Category Archives: Blessings to the Goddess

How to Practice Tapping Your Primal Energies to Unleash Your Creative Potential

Cosmic Space - the womb of the Divine Feminine

Your Primal Essence – the Divine Feminine

by Pamela Wells

Do you feel uninspired or even burned out in your life?

While you may want to be more creative, you may be blocked from expressing your creative impulses.

In our fast moving, technologically driven society, it is easy to be removed from our creative source. While technology was supposed to free us from mundane tasks and enable us to have more time and energy, but it seems to be sucking us into a vortex of never-ending distractions and division of our attention away from our source of creative energies and vitality.

We are free at any time to pause and recognize when we are uninspired and blocked from the flow of life force energy always available to us. This primal force is nature’s raw untapped energy. It contains every possibility of the One that is within all of us.

By regularly practicing tapping your own primal nature, you have the opportunity to recreate yourself again and again. This practice begins by releasing those resistances inside you that prevent you from accessing these energies. During the course of our daily lives and with the pressures and demands of personal and business responsibilities, we get caught up in all of these doings and forget about these essential energies in our being. Thus, when you begin to consciously let go of your need to control all the elements of your life, you will begin to step into the natural flow of life.

Every aspect of who you are contains these primal energies. However, there are certain areas in your being where such energies are blocked from flowing. A great way of releasing stuck energy is to sit down in a comfortable seat and allow yourself to settle your pelvis. It is very common to experience a pooling of blocked energy in the core of the pelvis, which results from distractions, demands, and the fast pace of a modern technological society. Indeed, when you are angry, fearful, anxious, or experiencing any other contractive emotions, you tend to have a commensurate lift in your whole pelvic floor. These rising energies in the pelvis leave you feeling unstable, insecure, and unsteady. Therefore, to bring balance, you can choose to align with these primal energies in your self and particularly in the pelvis, which are associated with feelings of security, safety, and stability. When you allow your pelvis to literally settle into the seat of where you sit, you contact something bigger than yourself. By re-anchoring yourself, you return to the source of your primal energies and you sit in your own nature.

When you have literally allowed yourself to settle into your deepest self, you access all of your potential. These primal energies are just that – raw energy that is vital and untapped. They have immense power.

Set a high intention for yourself that will invoke your potency. The higher the vision, the more that you access these vital energies. Often, when you limit what you desire to small, narrow and short- term goals, you restrict what you can harness inside. However, as you begin to realize that you can be a great offering to another person, cause, or something other than just yourself, these more potent primal energies become revealed.

As you invoke these primal energies through intention, then, it is the very process of shaping them, cultivating them, and then offering them to the world that becomes the creative act that we all inherently seek. By mining the depths of who we are, we have the opportunity to fashion the “core” that we find into jewelry – into something valuable. It is this continual practice of taking what is natural inside and then refining it such that it can be expressed and offered outside as something of value. This becomes the process of aligning who we are inside (nature) and how we act and offer outside (culture). This ultimately leads us to remember the source of ourselves and everything around us.

Instead of seeing ourselves and others as separate, as we connect with our primal nature and create from that deep place, we begin to see more clearly how One energy is expressing itself in infinite forms.

May you remember to pause, breathe, settle, and go to the depths of who you are.

Pamela Wells has been working as a fine artist, commercial illustrator and graphic web designer for over 20 years and specializes in creative work that leads to greater understanding and awareness. Her goddess art incorporates her interest in the study of transpersonal psychology, integral transformative spiritual practice and the evolution of human consciousness. She cares deeply about both men and women and also about the ecological preservation of the planet which benefits all living things. Pamela is available for custom soul portraits and design work. To order a copy of Pamela’s most recent book and card set, Affirmations for the Everyday Goddess,

The Mystery of the Moon – Nonlinear Mastery of Breath

Moon Mastery with Breath

By conscious breathing, you begin to synchronize all parts of your mind: the rational and analytical mind with the more intuitive and feeling mind.

The moon gives us the opportunity to reflect upon and bring a new awareness to our doing.

Our lives are busy and full of multitasking. We are rewarded in our Western culture for our achievements in the most efficient way possible. This forces a more linear and analytical approach to life. We can easily approach life only trying to be as productive as possible. So much emphasis on a life of doing squeezes out our deeper impulse to be creative and to add meaning to expressions of who we are.

The first step is to pause in all the doing, to take a deep breath and to smile. Let your breath be soft, clear and luminous – like moonlight. Allow any resistances to your creative self fade. This simple act of connecting with your breath helps you to realize that you’re the essential source and wellspring of creativity that is already deeply present. By conscious breathing, you begin to synchronize all parts of your mind: the rational and analytical mind with the more intuitive and feeling mind. Thoughts can begin to move beyond the linear to a more curvy and wavelike pattern. Optimally, when you really permit yourself to make a deep connection inside, you connect to a higher intelligence and then a bigger picture emerges. This opening takes you into the very depth of pulsation from which all of your thoughts and feelings come.

Feel yourself drop into this deep level of pulsation in your breathing. It is the pulsation of all living beings at the highest level and at the most microcosmic level. This pulsation takes you into your heart and balances the life of doing with a higher energy. Begin to align yourself with this pulsation. Feel the waves of this pulsation in the form of your breath. If you focus on the tip of your nostrils, you can sense the cool air entering on the inhalation and the warm air exiting on the exhalation. Continue this focus and this can take you deeper into a deeper alignment with the pulsation of life.

As you become more comfortable in the center of the pulsation, allow creative thoughts to emerge from these depths. This is the source of the deeper and “inner” wisdom. No longer bobbing on the surface, you are in the currents of pulsation. It is here that a deeper awareness can take place. It is at this level of being from which a shift to wholeness is re-inspired.

Take this higher perspective into your actions and expressions to enhance your life. Even if life is busy, there is always time to pause, to take a breath and to shift your awareness. These little moments of awareness throughout the day create openings of insight and allow for ease and flow.

All articles may be republished or printed providing author credit (above) and a a link is provided back to Please contact Pamela for permission to use artwork.