
Some of the Other Angels

Many devotees of Dea are familiar with the names of the Seven "Planetary" Janyati. However, many of us have also heard mention of other Janati. I would imagine that there are many Janyati whose names we do not know. However, I would be interested in seeing a list of the names and characteristics of some of the other Janyati whose names are known to Aristasians. Thank you, Rt. Rev. Georgia B. Cobb The Seven Great Janyati are of course the primary ones, but there are several others. While we do not have an exhaustive list, some of the more important are: The three Werdes: Sai Maia, Sai Werde and Sai Kala, said to be daughters of Sai Thame. Sai Herthe Janya of hearth and home. Sai Annya the Janya of fire - very important in some forms of Deanism. Sai Ouranya Janya of the sky - often seen as an "emanation" of Sai Thame. Sai Vaya the Spirit as Wind or Breath - sometimes conceived as a Janya.