For thousands of years, symbols and colors have been used to represent and energize personal and spiritual power. My intention in my art is to draw upon symbols and colors from ancient sources to help people achieve their own purpose and intentions. I think of a work of art as something beautiful-and as an opportunity for the beholder to create a truly joyful and fulfilling life, through intention.
We can enrich our lives by surrounding ourselves with images and colors that reflect and support our desired inner state of being.”
-Dawn Gaskill
The images and concepts portrayed in Dawn Gaskill’s art bring a new level of inspiration, joy and creative energy to the fulfillment of your desires. By using her art pieces as a focal point or a touchstone, you will have a powerful tool for manifesting your intentions toward prosperity, health, career, love, family, relationships, personal growth and any aspect of your life. Dawn calls her art creations “Intentional Art” for a very good reason. Each piece Dawn creates is accompanied by a description of her inspiration and the symbolism held within the piece. She invites you to discover your own meanings as the images speak to you personally.
Dawn is a self-taught artist living in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Her gallery, Galeria Eclectica, is located in San Miguel at the Instituto Allende.
I recently had a chance to talk to Dawn and ask her some questions about her intentional artwork.
Pamela Wells: What inspired you to begin creating intentional art after spending many years as a successful corporate consultant?
Dawn Gaskill: As a corporate consultant I traveled throughout the world and studied many cultures and discovered a passion for color, texture, symbolism and art. The symbolism, images, ancient texts and belief systems from these different cultures are what inspired me the most. I was also blessed with a spiritual teacher who told me that while I had an enormous commitment to growing, learning and developing spiritually that I could choose those lessons coming through joy. It was a life changing moment to know that joy was a choice and in following my joy I discovered my passion for being creative and putting my vision into the world. So I am probably the only artist who wrote a purpose statement before ever creating anything!
PW: How wonderful for you to have had the opportunity to travel and develop spiritually! What is your purpose statement?
DG: To joyfully create beautiful art, product designs and environments that capture people’s imaginations, lift their spirits and nurture them in their daily lives. In a way that integrates ancient symbols from diverse cultures and belief systems into contemporary designs for use in homes and work environments that support their pursuit of personal and professional intentions so that they can accomplish their goals.
I believe that we can enrich our lives by surrounding ourselves with images and colors that reflect and support our desired state of being.
“For thousands of years, symbols and colors have been used to represent and energize personal and spiritual power. My intention in my art is to draw upon symbols and colors from ancient sources to help people achieve their own purpose and intentions. I think of a work of art as something beautiful-and as an opportunity for the beholder to create a truly joyful and fulfilling life, through intention.” -Dawn Gaskill
PW: I totally agree. How do you begin the process of creating your intentional artwork?
DG: I chant and meditate and paint the images that come through my meditations. I begin by integrating ancient symbols with contemporary materials and scenes to blend the old with the new to depict the oneness and continuity that underlies all life. Stories within stories are layered within each piece of mixed media artwork, bringing a fresh perspective to ancient designs and concepts.
Each piece is accompanied by a description of my inspiration and the symbolism held within the piece. I invite and encourage viewers to discover their own meanings as the images speak personally to them.
PW: You recently won an award for “Best in Show at INATS West by New Age Retailer Magazine. Could you tell us about that collection you had at that show you call Feng Shui Art?
DG: Yes. The Feng Shui art series is a collection of nine paintings that represent the nine aspects of the classical Feng Shui Ba Gua. Each painting contains the elements, trigram, number and shape, colors and symbols of specific aspiration in our lives. Each section represents the aspirations we all share and want to manifest in our lives. I sell these beautiful paintings in hand made journals and address books as well as greeting cards and fine art prints. People can use them to activate, enhance, and manifest their dreams in the areas of their lives which correspond to the powerful Ba Gua energy centers.
For instance, intentional focusing on the energy of “Wealth and Prosperity” could generate opportunities for increased income, raising money for charity, bringing fortunate blessings and an
abundance of good things into your life. The dragonflies in the artwork represent light, brightness and the color of transformation. The pineapples symbolize welcoming and hospitality, and invite good luck. The trigram Sun represents the wind spreading ideas and opportunities.
PW: There are so many other symbols we could talk about in your art. With this application of meaningful intention directed to improve and enhance our lives, we can achieve a lot. What I love about your artwork is you have mastered and understood the power of using symbolic imagery to support people in fulfilling their intentions, desires and aspirations. Your art extends the purpose of art to being more then just another pretty picture on someone’s wall.
DG: Yes, I believe we can enrich our lives by surrounding ourselves with images and colors that reflect and support our desired inner state of being. Placing objects of inspiration and special meaning in your home or office creates a positive, nurturing environment to enlighten your path and stir your soul. By integrating and activating the power of ancient symbols in art along with the creation of your own personal intentions, intentional art provides a way for people to realize dramatic changes in their everyday lives.
PW: So, how do we manifest our intentions with the use of power symbols in artwork?
DG: This is a very rich question. I actually provide my clients with an Intentional Space Guide that has a step-by-step process to assist them in creating and activating an intentional or sacred space in their home or office and uses the same ancient principles that are incorporated in my symbolic and intentional artwork. Briefly, here are some steps people can take to manifest their intentions: (to see Dawn’s full guide, go to her website DawnDesigns.com):
1. Set your intention and choices. Spend some time thinking about what you aspire to create or bring into your life.
2. Integrate your art and your intentions. Using artwork as a focal point or touchstone for activating your intentions in order to bring greater energy flow to these important aspects of your life.
3. Claim your intentional space. Use your art as a center point and identify the specific area that you want to claim as your intentional space.
4. “Enliven” your intentional space. Place a candle in a safe container and add it to your intentional space to energize and brighten the area.
5. State your intentions out loud.
6. Empower your intentions with sounds, mantras and prayers.
7. Joyfully ground your intentions in the present moment. Claim your intentions with the statement: “I stand in faith that it is already accomplished with ease and grace.”
8. Feel your fulfilled intentions. Allow yourself to fully experience what it feels like to have your intentions complete in your life.
9. Express your gratitude. Consider for a moment all that you are grateful for and state your gratitude out loud.
PW: Thank you Dawn for all your incredible insight and wisdom about intentional art’s importance in our lives. Did you have any additional comments about your artwork that readers’ would like to know about you and your artwork?
If you would like to learn more about Dawn Gaskill and how Dawn’s art can support you into joyfully attracting your intentions and achieving your goals in all areas of your life, visit Dawn’s intentional art website Dawn Designs. Dawn’s most recent creation is a new calendar called, “When Every Breath is Prayer.” The Calendar is a stunning collection of images from Dawn’s work that celebrates the path to the divine in many diverse cultures.
Dawn Gaskill is a self taught artist living in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Her gallery, Galeria Eclectica, is located in San Miguel at the Instituto Allende. As a corporate consultant to Fortune 500 companies, she traveled throughout the world and studied many cultures and discovered her passion for color, texture, symbolism and art. The symbolism, images, ancient texts and belief systems from these different cultures are the inspiration for her work.