,
Deanists believe in the concept of
werde, which means that the actions we take in this life, good or bad, have consequences in this life and beyond.
There are many
passages in Scripture that speak of the perils of evil. Here are two:
They that live in discord with eternal harmony; in discord shall they perish.
Let her know that no creature gains good for herself by any harmful act; for every stone returns to she that throws it in the fullness of time. And the shaft that her hand releases shall fly a thousand years until it cleave her heart.
Yet we are also told that calling on the Mother or the Daughter and loving Her can save us from all ills.
We must remember that
all of us are fallen beings, and all need Her salvation.
From a Catholic perspective, we may ask: do Filianists believe in "Purgatory"?
Now in general, we would say, yes, definitely. In fact we would say that the Purgatory doctrine in Christianity is a way of bringing that religion closer to the universal beliefs of tradition - that maid does not only have one life followed by a judgment, but that she continues her journey.
This is necessary because it is quite clear that most souls do not leave this life in a condition of perfection, or purged of all sinful tendencies.
What we believe is that a soul may be taken into the Paradise of the Daughter, but this is not Final Union with Dea which is the true end of the journey for every being.
We believe that every being must be saved in the end "even to the last blade of grass", for all things begin in Dea and all must end in Her.
Nevertheless evil has terrible consequences for the soul in the meantime. Not because Dea wishes to harm us, but because in doing evil, we cause harm to ourselves.
Can we escape this harm by devotion? We believe so, but only by
true repentance. Why is this? Essentially because what is happening in our hearts is what determines our fate.
Does she not know that when her mortal body is passed into the earth she will have no place wherein to dwell save in that subtle body her thoughts have so misshaped, and among the forms of her creation?
In other words, if we think evil, we do evil, and so long as we have evil in our hearts, we carry that evil, and it will harm us. Even if we escape it in this life, it will pursue us and harm us as long as it is in our hearts.
That is why only true repentance can free us from it.