And is it different than the time you exist in?
Here in the US, we just set our clocks back an hour, returning that daylight hour we borrowed in the spring. We all just decide to agree on this human-determined construct of time by which we will lead much of our lives until next spring.
There are rhythms of time that are natural, of course. The risings and settings of sun, moon, and stars. Sleeping and waking, eating and fasting. Some things cycle back eternally; the days, the nights, the seasons. Some things are experienced and do not return; like history. And yet, each cycle, when completed, becomes part of history. And every day in history was once part of a cycle.
Neheh, on the left; Djet on the right; Neheh is sometimes Heh (as you see here; there’s no “n” shown in His name label) and Djet is sometimes identified as Heh’s female counterpart, Hauhet
The ancient Egyptians had names for these two ways humans experience time. The great German Egyptologist Jan Assmann explains that the Egyptian concepts are based not only in these two types of time experiences, but also on the time system inherent in the ancient Egyptian language. He writes that, instead of a language that is based on three main tenses (past, present, future) as ours is, Egyptian is based on the idea of the thing in time being either perfected or not perfected. Assmann calls these perfective and imperfective.

Perfective time, the ancient Egyptians called djet time. When something is perfected and completed, it exists in djet. Neheh time refers to ongoing repetition and regeneration. (The regenerative aspect seems crucial to me; neheh isn’t just an eternal hamster wheel for us, but is the time in which all things are renewed and reborn.) The heavens exist in djet. The earth exists in neheh. The world of the Deities is djet. The human world is neheh.
Two Gods are representative of these time concepts: Osiris is djet and He has an epithet to prove it. He is called Wenennefer, “He Who exists in perfection.” Re, the Sun God, rises and sets each day in neheh time. The union of Osiris and Re each night is one of the Great Mysteries. It is by uniting with djet that neheh can continue. I should note as well, that the identification of Re with neheh time and Osiris with djet time is not exclusive. Each God is, in one text or another, also connected with the other type of time.
The perfection of djet is prior to the repetition and renewal of neheh, since neheh cannot perform its cyclical and renewing function without regular reconnection with djet. After death, the ancients wanted to enter into djet, the time of the Deities. The mummy was created as a perfect, eternal body for the dead. Moral perfection on the scales of Ma’et ensured passing the judgment of Osiris, joining Him in djet time.
Perfective and imperfective time aren’t the only ways scholars have translated and discussed neheh and djet time, as you can see from the graphic here. Quite a few have translated neheh as “time” because it is the everyday way humans experience time with its cycles and renewals of the days and seasons. Time is then paired with “eternity” for djet is perfected and unchanging—as westerners often think about eternity. Others have designated neheh and djet as “circular” and “linear” time, “ongoingness” and “completedness,” “all-time” and “not-time,” “eternal change” and “eternal sameness,” “infinity” and “everlastingness,” “the existent” and “the non-existent,” “temporal reality” and “changeless, atemporal reality.” All of which, I think, can help us start to wrap our brains around these Egyptian concepts. At least a little.
What can we do with these Egyptian notions in our desire for connection with Isis? Besides being interesting in and of themselves, are these ancient Egyptian temporal concepts of any help to us in our relationship with Her?
Perhaps we can answer the question in the title of this post? As a Deity, Isis exists in the everlastingness of djet time, right? But then do we not also experience Her in our world of changes? In the risings and settings of the sun, moon, and stars? In our daytime offerings and nighttime dreams? I keep coming back to the Great Mystery of Osiris and Re. Each needs the other. The cycles of the Sun God need to touch and unite with the Eternal to continue. The perfection of the Eternal needs to touch and unite with the forces of renewal to express itself.
I am just starting to explore this. I have more reading to do. But in the meantime, I’m going to try a little meditation to see what I can learn or experience.
Do let me know if you have any interesting intuitions, too.