Divine Light Invocation is an unparalleled form of Spiritual Magick. It corresponds to rituals of Drawing Down the Moon, yet it is even more focused, and the Power of it is astonishing . . .
Divine Light Invocation is an unparalleled form of Spiritual Magick. It corresponds to rituals of Drawing Down the Moon, yet it is even more focused, and the Power of it is astonishing . . .
Wiccan Music has a special place in Wicca and Magick. Here are Wicca chants and music for rituals, Sabbats, magick spells, and transforming your life. Also WHY Witch songs are such powerful magick...
Wiccan Music has a special place in Wicca and Magick. Here are Wicca chants and music for rituals, Sabbats, magick spells, and transforming your life. Also WHY Witch songs are such powerful magick...
What are Wicca beliefs about Jesus? Wiccans don't generally expound on other religions. But people want to know the Wiccan position on Christian beliefs, such as Jesus, Hell, and Christianity...
What are Wicca beliefs about Jesus? Wiccans don't generally expound on other religions. But people want to know the Wiccan position on Christian beliefs, such as Jesus, Hell, and Christianity...
A solitary Wiccan is one who practices Wicca on her own. Or rather, in the sole company of the Divine. For many witches, that’s all the company she needs. Benefits and limitations of solitary practice
A solitary Wiccan is one who practices Wicca on her own. Or rather, in the sole company of the Divine. For many witches, that’s all the company she needs. Benefits and limitations of solitary practice
Thank you for appreciating Wicca-Spirituality.com and wanting to keep it alive! In deep gratitude for you as a member of the Wicca Spirituality Funders' Circle, I'd like to offer you these gifts...
Thank you for appreciating Wicca-Spirituality.com and wanting to keep it alive! In deep gratitude for you as a member of the Wicca Spirituality Funders' Circle, I'd like to offer you these gifts...
A Gift Economy: What if our economy was based on appreciation and respect rather than money? Money has for millennia served the illusion of separation and scarcity, but what options do we have…
A Gift Economy: What if our economy was based on appreciation and respect rather than money? Money has for millennia served the illusion of separation and scarcity, but what options do we have…
Want to become a Wiccan and not sure how to start, or maybe you're already a Wiccan and would like to deepen your connection to the Divine. Well thank goodness you found us, because that's exactly wha
Want to become a Wiccan and not sure how to start, or maybe you're already a Wiccan and would like to deepen your connection to the Divine. Well thank goodness you found us, because that's exactly wha
Every Witch or Wiccan should start their own Grimoire. A Book of Shadows is not something suited to mass production—it needs to be specific to you, and ideally containing...
Every Witch or Wiccan should start their own Grimoire. A Book of Shadows is not something suited to mass production—it needs to be specific to you, and ideally containing...
How do you use your Book of Shadows? What goes in it? This and the conclusion of the lesson... -- Part 6 of the Book of Shadows Lesson, A Year & A Day to Becoming a Wiccan
How do you use your Book of Shadows? What goes in it? This and the conclusion of the lesson... -- Part 6 of the Book of Shadows Lesson, A Year & A Day to Becoming a Wiccan
The first thing to do with your Grimoire is to purify and bless it. Purification removes any energy it's picked up; blessing puts good energy in... -- Book of Shadows Lesson Part 6, A Year & A Day
The first thing to do with your Grimoire is to purify and bless it. Purification removes any energy it's picked up; blessing puts good energy in... -- Book of Shadows Lesson Part 6, A Year & A Day
How to find, choose, make, prepare, and store your new Book of Shadows (Grimoire) -- Part 4 of the Grimoire Lesson, A Year & A Day to Becoming a Wiccan
How to find, choose, make, prepare, and store your new Book of Shadows (Grimoire) -- Part 4 of the Grimoire Lesson, A Year & A Day to Becoming a Wiccan
What IS a Book of Mirrors, and do you as a Wiccan need one? Find out the use and benefits of this complement to your Book of Shadows...A Year & A Day to Becoming a Wiccan Lesson 0 Pt 3
What IS a Book of Mirrors, and do you as a Wiccan need one? Find out the use and benefits of this complement to your Book of Shadows...A Year & A Day to Becoming a Wiccan Lesson 0 Pt 3
Every Witch or Wiccan should create their own Book of Shadows.Find out why & how to find or make, prepare, bless, & use a Grimoire & Book of Mirrors...A Year & A Day to Becoming a Wiccan Lesson 0 Pt 1
Every Witch or Wiccan should create their own Book of Shadows.Find out why & how to find or make, prepare, bless, & use a Grimoire & Book of Mirrors...A Year & A Day to Becoming a Wiccan Lesson 0 Pt 1
Using the 5 senses is fundamental to most spiritual traditions. Sacred scents are one way to awaken the sense of smell, and are an important part of Wiccan ritual . . .
Using the 5 senses is fundamental to most spiritual traditions. Sacred scents are one way to awaken the sense of smell, and are an important part of Wiccan ritual . . .