
Can Anything Travel Faster than Light?

Recent observations at CERN, the world's largest physics laboratory, show certain sub-atomic particles traveling faster than light. Similar observations have been made in the past, but the margin for error allowed for the particles possibly traveling at sub-light speeds. The current observations are wholly unambiguous, and CERN scientists are asking other facilities to run similar experiments to confirm or refute their findings. This is important because the entire edifice of modern physics is based on the absolute limit of light-speed in the universe. If that is disproved almost nothing done since (and including) Einstein's work is any longer certain. A while ago we discussed the manner in which some scientists who really should know better treat "science" as a sort of faith. In this particular case Professor Stephen Hawking:
"The universe is governed by science", [Prof Hawking] states. Now clearly this is nonsense. The universe is not governed by science. Science is a human activity. The word means "knowledge", or literally vision. It has been narrowed since the 17th century to mean in the popular mind "knowledge of purely material things". Science (purely material or otherwise) may develop models and theories of how the universe works and the forces described by these models and theories may or may not govern the universe. The fundamental philosophy of empiricism on which all material science is based tells us that every theory is only a probability, never a certainty.
These recent findings are simply a very telling case in point. The CERN observations may or may not be proved correct. We have no vested interest in disproving the very foundations of modern physics. Considering the metaphysical significance of Light, there is every reason why it might well represent an absolute limit to the possibilities of manifestation. But what we all need to remember is that nothing in physical science can ever be more than a probability. New findings can overturn a century of "certainty" in a week. That is the nature of physical science and of the empirical method. Certainty and Truth (with a capital T) cannot ever lie in physical findings of any sort. Truth is a metaphysical concept and only metaphysics can ever provide it. To claim that science is certain of anything is to turn it into a pseudo-metaphysics. Which is bad metaphysics and bad science.