Author Archives: A Weblog for Our Mother God


Tamala, the final celebration of the Mysteries of Life season, is a three-day fire festival known as the Feast of the Dead. Festival fires include blazing bonfires and the flickering candles in turnip lanterns and carved pumpkins. A theme of the festival is re-connection with the spirits of the departed and the union of souls. Read about the inner meaning of Tamala


Tamala, the final celebration of the Mysteries of Life season, is a three-day fire festival known as the Feast of the Dead. Festival fires include blazing bonfires and the flickering candles in turnip lanterns and carved pumpkins. A theme of the festival is re-connection with the spirits of the departed and the union of souls. Read about the inner meaning of Tamala

Chelanya, Festival of Regeneration

Chelanya, the Golden Festival, opens the Mysteries of Life season and is the festival of regeneration. Celebrated on the cross-quarter day of summer, it marks the beginning of the harvest season, symbolic of the bounty of Dea. The image here is Ceres, the Roman mother goddess, with her particular motif of ripe grain. Note the snakes, also a symbol of regeneration from the shedding of their skin. Read more about Chelanya, the Golden Festival

Chelanya, Festival of Regeneration

Chelanya, the Golden Festival, opens the Mysteries of Life season and is the festival of regeneration. Celebrated on the cross-quarter day of summer, it marks the beginning of the harvest season, symbolic of the bounty of Dea. The image here is Ceres, the Roman mother goddess, with her particular motif of ripe grain. Note the snakes, also a symbol of regeneration from the shedding of their skin. Read more about Chelanya, the Golden Festival

The Exaltation of the Queen of Heaven

The final festival of the Easter cycle, falling half-way between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, celebrates the Daughter as Queen of Heaven. This ancient title reflecting Archetypal Reality has resurfaced in many times and places. This image depicts a garlanded icon of the Queen of Heaven from eastern Europe. Read more about the Exaltation of the Queen of Heaven

The Exaltation of the Queen of Heaven

The final festival of the Easter cycle, falling half-way between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, celebrates the Daughter as Queen of Heaven. This ancient title reflecting Archetypal Reality has resurfaced in many times and places. This image depicts a garlanded icon of the Queen of Heaven from eastern Europe. Read more about the Exaltation of the Queen of Heaven

The Lady of Heaven is Born

Best wishes for Nativity!

After the star brings the children of earth to the cave where the Daughter is born, and the princesses present their gifts, a beautiful voice fills the air, saying:

Her Name shall be called Inanna
For She shall be Lady of Heaven

And the star vanished from the sky and yet its light remained. And the shape of the light became a vision. And the vision was a vision of the Mistress of All Things, bearing in Her arms the Holy Child.

Read all about the Nativity of God the Daughter

Discover the mystery of the Epiphany

The Lady of Heaven is Born

Best wishes for Nativity!

After the star brings the children of earth to the cave where the Daughter is born, and the princesses present their gifts, a beautiful voice fills the air, saying:

Her Name shall be called Inanna
For She shall be Lady of Heaven

And the star vanished from the sky and yet its light remained. And the shape of the light became a vision. And the vision was a vision of the Mistress of All Things, bearing in Her arms the Holy Child.

Read all about the Nativity of God the Daughter

Discover the mystery of the Epiphany

The Festivals of Early Winter

The early winter festivals, the Commencement of the Advent and the Conception of the Daughter, prepare for the spiritual coming of the Daughter at the Great Feast of Nativity. This is in general a time of preparation both in decorating and gathering all things in readiness in physical terms and in preparing our hearts for the joyful season. The Feast of the Conception of the Daughter marks the transition between the two halves of the Sacred Year as Nativity approaches. Read more about the Advent Read more about the Conception of God the Daughter

The Festivals of Early Winter

The early winter festivals, the Commencement of the Advent and the Conception of the Daughter, prepare for the spiritual coming of the Daughter at the Great Feast of Nativity. This is in general a time of preparation both in decorating and gathering all things in readiness in physical terms and in preparing our hearts for the joyful season. The Feast of the Conception of the Daughter marks the transition between the two halves of the Sacred Year as Nativity approaches. Read more about the Advent Read more about the Conception of God the Daughter

Tamala and the End of Life

Tamala is a three-day fire festival known as the Feast of the Dead, when the barriers between the worlds weaken. Death is the last and strangest of the mysteries of life, and Tamala is the culmination of the Mysteries of Life season. Autumn leaves represent the death that opens the way to new life: the falling leaves die in splendour as the tree prepares for a new season. And so all things pass through their cycles. Read about the inner meaning of Tamala

Tamala and the End of Life

Tamala is a three-day fire festival known as the Feast of the Dead, when the barriers between the worlds weaken. Death is the last and strangest of the mysteries of life, and Tamala is the culmination of the Mysteries of Life season. Autumn leaves represent the death that opens the way to new life: the falling leaves die in splendour as the tree prepares for a new season. And so all things pass through their cycles. Read about the inner meaning of Tamala

The Fire and the Rose

The Fire and Rose season opens on the summer solstice with the High Feast of Rosa Mundi. The central theme of this festival is the ascent of maid to Heaven, the return of the soul to our Mother God, as the sparks of the traditional bonfires fly up to the sky. The rose garden symbolizes the perfect union of soul and spirit. Read more about Rosa Mundi

The Fire and the Rose

The Fire and Rose season opens on the summer solstice with the High Feast of Rosa Mundi. The central theme of this festival is the ascent of maid to Heaven, the return of the soul to our Mother God, as the sparks of the traditional bonfires fly up to the sky. The rose garden symbolizes the perfect union of soul and spirit. Read more about Rosa Mundi