The Gods refill our aquifers. We collect moisture from the world around us in daily life, which life, directly from Jord, draws up its precious fluids from deeper wells. We make our nest, our stores, our provisions ; wisely we build our caches and cisterns, and even more wisely fill them gradually on our own. (Such cisterns may be the circle of arms around which we give and pass gifts.) But from time to time in the vicissitudes, we run low, and then, if we have been good (not perfect, good) and aimed at worthy deeds, the Gods may share a little extra from their stores. Then we feel the flow of goodness that is reward for being true to our hearts and soul. Soul, which connects to the soul of world and is thereby nourished by good deeds in the world. We must feel the flow up from the Mother, and sometimes to feel it, we must defend her children, who are through her, our brothers and sisters. There's no avoiding that implication, and why would we want to? There's love that is natural to our heart that springs up within us when good parents teach us how to tap that flow by loving us ; then, we may direct that flow to Earth when we see how much She, Beloved Mother, loves us. Let us do the Worthy merit.