Christine Kane:
"Ask yourself: What does 'thrive' mean to you?"
What does it mean today?
If yourself from a year from now were to visit you today, what one change would you really wish that you'd gone ahead and made?
"Thrive" is a key magic word for me. One simple spell I often do is to use it as a password for various accounts, websites, etc. I've long used the 9 of Pentacles as a meditation on this point.
But, first, you have to figure out what "thriving" means.
What does it mean to you?
Picture found here.
Post Script: I spent today at home, working w/ Landscape Guy and his crew, doing some serious practical magic in my yard. If you'd asked me some time ago what thriving would look like for me, today would have been a good examplar. I want to get Landscape Guy a really nice Greenman, either a plaque or a statue or a talisman. Not a tacky one. If anyone can suggest a source, I'd be grateful.