Author Archives: A Weblog for Our Mother God

The Queen of Heaven

The three titles of the Divine Daughter are Princess of the World, Priestess of the World and Queen of Heaven. The May Day festival, the final festival of the Easter season, celebrates the Daughter as Queen of Heaven. The crowning of the Queen of Heaven is often reflected in celebrations by the crowning of statues or of a chosen May Queen. Read more about the Exaltation of the Queen of Heaven

The Queen of Heaven

The three titles of the Divine Daughter are Princess of the World, Priestess of the World and Queen of Heaven. The May Day festival, the final festival of the Easter season, celebrates the Daughter as Queen of Heaven. The crowning of the Queen of Heaven is often reflected in celebrations by the crowning of statues or of a chosen May Queen. Read more about the Exaltation of the Queen of Heaven

The Easter Season and the New Year

The Easter season follows the Daughter of Heaven as she takes the light of the Divine to the deepest of the places of darkness, dies and is reborn and ascends to become the Princess of the Earth, our Sovereign Lady, as recounted in Mythos of the Divine Maid. Easter Day is also the first day of Spring and the first day of the year, this time the year of Sai Raya, the janya who represents the golden Solar Principle and gives health, abundance and life to all creation. You can read more in All About Easter.

The Easter Season and the New Year

The Easter season follows the Daughter of Heaven as she takes the light of the Divine to the deepest of the places of darkness, dies and is reborn and ascends to become the Princess of the Earth, our Sovereign Lady, as recounted in Mythos of the Divine Maid. Easter Day is also the first day of Spring and the first day of the year, this time the year of Sai Raya, the janya who represents the golden Solar Principle and gives health, abundance and life to all creation. You can read more in All About Easter.

The Feast of Lights

The Feast of Lights, also known as Luciad, is the primary festival of the Daughter as Light Bringer, with her promise to bring Divine Light to every corner of the universe. It signals the beginning of the end of Winter and is the very first festival of the Easter season. Candles and snowdrops are associated with the day, reminders of the Daughter's gentle light. Continue reading about Luciad

The Feast of Lights

The Feast of Lights, also known as Luciad, is the primary festival of the Daughter as Light Bringer, with her promise to bring Divine Light to every corner of the universe. It signals the beginning of the end of Winter and is the very first festival of the Easter season. Candles and snowdrops are associated with the day, reminders of the Daughter's gentle light. Continue reading about Luciad

A blessed Nativity for all


We wish all our readers a happy and blessed Nativity. May your faith and joy be enriched through the coming year. The Birth of the Daughter is a universal Event that in one sense took place "before" time as we know it. In another sense it takes place constantly and sustains the universe in being. Both these things are hard for a time-bound being to grasp, and so – as in all such things – Dea has given us other ways to see it. We can see it as taking place annually, as part of the Cycle of the Year, and this is the way it manifests for us on this world.

Read all about the inner meaning of the season

A blessed Nativity for all


We wish all our readers a happy and blessed Nativity. May your faith and joy be enriched through the coming year. The Birth of the Daughter is a universal Event that in one sense took place "before" time as we know it. In another sense it takes place constantly and sustains the universe in being. Both these things are hard for a time-bound being to grasp, and so – as in all such things – Dea has given us other ways to see it. We can see it as taking place annually, as part of the Cycle of the Year, and this is the way it manifests for us on this world.

Read all about the inner meaning of the season


Tamala, the final celebration of the Mysteries of Life season, is a three-day fire festival known as the Feast of the Dead. Festival fires include blazing bonfires and the flickering candles in turnip lanterns and carved pumpkins. A theme of the festival is re-connection with the spirits of the departed and the union of souls. Read about the inner meaning of Tamala


Tamala, the final celebration of the Mysteries of Life season, is a three-day fire festival known as the Feast of the Dead. Festival fires include blazing bonfires and the flickering candles in turnip lanterns and carved pumpkins. A theme of the festival is re-connection with the spirits of the departed and the union of souls. Read about the inner meaning of Tamala

Chelanya, Festival of Regeneration

Chelanya, the Golden Festival, opens the Mysteries of Life season and is the festival of regeneration. Celebrated on the cross-quarter day of summer, it marks the beginning of the harvest season, symbolic of the bounty of Dea. The image here is Ceres, the Roman mother goddess, with her particular motif of ripe grain. Note the snakes, also a symbol of regeneration from the shedding of their skin. Read more about Chelanya, the Golden Festival

Chelanya, Festival of Regeneration

Chelanya, the Golden Festival, opens the Mysteries of Life season and is the festival of regeneration. Celebrated on the cross-quarter day of summer, it marks the beginning of the harvest season, symbolic of the bounty of Dea. The image here is Ceres, the Roman mother goddess, with her particular motif of ripe grain. Note the snakes, also a symbol of regeneration from the shedding of their skin. Read more about Chelanya, the Golden Festival

The Exaltation of the Queen of Heaven

The final festival of the Easter cycle, falling half-way between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, celebrates the Daughter as Queen of Heaven. This ancient title reflecting Archetypal Reality has resurfaced in many times and places. This image depicts a garlanded icon of the Queen of Heaven from eastern Europe. Read more about the Exaltation of the Queen of Heaven

The Exaltation of the Queen of Heaven

The final festival of the Easter cycle, falling half-way between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, celebrates the Daughter as Queen of Heaven. This ancient title reflecting Archetypal Reality has resurfaced in many times and places. This image depicts a garlanded icon of the Queen of Heaven from eastern Europe. Read more about the Exaltation of the Queen of Heaven