Well. We have a date, so that’s official.
We have a dozen incredible ritualists—so far—so that’s official.
I shall begin losing my mind any minute now, so that’s decidedly official.
What am I talking about? The Pacific NW Fall Equinox Festival at Ffynnon, Oregon.
If you are within reasonable distance of the area, do mark your calendars for Sept. 17-20, 2020. We will be celebrating the Festival of the Isia, a festival of the Lamentations of Isis and the Renewal of Osiris Beneath Her Wings. (And the renewal of all of us as well. I know I could use a little renewal right now. And more so as we get closer to November. You, too?)
If you are in the Portland area and would like to help, get in touch with me. Comment here, message on FB, or email me if you already have my address.

Fall equinox is (roughly) the time of the ancient festival of Khoiak, from Egyptian ka-her-ka, “sustenance upon sustenance.” It is one of the best-attested ancient Egyptian festivals. The festival revolved around the most well-known of the myths of Isis and Osiris: the story of His death, Her mourning, and Her resurrection of Him—along with the resurrection of the grain that would be the next year’s food stores, hence “sustenance.”
The 2020 Isia Festival will be our version of these ancient rites.
We will participate in the Lamentations of Isis—and have the opportunity to make our own personal laments. We will join the Goddesses and Gods in the Search for Osiris. We will participate in the Raising of Osiris and, with Him, be renewed Under Her Wings. Each day we will open Her shrine with beautiful rites, each night we will close it. There will will be meditations, offerings, and workshops throughout the festival that we can all take part in.
This blog started 10 years ago when we celebrated the Radiant Isis festival. I am so pleased to be able to celebrate another community-wide festival for Her this year. I hope you will join me Under Her Wings.