
Cuivanya, the Feast of Divine Life

Vikhedi the 17th of Abolan (Tuesday the 21st of September) is Cuivanya, the Feast of Divine Life. This is the true Earth Festival of the Filianic year, being the central feast of the Autumnal season which corresponds to the element of earth and the golden west. This feast celebrates the harvest, both for its abundance and also as a symbol of renewal, just as the previous Festival, Cuivanya - the Golden Festival - is the feast of Regeneration. these great Mother Festivals in some ways mirror the Daughter festivals of the other half of the year in their themes of death and rebirth. Earth, while viewed in a foolish and materialistic way by some people, does indeed have its place in religion. It signifies the abundance of Dea, who grants "both worldly enjoyment and Liberation", but also on a deeper level, it signifies the Mother as Ground of All Being. As the Scripture says: "Let her not trust the ground her feet are set upon and doubt the Ground upon which that ground stands". That Ground is, of course, the Mother, and ultimately the Dark Mother "Who was before the beginning and will be when all the worlds are ended" and is the Ground upon which all things stand.