So many folks I know are going through something right now. I’m not talking about The State of the World. (That’s a whole other difficult story.) I’m talking about personal things that loom large in our own lives. Health. Family. Huge decisions. Scary changes.
Maybe it’s just spring?
Because as beautiful and as welcome as each spring is, there’s also something unsettling about it. Everything is roaring to get going. But we’re not quite there yet. And we can’t quite move yet. Do you feel it, too? I know I do.
So you may be wondering, “Where is Isis in all this?”
She is here.
As She has always been.

And She is listening.
Isis is one of the Deities particularly known to hear our human cries, to hear our prayers. She is called the One Who Listens. In ancient texts and on temple walls, Isis is She Who Hears Petitions; Who Hears the Petitions of Millions. She is particularly known to come at the invocation of Her devotees: Isis is She Who Comes to the Calling; people Call to Her in Every Place. A graffito from Thebes says, “O you of all lands, call to Isis, the Great Goddess, She listens at every moment!”
Why then does She not snap Her magical fingers and make it all go away? Because that’s not how it works. Whatever we are going through, these are our problems to solve. And we will solve them—with a little help from our friends.
Isis reminds us that we are each a feather in Her Wings, the blood in Her veins, an extension of the magic in Her heart and in Her hands.
This is a time not to neglect our connection with Her. Meditate, make offerings, chant. She invites us to let our souls fly to Her and be enfolded in Her Wings. “Bring your heart to Me,” She says. “Speak pain. Speak truth.” She will take us as we are right now.
For She listens. And She hears.