The Wheel of the Year in Glorious Technicolor
When started our long overdue Wheel of the Year series (we really need definitive guide to the Deanic year), we got out of the proverbial mothballs a chart of the Sacred Year that has been going around Deanic circles for easily two decades. In those days Deanic and Filianic material usually circulated as black and white photocopied pages.
Someone suggested that with the resources now at our disposal, a color version should be produced. She knew not what she asked. This turned into a rather mammoth task, but one we believe was well worth the effort. the structure of the year is made much clearer with this new version.
We do hope you will find it useful.
As before, just click the wheel to see it enlarged so that you can examine all details. Thanks to Heartbook for providing the server space for the expanded version - our provider does not allow graphics over 100 KB and the full-sized Wheel of the Year is much bigger than that.